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File: 288 KB, 1170x1258, IMG_4297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57996543 No.57996543 [Reply] [Original]

And so it begins

>> No.57996570

>paid from Chainlink Labs treasury (aka cucklink paypig holders)
THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57996573
File: 22 KB, 400x400, We8gZgkJ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cumulative number go up

>> No.57996593

whenever I use CCIP I've had to pay my own gas

>> No.57996630

The integral is going parabolic. You know the derivitive of an integral? Whats d(x^n)/dx.

>> No.57996629


>> No.57996674

Hey man don't hurt the poormans brain, he can't help that he's mentally deficient.

>> No.57996702

Wow cool except those colours mean nothing and this chart is fake

>> No.57996712

Yeah cool you found the area below a graph. You're so smart. Kys faggot

>> No.57996746

>having to use big words and meaningless jargon to convince yourself that cumulative number go up is bullish

>> No.57996773


>> No.57996775

1million in fees. Hahahahahahahahaha
Not 1 million in profit

Not even CLOSE to justifying the market cap
Enjoy Sirgay dumping again soon baggies!

>Almost forgot
Josh seething

>> No.57996784

I've seen things like this before in crypto, link is going to absolutely rip soon and it will be very obvious in hindsight

>> No.57996792

This tiny amount of revenue will NEVER impact price

Link is massively overvalued
Seethe Josh

>> No.57996807


>Types some speculative words

>Basically says nothing

Way over valued
Sirgay preparing the dump button

>> No.57996821

how is this going to drive the price up

>> No.57996828

Are you retarded?

>> No.57996845


>> No.57996856

It won't.
Literal pocket change sized revenue.

Linkies just spam any hopium they find
Just grasping for a narrative to spew
True, also the dumping will be true
>The irony

>> No.57996903

Are linkies posting this ironically at this point? I can't tell if it is anti-linkers or deluded linkers posting this shit.

>> No.57996907

baggies kek

>> No.57996980

fudsisters going absolutely insane right now
fun to watch
but unfortunate the daily graph is gone, i preferred that over the cumulative, guess wallach was getting too much abuse from the fudsisters

>> No.57997001
File: 801 KB, 1440x2524, Screenshot_20240314_013500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d(x^n)/dx, is a basic power rule: nx^(n-1). You might want to brush up on your calculus.

Look at this lil backpacking bitch

I seem to remember linkfags originally confusing cumulative for daily. Glad y'all sorted it out.

>> No.57997021
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Here's another retarded marine agreeing with him

>> No.57997047
File: 519 KB, 1440x2517, Screenshot_20240314-013941_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the notorius shitter known as Thomas fudding you into reality.

>> No.57997061

>Not even CLOSE to justifying the market cap

Quoting from a previous thread:
>last year Bitcoin's total mining rewards were $1 billion (36k BTC)
>roughly average price per BTC last year: $30k
>against a $500 billion market cap (at $30k)
MC was 500x total revenue

>last year's total revenue $107 million
>roughly average price per Link last year: $7
>against a market cap of $4 billion
MC was less than 40x total revenue


>> No.57997108

triggered hard

>> No.57997123
File: 739 KB, 1440x2430, Screenshot_20240314_014542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a lil cherry. Another marine stating Thomas is just fudding after he pointed out ccip only generated $1k daily instead of $60k.

>> No.57997148

>posting twitter screengrabs from september
is everything okay at home bud

>> No.57997233

>4am on 4chan asking if i'm ok
nigga i have problems, why are you here?

>> No.57997245

>Doesn't know how Bitcoin is valued

BTC is not a business.

Link is a business.
>He thinks he "btfo" me
>Seethe linkies
Seethe joshy

>> No.57997248
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>Here's the notorius shitter known as Thomas

>> No.57997250

>BTC is not a business.
>Link is a business.

Link is a platform just like Bitcoin. The "revenue" in both cases goes to the nodes, not the founders.

>> No.57997257

Are you a flat earther? We don't all live in the same timezone

>> No.57997263

Bro looks like Sid the Sloth from Ice Age kek

>> No.57997276

hehe im excited

>> No.57997283


>> No.57997285

You're trying to justify the "facts" that you are spewing, but you can't.
You don't understand valuations.

>Doesn't include the 45% of supply not dumped by Sirgay yet
>Basing numbers on revenue
>Basing numbers on a flawed revenue model
Obviously you just stole someone else's numbers also and are just repeating.

Let me fill you in on something secret.
Linkies lie.
Linkies just spin "facts" to fit a narrative.

Linkies seethe.

>> No.57997296

>>Doesn't include the 45% of supply not dumped by Sirgay yet
Just like I didn't include the fact that 95% of Bitcoin "revenue" is inflationary subsidy.

>>Basing numbers on revenue
lol this you bro: >>57996792
>tiny amount of revenue

You have been BTFO, it's time to face the facts.

