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58014919 No.58014919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's an ongoing r*ssian psyop to make european and american gen z people refuse to fight a potential war with r*ssia for their nations and people
How do I profit from this?

>> No.58014938

>muh russian boogeyman
2016 called…

>> No.58014943

He's right though.

>> No.58014950

Invest in funkopops

>> No.58014952

Get fucked, Neville.

Liberty shall prevail. Short anything related to Russia, including Elon Musk stocks.

>> No.58014994

The russians didn't need to do much. "Our" own "people" have done this to us

>> No.58015048

Russia is the biggest threat for the Eastern European countries.
Baltics and Poland have said it all the years but nobody listened us before russians started the boogaloo in 2022.
I really hope Western Europe wakes up and we get normal funding for the military industrial complex once again.

>> No.58015067

how did russia trick the entire american establishment from the government, to the university system, to the media, to entertainment to all act in lock step like this to be so unappealing? how can they all be in on in working for russia to pretend to be so reprehensible? is russia some kind of super genius puppet master?

>> No.58015070

the west has a standing professional military with trillions of dollars invested and billions more pouring in every month. if they can't beat russia of all shitholes without a draft, they are incompetent and don't deserve to rule anything

>> No.58015077

I want Israel to leave

>> No.58015087

>please fly around the world and save us again Captain America

>> No.58015099
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Don't get caught up in bullshit, or emotionally or mentally attached to bullshit. "muh russia" is irrelevant bullshit and so is "muh nato" and "muh ukraine", "muh putin" and "muh zelensky", etc. It's ALL total cancer. It's all jewish, everything about it, and it's all anti-White aka anti-European. It's all tools of the jews, and all tools of the jews is the enemy of the Native European aka White race.

To OP, if you want to kill Russians that's fine but don't do it because of some pro-EU pro-NATO propaganda or because of their nationality (nationality is irrelevant, all that matters is blood and soil), do it because they're Easterners and because the East has been the enemy of the Native European race for thousands of years.

>> No.58015103

Trust me, Russia didn't need to do anything to psyop Americans into hating their own government and most of their fellow countryman. Every vet I know talks relentless shit about the military, and it's only gotten worse since any of them were enlisted. The US military is more interested in pronouns than being an effective fighting force

>> No.58015120

what good are foot soldiers in a war between two nuclear armed powers?

you can't win a nuclear win. all this shit stirring is designed to provide justification for a bloated military budget, most of which is essentially stolen by private military contractors. the little defense equipment they end up producing is then shipped off to Israel and Ukraine, coincidently the only two states in the world with Jewish leaders.

>> No.58015135

You are mentally ill.

No matter what, it's amazing how Democrats became the face of American dominance, and Republicucks "ugh we care about jobs and borders let russia and china have whatever they want!!!". It's the complete opposite of how it always been.

>> No.58015140

Take your meds faggot. Mommy will be mad if you don't.

>> No.58015144
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Jooz are the biggest threat

>> No.58015149
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BlackRock can convince the diversity crowd. You've done nothing but fuck me over and degrade our sense of self, wealth, masculinity, income, opportunity, security, stability, homestead. I can't even post a picture of a fucking frog without being called a domestic extremist.

This will blow up in your faces, fedbois. And it won't be Russia, it will be of your own creation.

>> No.58015153

>fighting in a war
Yeah, fuck off. At least us zoomers are smart enough to not give away our lives for people ul top who don't give a shit about us. You slave morality boomers can fuck off

>> No.58015155

Fuck off kike

>> No.58015178

All your politicians suck Jewish cock day and night, while you have wet dreams about Jews every night. If you really care about them ruling your life, do something about it, instead of bitching about it online, you miserable faggot.

>> No.58015179

And the country is dying at a totally irreconcilable pace? What is your point? Nobody respects America on the world stage

>> No.58015180

The fucking 1870s, 1880s, 1900s 70s, 80s. The same playbook. 2 minutes of hate.

>> No.58015225

lol did I I hit a nerve rabbi?

>> No.58015251

>And the country is dying at a totally irreconcilable pace?
Citation needed. America is outcompeting any of its competitors. Much better than expected 10 years ago.

There are less than 1000 j*ws in my country. It's your politicians pledgin allegiance to isr*el you low iq flatearther, anti-vaccine, low iq amerishart.

>> No.58015262

fuck off boomer

>> No.58015275

we are at war with eurasia, not eastasia now idiot

>> No.58015279

Wow what are the odds that I’m speaking to one of the 1000 in your country. I should buy a lotto ticket.

>> No.58015316

>Russians are making Europeans and Americans not want to die for Ukraine
Based Russians

>> No.58015340

so you live in some backwater shithole? Why would you offer your opinion on the internet when it's worthless?

>> No.58015341

good russia is based and i hope they conquer the entirety of europe and move onto america after. by then all the whites will happily form an alliance with ruskis to eradicate all third world dipshits.

>> No.58015363

If they come all the way to Croatia I will try to remove them with extreme prejudice.
And the Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Albanians, Serbs and Bosniaks that infested Croatia in the last 18 months. And Gypsies.
And most of the politicians, burarocrats, and their kids, wives, moms, friends.

