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58000916 No.58000916 [Reply] [Original]

if you're buying the dip is because you are either retarded, can't read a chart or / and fat

>> No.58000934

Depends on the chart dunnit boobo. The 5m looks scary but the 1w is comfy af

>> No.58000950

>sidelined fag wishes it dumped more so that he could finally buy in
>even though he would be too scared to buy in even if it did dump bigly
there, wrapped up this thread for you

>> No.58000964

you are just poor and need a massive -70% dip to make money
most of use with money can make your yearly salary on a ~3% dip

>> No.58000965
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I buy whenever there's bobo posting, simple as

>> No.58000977

You caught me. I meant to hit sell but my obese fingers hit buy. Oh well.

>> No.58000995

This guy sent the original BOBO (not rekt tekashis bobo) to 26 mil from a rugpull during the bear market with 0 marketing funds. This is the first trump token. He said its his favorite token ever. Read this thread. This thing looks like a 9 digit bullrun banger...MINIMUM. #MAXBIDDING https://x.com/HexicanHeartel/status/1765299700821881093?s=20

>> No.58001012
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I was specifically waiting for a dip to buy in after the new ATH because I knew there would be one and it would be free money

>> No.58001087
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>> No.58001091

bought at 16k and sold some at 73k and 72k
looking to buy at 50k-45k

>> No.58001105
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>poomp eet

>> No.58001158

lmao biggest larp on biz today. good one sideline bitch. sounds like something capo would say.

>> No.58001306

if that makes you feel better champ

>> No.58001500

its not what makes me feel better, its the truth you sidelined bitch. seethe

>> No.58001554
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> real men tank the dip

>> No.58001613

ok, have a great day

>> No.58003292

I bought QANX at 0.025, SOL at 23, and still holding. The dip is for buying anons.

>> No.58003508

I am all of that, but unlike you I am making money.

>> No.58003635
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Yep it’s going to fall soon

>> No.58003662

zoom out, its obviously trending upwards

>> No.58003663

I'm all 3, nigger!
Eat me.

>> No.58003666
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bobo is right tho

>> No.58003718

only thing this analysis shows it will either go up or down soon

>> No.58003721

We kinda need either a correction or sideways movement or we won't make it to the halving without a major crash

>> No.58003726

die bobo

>> No.58003766
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Well satan charts are one thing but the case for 90k soon can be made based on fundamentals. Historically BTC makes big upwards moves after taking the ATH. The narrative now is bitcoin ascending to become one of the world's dominant assets. ETF and sovereign wealth are creating unprecedented demand with the halving looming.
Consolidating right here is a very likely scenario, but turning bearish is a short term play at best and is a risky move.

>> No.58003816

Keep the Pressure BOBOS
I need a big slurp at the 35k bottom of this cycle. BNB of course, took profits at 388 like a mong now i need the market crashed so i can buy at 200. Then we can move up

>> No.58003839

yeah but it got overbought for a while, correction first

>> No.58004150

35k is not realistic unless a black swan happens