>> No.57997298

>doesn't know how a utility token is valued differently from the asset that is all monetary premium snowballing over time by virtue of its store of value network effect increasing
we'll be here all day if you need stuff like this spoonfed to you. Perhaps you should have gone through a phase where you learned about bitcoin first when you got into crypto.

>> No.57997310

>i-it doesn't count because Bitcoin's price is speculative!

fucking lmao

>> No.57997329
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Why is the token pumping so hard?

>> No.57997332

BTC stock to flow is about to become one of the lowest on earth.
So calling it inflation based is laughable.
So your argument doesn't hold.
Also it's a competitive model with transaction fees as a final payout structure.

This is what I mean by twisting facts to look a certain way.
And making comparisons which, frankly, aren't comparable.

Such try hards, Josh, drake.
>Seethe linkies

>> No.57997341

>calling it inflation based is laughable
You know you can google this right?
Literally 95% of Bitcoin mining rewards TODAY are pure inflation.
Less than 5% are actual user fees.

>> No.57997353


>he doesn't understand math except in highschool terms
what he's trying to tell you is that the non-cumulative graph would also look parabolic. Dummies.

>> No.57997356

See how the linkies bounce off of each other to make their arguments seem correct.

It's a classic method of deception.
Reminds me of the Organized, multiplatform FUD campaign they ran last year.
Filled with lies and misinformation/manipulation

Pathetic frankly.
>Seethe Josh, drake

>> No.57997366

Thats not the long term structure.
It's just a fair distribution strategy and incentive to build the network.

Nothing youre saying is changing the fact that I'm right.

>> No.57997374
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Thank you lord. Please reward our patience.

>> No.57997377

>I can't refute anything anon says so I'll just sidetrack amd call him a flat earther tee hee le based

>> No.57997380

>Thats not the long term structure.
Inflation isn't Chainlink's long-term structure either.
In fact, Bitcoin's inflation is guaranteed to last another 100 years, while Link is going to run out of inflation in just a few years.

Nah it's just that you fuddies are so retarded it just seems like you're plants serving up easy gotchas.

>> No.57997382

she's wholesome for a glorified tech roastie. she wants some of the queen HR roastie limelight, but she isn't S or A tier with looks. She doesn't go over the top with it, probably out of self awareness, but it's cute she tries anyway. i bet she gives a great handjob, sirgay is a lucky guy

>> No.57997383

Just sell alreqdy and stop being a baggie retard

>> No.57997410

Imagine arguing that BTC is using inflation
> <5%of supply left

And link isn't
> More that 40% supply left
Also youre basically saying that link is about to get dumped on you in "just a few years" adding40% to supply

This is how linkies try to overwhelm you with half true arguments
>Seethe josh

>> No.57997419

>Imagine arguing that BTC is using inflation
It is.
95% of miner rewards right now are pure inflation.

>> <5%of supply left
Bitcoin pumped the hardest (from fractions of a cent to hundreds of $) when over 90% of supply was left.

>> No.57997429
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>> No.57997442
File: 70 KB, 1130x588, networkfees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were around 1m in revenue 1.5 days ago, so 45% of the 360k in network fees that we got in the last 1.5 days.

>> No.57997483

>More nonsense.
Literally doesn't make any sense
BTC is about to become one of the lowest inflation assets on earth.

See everyone, this is what happens when the linkies, likely Josh and Drake, run out of stolen "facts" to repeat.

>Seethe Josh, or little Drake (little D)

>> No.57997488

now thats a spicy looking graph
no wonder the fudsisters are melting down in incoherent rants, no way to fud that trend
guess it'll be time soon so they are pulling out all stops to try and shake someone out last minute
no idea why they try so here, they aint gonna get anyone to sell or unstake lol

>> No.57997506

>Literally doesn't make any sense
kek let me break it down for you:

>you shouldn't argue that BTC is using inflation
>95% of BTC mining rewards are inflation, right now

>having 40% of supply left to inflate is bad
>Bitcoin made its absolute biggest exponential gains when over 90% of its supply was left to inflate

Both are direct refutations, you have been BTFO

>> No.57997519

>Barely any revenue
>21 billion market cap
>Mostly from eth l2's
Wildly unbalanced numbers
Also L2's and ETH have passed their glory days, downhill after this run.

Enjoy the dumping by Sirgay

>> No.57997527

Looks like Serger is just keeping that for himself. When's your dynamic reward mechanism kick in? Is it still Mar 20 or are you going to spam the board with another date after it nothingburgers.

>> No.57997534

>>Barely any revenue
>Wildly unbalanced numbers
See >>57997061

Chainlink's revenue-to-MC ratio is over 10x better than Bitcoin's.

>> No.57997542

BTC supply was predictable and used to incentivize network growth using a competitive rewards structure.