This would resolve some corruption problems, and make room for younger blood to take over.
Probably would kill tourism, and kill the overpriced real estate prices so young couples could maybe move in for less. Tourism would need 15 years to recover, war would help with some demolition of unwanted structures, with potential to rebuild.
Also a huge change and crisis could be an avenue for some actual deep political reform. Like only people over 30 that work in the private sector can vote. No pensioners, no aparatchki, no public healthcare nurses or people that live on the dole. No vote for you

>> No.58015389

muh russia

>> No.58015391
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Still not dying for israel
I have no desire to kill fellow white men.
I will exclusively, yet enthusiastically, sign up to ultraviolently terminate negroes of various variety and remove their presence from European soil.

>> No.58015407

The blame rests on NATO

>> No.58015505

Copy stuff from western devs and host it in Russia. No western legal team can prosecute and Russia will only laugh at the west as their international copyright laws are violated.

>> No.58015623

They don't do this for our benefit. They do it so they can play conquering Europe slowly but surely. This will also not at all benefit America.

>> No.58015846
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>Fiat currency central banking is the biggest threat for the Eastern European countries.
>Austrians and Basedbros have said it all the years but nobody listened to us before central bankers started the WWIII-prelude in 2022.
>I really hope humans wake up and we defund the central banking cartel once again.
couldn't agree more

>> No.58015869

Over half of the european gen z isn't european and wouldn't sign up to fight anyway.

>> No.58015895


>> No.58015896

>Over half of the european gen z isn't european
aight i get your sentiment but lets chill

>> No.58015951

>Russians conquering Europe
Are you in your 50s? Russia has lost like half of its military in ukriane without a single nato boot on the ground.

>> No.58016008

>Thinking there needs to be a psyop
If it's in effect, it's entirely superfluous. Actual national pride was turned to career and social poison, with only 'diversity is our strength' fag nationalism allowed.
Deep racial shame drilled in during school, a constant sell out of their future and a constant flood of third worlders, a lot of them dead certain they will never own a home and a decent chunk never gaming had a relationship.
There is no culture for them to anchor to, there is nothing for them to fight for.
This, my country labelled my people as an enemy of progress, I work corporate and hear faggots say 'pale, stale and male' and no one riots, a billion dollar company and a third of the workforce has been outsourced to India so far.
This Anglo nation is dead, it's just a physical location now, I have no more love for it than a bus stop.

To the third worlder shill,
Kill yourself, you're terrible at the role you're meant to be playing.

>> No.58016114

Don lemon, that you? What’s anderson coopers ass taste like?

>> No.58016194

Send the "new europeans" instead, cause I'm not going.

>> No.58016216

No russian tried to vaccinate me and turn me into a second class citizen.
Fuck zogbots and fuck brother wars.

>> No.58016506

im not dying for zog that has done nothing but import 3rd worlders to my homeland for the last 40 years
i hope the russians burn this place to the ground

>> No.58016515

>fellow white men
Ok. How about some mongol mutts?

>> No.58016686

There are a lot more russian bots on biz than I expected

>> No.58016700

>russian bots
why do you mongs use this phrase? it means nothing, not wanting to get your limbs blown off by a drone in some ukrainian bog doesnt make someone a "russian bot"
all the faggots wanting war are the first ones to wish for peace once the bombs start dropping

>> No.58016701

>Russia is the biggest threat for the Eastern European countries.
i couldn't care less about them
weren't they russian empire anyway?

>> No.58016736

are the russians running independent media channels on youtube that report accurately? because that's why i'm not fighting for this israel puppet state

>> No.58016841

The 'mongol mutts' is a narrative pushed by the jews to make whites kill eachother by making the russians look nonwhite. Nobody is buying your bullshit kike. Military enlisting is at record lows in NA and EU and it will keep dropping until it reaches 0. Go suck a dick!

t. NATO member

>> No.58016879

>muh russia
We should be at war with mexico.

>> No.58016975

The fact that soft as fuck, retarded, entitled feeling, lazy, semi tranny millennials will fight the future wars of the west should scare the living shit out of all of us.

>> No.58017051

She lost.

>> No.58017073
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Would you rather be taken as a POW by the Russians, or by some mentally insane American tranny or Furry and kept in their sex dungeon?

>> No.58017111


Lmao it sounds like Macron pussied out of his latest warmongering tantrum he was throwing about Russia.

Eurolemmings won't and can't do shit about Ukraine losing. The political leadership of Europe seems more demented than even Joe Biden, so they will continue to do little more than their incoherent pants-pissing tantrums.

>> No.58017145
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>the troons
>the pro-planistine protesters
>mass immigration into 1st world
>incel propaganda
any and all disruption is probably being perpetrated by russia, china or north korea.
google knows where over 80% of phishing attacks come from. its a government organization. (russia or china).
You will wake up one day and realize the war started years ago.

>> No.58017179

Why would it? "Muh west" doesn't fight wars that have anything to do with the interests of its citizens. Any future war would probably be one of desperate aggression coming from the political elite parasite class. I want the clown empire to be weaker, because its only relation to me is that unfortunately it rules over me. I'd rather it fall even if a lot of turmoil comes with that.