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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58025002 No.58025002 [Reply] [Original]

***Re-post of original as we ran out of bumps****

It's common knowledge at this point that base chain is going to be one of, if not the biggest, alt chains as soon as retail gets onboarded with smart wallets. That being said I am here to offer you gems that i think will yield multitudes in the coming year.

The first is LOBO. LOBO is a meme coin that launched about 2 weeks ago and you might have seen it shilled here when it was around 10k MC and rose to as high as 400k before sinking back down to around 70-100k range. This not your typical memecoin as it goes for the more traditional approach and appeal towards retail. The liquidity is burned, token is non mintable, contract is renounced, no airdrops/presales and it has an updated dextools with revamped website(seriously check it out)

The main reason I am bullish about this coin is because of the dev. He has a unique meme that has potential massive appeal, completely open and transparent and frequently interacts in the tg and has some serious connects to a large CEX. He also is in the works of making his own DEX for base chain and that is just one of many plans he has for this coin. There are rumors circulating that some large whale has a connection to shillers who will advertise this coin. If this coin gets enough traction and volume, with the devs connect to a large CEX, you can imagine what this means for the future, TG is 100+ strong with lots of biz frens chilling in a comfy atmosphere

>> No.58025003

Is that the new J-hair rapist?

>> No.58025006

Part 2
My other play is CATINME, also on base chain. This coin was more or less dead until someone who worked on the toshi project, who brought it up to where it is now, stepped in and took over. Single handedly bringing the coin from 30k mc to a record 1.3 mil MC ATH, the leader continues to forge new connections and is committed to making this the greatest cat meme coin on the base chain. They have a dedicated community of almost 400 people sharing the same goal.

The coin like lobo, has 0 tax, burned liquidity, non-mintable features and no airdrop/presale whales. The coin has a website a tg and a twitter that is being updated. Some of our members have connections to influencers who have agreed to shill the coin if it breaks 1mil MC and another large twitter influencer agreeing to buy in if it breaks the 2mil MC mark. The coin is currently holding strong at the 400-500k mark, something unusual for a base meme coin. I don't think i need to tell you what happens when those influencers hold up their end of the deal and shill on top of the fact that the leader has toshi connections.

If you want to invest in a project that is not ran by jeet devs and actually has a serious future on the base chain, then I would heavily consider investing into these. If you want to either hold, jeet or fade, that is your choice, but don't say no one shills gems on biz anymore. These are my two biggest plays for the entire bullrun.

CA for LOBO: 0x4e98b3917310b0E1F0d53C0619f87FE48dEB804b

CA for CATINME: 0xa182C48d6e89A65499801EFd0DF40E4e9aAD367c

You can find the socials of both coins on dextools/screener.

If you got questions, feel free to ask and i'll get to them if im around. Thank you for coming to my ted talk

>> No.58025019

Thoughts on RIKU?

>> No.58025027

Lol no retail will bother with defi retard. Most memecoins are actually flourishing on Solana right now

>> No.58025039 [DELETED] 
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will do easy 10x, probably much more.

Just Launched on BASE. This is your chance to be early.


>> No.58025066

It's common fucking knowledge that EARNFI will make you rich!

>> No.58025073

God I hate the base logo. It sucks to see it a bunch of times in catalog its like an eye sore

>> No.58025076

Guys we all need to band together and revive Big chungus BIG. I believe in our strengths if we work together instead of dumping on each other.
Also here’s a random list of coins I’ve put $50-100 in hopes it does something. Let me know some opinions.
big chungus (BIG)

Thinking about throwing something at HOPPY. Thoughts? And give me some more suggestions.

>> No.58025091

Thoughts on LINU?

>> No.58025094

8K market cap
In comparison Brett is trading at 300million market cap
Only created a day ago
This is the floor here
CA 0x1B1cbFf8C5c3D64efEDeCa79F761dBc4f9539d10

>> No.58025097

Avi (coming to base)

>> No.58025102
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>> No.58025106

Man today was a crazy day. We started from 100k mc when this thread was originally started and went as high as 2.3 mil MC. A new exchange has been offered and is in the works, we had a massive call out from a shiller group and some influencers jumped on board. Had a bit of a hiccup cause some jeet nigger from 4chan decided to dump his entire bag at our peak for 30% price impact and then ran off like the little cockroach he is.

Despite all that, we have quickly recovered and are consolidating around 1 mil mc, which is insane considering where we were just a week ago. This coin has so much more planned and in store, so if you are a non jeet that doesnt have adhd and can actually hold and shill, come join the tg. We're sitting at 200+ members now with a really comfy vibe of biz frens.

CATINME has been consolidating around the 40-50 cent range despite the attack of the jeets but our resilience is showing. Large influencer bought in and agreed to shill it if we break the 1 mil MC threshold. More news to come soon

>> No.58025118

yeah bro, coinbase just sunk millions of dollars into developing the base network, smartwallets and a collective effort to onboard the non existent retail right? Stay poor

>> No.58025179

>malinvestment never happens
malinvestment is increasingly common and incredibly likely status quo for the shitcoin space. Coinbase just blindly assumed alt scam season could keep repeating forever with no diminishing returns. They don't have elite insider info on what consumers will want to do or not do in the future. They will be as surprised as you to get diminishing returns on altcoiners panhandling the shit token they just created five minutes ago with zero effort.

>> No.58025214

Im sure a rando on 4chan knows more than one of the biggest companies in the world. Maybe i should listen to you for financial advice anon!

>> No.58025785

Thanks for the lobo shill, made some profit and left a moonbag. How many xs do you think it can do?

>> No.58025806
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing, Buying more $BRETT

>> No.58026105

honeypot scam

>> No.58026272

if it sticks around then could easily go to 100m in full bull run
there seems to be a phase these memecoins go through where if they survive then can go bigger
one thing i do like with lobo is that the dev is committed and is building a dex, maybe other features
these things are scammy often but they do onboard people, drive activity on the chain and some even do good by building features from the 'funding' they got

>> No.58026358

feeling like gambling a little
maba seems obvious
boughted the normie dip
boughted some dwell
what else lads?

>> No.58026376

booughted some jizze too

>> No.58026398

look into DWELL

normies and degens will both be aping in and dev is fat and burnt the lp

>> No.58026410

Bought a small bag of LOBO and MOCHI. I've got high hopes for Base in general desu, has a lot of room for growth in the long run.

>> No.58026414
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sitting comfy with my basebonk bags.
over 10m bonkers reflected already.

>> No.58027136

anyone in boba
just launched less 25 mins ago

>> No.58027212
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RIKU about to blast off to new highs. If it experiences the same growth it did yesterday, it will double its marketcap in a day and touch $10M MC. Ridiculously bullish.

>> No.58027219

Only sane person here, solid picks and one meme.

>> No.58027362

already 600k mcap hour after launch

How do you detect this shit

>> No.58027424

A fellow basebonker!

>> No.58027618

saw it on dexscreener

>> No.58027720

Bought some DWELL

>> No.58027782
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NiggerFaggotTranny (Ticker: NFT)
Best play

>> No.58027786

Just bought some of this, it’s in a bull flag formation so I got it for a bit cheaper than 600k. I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes to 5m.

>> No.58027792 [DELETED] 

I am stuck for $1.5k to complete my graduation. Can any anon help me out?

>> No.58027863
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comfiest hold on base right now.