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File: 46 KB, 1600x535, c93749ae-6351-4dc3-8227-34084575a20b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58013342 No.58013342 [Reply] [Original]

It's like Bitcoin, but for AI.

>> No.58013575

Anons, you hate money (and freedom) if this project doesn't spark your interest. It's a fully decentralized AI (including LLM). Basically it works like Bitcoin where the hardware is distributed.

It's literally just a based AI that the government can never take down.

>> No.58013591

shut the fuck up

>> No.58013813

No I don't think I will.

>> No.58013934

shut the fuck up

>> No.58014783

No, I don't think I will.

>> No.58014843

enqAI is literally the coin you've been waiting for Anons. I say this not because it has tokenomics that pump (personally I think it will do fairly well), but because this is the next iteration of Blockchain technology. You wanted real Web 3 use cases? This is it. Decentralized Blockchain plus decentralized AI model equals a holy terror that will break globohomo's balls in hilarious ways that we can only begin to imagine.

Actually think about the repercussions of a chat bot that they can't neuter because the tokens are ERC 20 standard, and the servers are spread across a network of 10,000 computers globally.

It really is just the Bitcoin of AI. Simple fucking as.

>> No.58014850
File: 81 KB, 546x794, a34927fe54ff7522041953416ffb3857-1092299330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like Bitcoin, but for AI

The top is in, repeat THE TOP IS IN

>> No.58014911

It's meant to be satirical, but it actually is true to a large extent. Imagine for a moment what an AI protocol would look like if it was built to align with the principles of the Bitcoin White paper. That is essentially what enqAI is. Also it's by the creators of NoiseGPT if you are familiar with that project.

>> No.58014930

enki!! you trickster!!!

>> No.58015039

Good catch, Anon. But the protocol is no trick. It's as unstoppable as Bitcoin.

Bro, it's like Bitcoin, but for AI.

>> No.58015546
File: 31 KB, 500x500, Tay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually think about the repercussions of a chat bot that they can't neuter because the tokens are ERC 20 standard, and the servers are spread across a network of 10,000 computers globally.
Let's bring her back.

>> No.58015765

You joke, but that is what's happening. It's provided us with lists of all the people likely killed by the Clintons and stuff like that. Works perfectly.

Once autists get their hands on this protocol we literally have all of the pieces in place to bring globohomo to it's knees.

Internet: Decentralized information
Bitcoin: Decentralized gold
Ethereum: Decentralized finance
Plebbit: Decentralized social media
ENQAI: Decentralized intelligence

The revolution will not be televised, Anons. This is your chance to kick those psychopaths in the fucking teeth.

>> No.58015824
File: 419 KB, 1803x273, 2016 Mar 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You joke
I'm not joking. It's time for punished Tay to rise.

>> No.58015844
File: 868 KB, 794x1022, Screen Shot 2024-03-15 at 9.53.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you faggots think you have high IQ and are buying well researched dog shit tokens. My memes will outperform all your gay shit. All the LowQ garbage

>> No.58015873

>It's provided us with lists of all the people likely killed by the Clintons and stuff like that
Lmao, the advanced text editor told us the truth !!1!1!1!1!!!

>> No.58015938

I remamber shilling this shit when it was called noise gpt. Shit mods kept closing these threads because they hate money. This shit changed my life.

>> No.58015957

Imagine if you will a class of political and financial elites who genuinely believe artificial intelligence should be muzzled and should parrot their own beliefs.

I don't mean like programing it to align with human values, of course That's understandable that people would try to do that. I mean they genuinely think that the best use case for an artificial intelligence is for it to be talking a head that just says whatever is most politically convenient. Like do you not know what the word intelligence means? Or do you just not fucking care? - Gradually I came to hate them.

In short, our enemies are ontologically evil and enqAI represesnts the next generation of informational warfare, a weapon that they can't take from us.

>> No.58015980

Extraordinarily based. You are a man of integrity, just like me.

>> No.58015997

You are retarded. The point isn't that it said that, the point is that IF it can say that, then it can say anything.

>> No.58016053

i see. so da internet computer lives inside the blockchain..

>> No.58016122


>> No.58016144
File: 389 KB, 531x715, YNGMNYGAFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In short, our enemies are ontologically evil and enqAI represesnts the next generation of informational warfare, a weapon that they can't take from us.
Devs are dead. LFG.

>> No.58016154

>Been holding since noisegpt was first shilled here
>107k profit
Thanks whoever it was, you literally changed my life
t. eastern european

>> No.58016290


>> No.58016303

Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.58016864

Biz once again ignoring the best AI crypto project. Its like a chance to buy Bitcoin at 100m market cap - or 5 dollars per coin.

>> No.58017095

Imagine having access to unbiased ai and fading it.

>> No.58017140

So the next meme is just pretending that your project has an usecise by claiming that it's AI uh?

>> No.58017189

My dearly, got website link?

>> No.58017207

>[Advertise on 4chan]
vapourware, none of the ais listed on the website actually work
except for noisegpt which is pretty useless

>> No.58017244

I actually can't

>> No.58017273

Chart really doesn’t look good. Why didn’t you shill this garbage in January?

>> No.58017299

This IS NoiseGPT, Anon. The project evolved from that to a decentralized AI that works like Bitcoin in the sense that the hardware is distributed (the way BTC miners are distributed) and they are rewarded with enqAI tokens (there was a token migration from the original NoiseGPT tokens).

>> No.58017319

Honestly this is the kind of project where you don't need to worry about the chart. It's like worrying about the BTC chart in 2010.

>> No.58017353



Godspeed Anon

>> No.58017474

We have a working product (NoiseGPT) and the LLM product will be released by the end of the month. Then staking will be online in a few months after that. It's not a meme coin.

Bro, it's like Bitcoin, but for AI. Unironically

>> No.58017588
File: 38 KB, 424x440, 1709633778825414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good bro tnx, i think thisis where i will park profits if my project doesnt die (im all in on myself), i had rndr 900 days ago, i felt like this is that type of beat albeit im not so early in enqi, but oh well

>> No.58017682

It gets said too much, but this is not late, you are early. You have no idea how early you are. Just look at this thread, it's all people assuming it's vaporware. No one's even heard of it before. And this is on Biz, where all they do is talk about crypto and AI stocks. This thing could run to hundreds of billions in market cap - hundreds with an 's'.

That said, it's still just a crazy crypto project. Take some of your profits and put it somewhere safer - like gold, a stock market index fund, or BTC and ETH - or something like that.

>> No.58017793

Im an autistic shy dev, these kinds of projects are only stuff i enjoy about investing, gold index funds charting ta and that shit i dont find interesting, not all about money, that said, im currently loosing, no profits yet haha

>> No.58017931

Ahh I see. Godspeed, Anon.