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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57997016 No.57997016 [Reply] [Original]

6 Billion dollars is Reddits current value. Twitter was bought for 44b$. Once reddit IPOs and pumps, every socialfi project will pump with it. I am going to spoonfeed you on how to take advantage of it. If you don't believe this can happen look at
>steemit which hit 2b mc last bullrun
The first one to research and is currently gaining traction is one called
Its twitter but crypto. If you aren't grabbing a bag of this you have low iq and do deserve to be poor. Already has thousands of users
The second one to research is
This I'm most bullish on. Its reddit but crypto (tipping,ens,nft). If reddit is worth 6b mc, what's its crypto clone worth? You're a fool if you haven't at least a suicide stack. These are the easiest plays in the history of crypto. Any questions?

>> No.57997054
File: 2.38 MB, 300x250, plebbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steemit isn't even truly P2P because it has centralised DNS.
Plebbit has no https endpoints or ssl.

>> No.57997073

I was thinking of doing a socialfi spoonfeeding thread but you beat me to it lad. What's the suicide stacks

>> No.57997078

where/what is farcaster tokens?

>> No.57997163

Farcaster costs 5$ to make an account. Its dead in the water. If plebbit is using ipfs its slow as fuck, enjoy waiting 10 minutes per post. Sociafi is a scam

>> No.57997178
File: 126 KB, 720x1210, plebbit explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even farcaster which bills itself as P2P is not fully decentralized because it is an in substance federated social media with is not resistant. The user isn't running a full node unlike plebbit full nodes who interact peer 2 peer with other full nodes.
Therefore, farcaster is not resistant because the relay/hub or whatever is serving the data is mutable and not resistant.
However, farcaster getting adoption is very bullish for plebbit because it will push the socifi narrative far and plebbit will be the obviously truly decentralized media because it has no https endpoints and used P2P nodes.

>> No.57997230

Go to pleb(bit (dot) (com and make account you nitwit, it takes 5 seconds to post. Get your facts right before fudding. Btw I'm not a holder no way am i buying when there's 700 holders and no volume. Its going to dip when the holders get bored. Also why does it show as them all being airdropped tokens?

>> No.57997256

sui for plebbit is 100m, mi 1b
nigger you don’t know shit about ipfs, you post in seconds on plebbit and it propagates in around 2 minutes, and a new design for instant propagation is actually possible and on the roadmap it’s just way heavier in hw requirements for the node so it will be optional to use. Plebbit to 1b mcap by eoy. Trannie jannie tongue my anus.

>> No.57997278
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how did you hear are plebbit? If you've tried the demos what do you think needs to be improved?
>why does it show as them all being airdropped tokens
2022 it was aidropped to avax. Then in mid 2023 plebbit migrated to eth.
> 700 holders and no volume.
This will increase when tipping and the DAO is released. Recently Solana names were integrated so soon eth and Sol names will be usable as board names which may drive volume.
>Its going to dip when the holders get bored
Plebbit hodlers have been bagholding from 50k to 10m mcap over over 2 years. You are naive if you think they will all suddenly en masse dump. Most airdropers sold years ago.

>> No.57997301

>Farcaster costs
Yes it's inferior to plebbit which is opensource and free to use.
>Plebbit using IPFS which is slow
Plebbit does use IPFS for media. It only embeds media through decentralized servers like YouTube, Twitter and imgur.
Text is on IPFS.
This makes web client slower (leeches off full nodes) and the downloadable client fast (full node seeds which is P2P and creates instant shitposting).
With the proven design of plebbit, 2 years development, decentralized peer 2 peer, opensource, free to use ethos and it's 100% aidropped supply with no scam scan VCs waiting to dump, you are a fool to not keep an eye on plebbit.

>> No.57997337

I don't like the name. I will never call myself a pleb.

>> No.57997398

Farcaster already has thousands of users including prominent crypto people.

>> No.57997399

I've seen plebbit advertised a few times randomly on 4chan. But it seems as if its paid, how they'll piggyback of other peoples threads to shipl plebbit

>> No.57997447

I'm interested providing it works i will actually buy a substantial amount. What's the process of making a sub? How many devs? How long has it been in development for? Who's funding it? Is anyone using it?

>> No.57997470
File: 147 KB, 720x1440, plebbit whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit is the protocol name. The dev said he's open to changing it even there's a unanimous vote by hodlers.
Also the front end clients aren't named plebbit. They be called whatever.
Eg the old Reddit client is called seedit
Eg the 4chan client is called plebchan
Eventually there'll be substack, medium, discourse, BB, vbulletin client with non plebbit names using the plebbit protocol.
But it's not infinitely scalable and it used centralised DNS. Sub/board owners don't run full nodes so this will lead to strong censorship acts by RPC, relay, hub or whatever is serving the data.
It's also not infinitely scalable like nor does integrate ENS for names.
It also doesn't have a 100% aidropped supply that will be used for tipping.

