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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58014029 No.58014029 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? I thought it would be the next big thing but it’s underperforming. Should I make another purchase on the dip?

>> No.58014086

The play was buy at $3 and airdrop farm then get the fuck out. Airdrops are now gone, and all that is left is insane inflation. You will get caught holding infinite bags if you sit on this too long.

>> No.58014089

it's going much lower than this. sell, wait for the third or fourth dip, and get in, but still not that worth it

>> No.58014137

The play is celeatia adjacent cpins like Manta, Dension, Alt layer, Hyper ect you get from staking TIA or pretending to stake TIA and buying the airdrops when dumped.

>> No.58015268
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I have the exact same question. I sold a ton of it yesterday, afraid of this dip. I thought it would rally in the past week, but no.

Additionally, I am wondering if time is running out to an extent because:
1) already massive MC
2) massive unlock coming in October
3) no more airdrops??

>> No.58015522

lets say there are 1B tokens

vc gets 75% and they're locked for years right?
yes but they are staked and the inflation is 15%

vcs get 750M*0.15 = 112,5M tokens each year which they are allowed to sell lmao


study juno, evmos, all cosmos chains price and market cap action

>> No.58015562
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There are a lot of airdrops coming for TIA stakers. We've already had DYM and Alt Layer and it's only March. I'm the most excited about Hyper. It's a ETH modular zk L2 for gaming. The ETH L2s wars haven't even started yet and all the top coins use Celestia. It's like being plugged into alpha on what projects are being developed and then getting a bag for free just because you stake Celestia. Even if you don't want to hold Celestia at least PRETEND like you do so you can be aware of the projects being developed and their airdrop dates. There is always a good buying opportunity after the coin airdrops and some people dump their airdrop like getting Manta at $2. I'd hold, stake and claim every airdrop you can. If the coin touches grass at $8 I'd load up my bags.

>> No.58015704
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>ETH modular zk L2 for gaming
holy fuck I couldnt possibly be more bearish

>> No.58016295

Thanks anon. The breakdown is greatly appreciated.

>> No.58016603

The train has passed. Sat bleed into oblivion now.

>> No.58016685

That's why it's scary to buy VC coins with sub 10% circulating supply, TIA/SUI/ARB etc, All can perform very well until they pull the plug and dump relentlessly

>> No.58016695

VCs completely ruined new projects this cycle, Every single one of them is hyper inflationary and already hit $20B total supply valuation on launch, They perfected the scam and give retail no chance at all to profit from fresh protocols

>> No.58016793
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Then sell all crypto and go back to r/normalfaggot

>> No.58017423

I'm also quite concerned about TIA. I bought the absolute top and idk if I can stomach selling at a 33% loss. With that said, I have a third of my bag set to sell at 17.5 because... god damn it's just sitting there, wasting time. I'll probably put it into PEPE.

>> No.58017467

Stake it in a keplr wallet and earn 14% on it to lower your cost of entry. Sell in the crypto cycle top for $200 or whatever the coins price will be

>> No.58017770

Validator recommendations?

>> No.58017908

It's fucking shitcoin that only pumped because muh airdrops for staking
Now all staking niggers are locked in and can't sell without withdrawals
This will be dumping only

>> No.58017936

Any as long as it's not a CEX. Stakecito is good.