>> No.57997492

Reddit posted a 90m loss last year while giving 190m bonus to their ceo. Pass.
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.57997493
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Not paid. autists just don't know how to shill. A lot of marketing coming up I'll list it out
>partnerships with a few famous sol projects due to plebbit supporting the .sol domain for the subs which should cascade so all of sol is using plebbit
>same with some eth, base, bsc, icp ens
>paid articles in a bunch of famous crypto news sites like cointelegraph
>plebbit in the process of contacting influencers and youtubers
>reddit ads because irony

>> No.57997507
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>> No.57997596
File: 146 KB, 720x1291, Esteban plebbit whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit Chads are passionate about the technology. It's a movement not jusba protocol. Opensource, free to use social media protocol that creates cryptographic ownership of public social communities with no https endpoints or ssl making it actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or steemit.
>What's the process of making a sub?
The front is flexible (currently theres seedit (old Reddit) and plebchan (4chan styled but it's slow and getting refactored).

For each front end, plebbit has 2 clients.
Web client (slow). Downloadable client (fast because it's P2P)
You make subs on the downloadable client. When you make a sub you have a plebbit address but can attach an ethereum name and soon a Solana name for your sub/board or username.
You can also attach an NFT to your profile avatar.
The full node needs to be on 24/7 to be able to post. When you turn off the computer no one can post but people can read if others are seeding.
>How many devs?
One main Dev and 3 other devs.
>How long has it been in development for?
Plebbit GitHub and whitepaper was created in 2022. 100% aidropped to /biz/ on avax in 2022. Then in 2023 it chainswapped to eth.
>Who's funding it?
Main dev self funds the other devs for 2+ years, spending ~500k on development since 2021. He also works on it full time
>Is anyone using it?
Like 10 or so people use plebbit daily
The roadmap includes tipping, DAO voting to curate the default feed, whatever other front end designs if other opensource devs contribute (maybe discourse, vbulletin, substack etc), and optional advertizing for subs/boards owners. When thede are all implemented adoption will parabolically increase.
This is especially true as technocratic censorship increases, creating demand for social media protocols with no https endpoints (plebbit).

>> No.57997603

>Not commenting on plebbit

>> No.57997686
File: 76 KB, 1280x1043, BBD35C4E-9F35-48D5-A025-127F28E649C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only question is
When airdrop?

>> No.57997698
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>> No.57997717

shit plays compared to what AI will do.

>> No.57997819
File: 239 KB, 1192x1500, 60bcc089f3744_524822b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tf needs Reddit when you got 4chan, X, Discord and Chatgpt? That IPO will be another nothingbagger like Nerd Wallet lol

>> No.57997824
File: 40 KB, 640x640, Esteban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebbit is serverless, adminless, useless decentralized reddit alternative scam and esteban is a scammer

>> No.57997844

Censorinf jannies that don't even allow altcoin threads and have deleted my macroeconomics threads multiple times.
Become more censored. Eventually it will be split between verified users in one who chamber and anon accounts in another echo chamber with little room for cross pollination of ideas.
In built biases, censorship and privacy concerns.
I'm starting to think that u are either a glowie, extremely naive or genuinely retarded.

>> No.57997850

Censored* spell check

>> No.57997890
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>> No.57998082
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huh, i almost forgot about this shitcoin. is link even listed on coingecko anymore?

>> No.57998205

That is plebbit ser.

>> No.57998232

yeah. I cant find anythink about link even on reddit. did serg really rudget us sirs?

>> No.57998478
File: 48 KB, 900x770, tngnts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Plebbit s about to rule the roost over Reddit because of all the rulebook drama and censorship

>> No.57998829

wen socialfi trending sirs?? it will bring big moon

>> No.57998899
File: 323 KB, 536x982, HSiQ6fz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Distinguishably Not Reddit:
>No global admins; empower yourself to create and manage your own subs without fear of censorship.
>Text-based functionality with the added capability to seamlessly link images from external sources, ensuring a secure and content-friendly environment.
>Free, user-friendly.
Dual Clients for Your Convenience:
>Presenting two clients - old Reddit and new Reddit - catering to diverse user preferences.

>> No.57999308

Anything adminless can't survive

>> No.57999329

false, bittorrent and bitcoin are adminless

>> No.57999387

none of your shitcoins are going to pump as hard as whatever pleb memecoins gets launched with the hype.

>> No.57999586

In fact, btc worked BETTER before blockstream declared themselves admins

>> No.58000098

What do you think plebbit? Do you think it will succeed?

>> No.58000425

>Buggy website with 5 users
There are thousands of Reddit clones and none of them succeed.
You have the answer.

>> No.58000477

what site is buggy? seedit (plebbit client) seems to work just fine.

>> No.58001642

I checked it out like a week ago.
Tbh its pretty rad there's the same content delivered via the flavors of internet social media you're comfortable with.
>looks like 4chan with the same custom color palettes
>looks like reddit....if you want
>can look like anything else if that's what you want
Has potential, needs to get more posts for network effects, and needs to be challenged by the censorship police and stand firm to show they're serious. Right now, its a shitcoin gamble

>> No.58001758

Where are you guys buying plebbit?

>> No.58001781

>$44b for Twatter
Elon wins Drunken eBay

>> No.58001806

>needs to be challenged by the censorship police and stand firm to show they're serious
you don't understand it. It's FULLY P2P ("serverless, adminless, decentralized"), meaning it's literally unstoppable even if you kill all devs today. Look up IPFS, it's what plebbit uses. The point is that nobody can stop a user from connecting directly to a subplebbit (the subplebbit owner is the peer).

>> No.58002338

Do you think normies understand that?
I haven't looked up the protocols on IPFS, but can it get monitored/honeypotted like tor? Bad faith nodes are the current statist paradigm for attacking decentralized systems

>> No.58002362

plebbit is a scam and esteban is a scammer

>> No.58002575

>Do you think normies understand that?
No. But once plebbit allows to make money by simply posting (tipping, awards) they'll understand that. It might turn into some sort of casino of shitcoins. Those monetization features should bring adoption. After that, people who got banned from everywhere will hop in, and their fans with them (including some other normies).
> but can it get monitored/honeypotted like tor? Bad faith nodes are the current statist paradigm for attacking decentralized systems
Yes. But Plebbit is text only, including regular links from which media is loaded, so it won't generally be used for very illegal stuff, it's not suited for that. Plebbit is about giving full ownership rights to community admins, they can do whatever they want with their community which scales infinitely. You own it as crypto domain (which is an NFT). This is revolutionary, no corporation will be able to influence social consensus on plebbit. This is especially helpful to the crypto space. Blackrock, CIA, etc control Google, FB, and all social medias, all cryptos rely on social consensus, and plebbit is the only way to achieve it without influence from big tech.

>> No.58004149
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This nigger is plebbit dev

>> No.58005105

Esteban owns 90% of supply

>> No.58005358

got a source for that, chuddie?

>> No.58005511
File: 381 KB, 609x600, cantbestopped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a PLEBBIT thread now

>> No.58005649

Elon should but reddit next.
6 billion is a small number to help fix the world.

>> No.58006775
File: 226 KB, 991x549, 7B2B1431-A429-416F-8B79-6A59323F143F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all know the famous video of three dozen news stations repeating the same script claiming social media companies promote fake news, all the while they both do. Plebbit solves this by enabling unstoppable social media platforms that are permissionless, open source, decentralized, and impossible to control. This means that Plebbit holds the key to disrupting the existing legacy online social media structure. In doing so who knows what censored narratives will emerge, what forbidden topics or ideas might enter the public zeitgeist.

Plebbit is a decentralized social media infrastructure that enables anyone to create a forum or board and control and moderate that community without being subject to accounts, advertisements, global administrators, global censorship, or other tools of centralized power.

Long story short - Plebbit, SeedIt, PlebChan, and the other unstoppable social media interfaces will make social cartels seeth.

Yes there is a token. Token not needed.

>> No.58006928

Plebbit isn't adminless. That is inaccurate.
It just has no global moderators.
It still has local sub/board specific moderation.
Literally read the long replies above.
Good analysis.
It also needs token tipping, optional advertizing for sub/board owners, DAO to vote on default feeds and dev issues, and more decentralized domain names like sol and other layer 2s. This is all planned in the roadmap.

>> No.58007009

Are you retarded? Ser I'm surprised you even found out how to shitpost on 4channel
Search plebbit in cg, etherscan, dexscreener or Twitter.

>> No.58007522

How to buy plebbit?
What's the Sui / make it stack?

>> No.58008510

Uniswap. Total supply is 1.49
Make it stack is 1b tokens
Sui 100m tokens

Remember this a long term hold. 1-50b mcap. Steemit reached billion valuation years ago and isn't even decentralized because it has centralised DNS. Plebbit no https end or ssl and sub/board owner run full nodes that a P2P which is actually decentralized.
As plebbit is such a new and viable design it can go even higher than steemit ATH mcap.

>> No.58009144

plebbit demo is shit no one wants to wait for that shit to load.
needs to be faster. if it gets faster then adoption may happen.

>> No.58009514

what the hell is a crypto clone of a stock/company?

>> No.58010398

OP is saying plebbit has a similar front end to old Reddit but also has a different backend (ipfs, P2P, ENS, NFTs etc)