Not even similar at all.
Your are repeating nonsense.
Yes, enjoy the dumping by your burger loving cult leader

>> No.57997554

BTC is not a business.

You are comparing different things.

My god, literally a braindead repeater of nonsense arguments.

>Seethe Joshy and little D

>> No.57997565

>BTC supply was predictable and used to incentivize network growth using a competitive rewards structure.
This is subjective cope.
For one thing, your "competitive rewards structure" has led to the current situation where TWO full nodes control way more than 51% of the hashrate. That's monopolization, the opposite of competitiveness.

Bitcoin is OBJECTIVELY using inflation, contrary to what you said.
You can go on chain right now and see for yourself.

>BTC is not a business.
Neither is chainlink.
In both cases, the "revenue" is going directly to nodes, not the founders.

>> No.57997576

CCIP = link $100

>> No.57997598

BTC's nodes and mining pools are irrelevant to the diversity within the mining sector.

More nonsense from you.

Chainlink is controlled by the parent business.
Also, Sirgay is dumping on you to pay the bills, also suppressing the price of LINK because of the bad revenue model.

Amazing, you type nonsense like it's true.
Seems like a narcissistic trait.

>> No.57997604


>> No.57997616
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>BTC's nodes and mining pools are irrelevant to the diversity within the mining sector.


>> No.57997617

You're totally clueless. Since linkies don't know anything about economics I guess I have to use an analogy..

-BTC is chad thundercock the athlete turned underwear model.
-Link is a pimple covered awkward dweeb.
-The global market is Stacy the 10/10 cheerleader.

BTC Thundercock has to work a lot less hard to impress Stacy to get value in her eyes than virgin Link does. He just drops his pants and gets sucked off on the first date by her. Link tells Stacy about all the technical power point presentations he has given to important people, but she just doesn't seem to care all that much.

THE cuckholds of crypto

>> No.57997619

>Thinking I should post less
Disputing silly repetitive arguments

>> No.57997631

This has nothing to do with the minging sector as a whole

Bro you literally don't know anything
Go organize another lying fud campaign you lifeless shill

I'm just trying to keep noobs from missing the bullrun by believing your nonsense.
>Seethe Joshy and Little D

>> No.57997635

protip: each pool is exactly ONE node.

>> No.57997636
File: 343 KB, 1080x967, IMG_20240314_105802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLL is actually subsidizing stakers til the network can cover the staking costs

>> No.57997669
File: 323 KB, 456x758, queen_zaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the pump mommy Zayi

(i love you)

>> No.57997692

He gives stakers 1.7m tokens over a year, and dumps 500k tokens every week.

>> No.57997744
File: 124 KB, 941x844, GD0zXOFWsAAlNmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all new Chainlink holders, Welcome

>> No.57998026

>He thinks they're dumb enough to buy cucklink

>> No.57999289

No one asks the legit questions, like how does the Link token fare in the next bear market when blackrock is dumping - if their whole value prop is CCIP fees, that means it will basically be worthless in a bear market. That's why Sergey has his eyes perpetually set on 5-10 years from today, always from today, despite the fact he has been saying this for five years now - it is still 5-10 years away, maybe.

>> No.58000000


I would stake my link in zayi if you know what I mean

>> No.58000034


>> No.58000049


>> No.58000074

Do you not understand parabolas or something? The cumulative number is going up by a larger % every day, meaning the daily amount is trending up as well. Too many idiots in this world.

>> No.58000080


>> No.58000104


>> No.58000106

Based and fridge-pilled.

>> No.58000110

Epic get

>> No.58000113

According to the dune graph we broke 1 mil less than 24 hours ago, now it's 1,2 million.

>> No.58000162
File: 25 KB, 700x318, 1676853493770800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that explains the suppression. it's beyond a reasonable doubt now, I wonder if we will ever get to know who is behind this and for what purpose

>> No.58000194

My guess is that if Link wins. Almost everything else in crypto fails. (Which isn’t a bad thing considering its all bull shit scamcoins

>> No.58000231

you're suggesting a coordinated effort between several dev teams to pump and dump BTC in unison just to fuck with link, I'm not buying that

>> No.58000246
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>> No.58000269

I acknowledge the fact, I reject the theory given

>> No.58000287

its very clearly not 1k a day anymore

>> No.58000296

Of the fees generated how much of it is gas fees for ETH, compared to how much are actual rewards for node operators?

>t. 2k link stacklet

>> No.58000305

Link is dying slow and steady

>> No.58000313

So every time it happens it's a coincidence?

>> No.58000333

no, it isn't. stop replying you dense motherfucker

>> No.58000343

chainlink revenue is paid to "chainlink miners" ?????

>> No.58000350

Powered by subsidized LINK KEK

>> No.58000363

So it's not a coincidence and it's not a concerted effort?

To nodes, yes.

Don't look up how subsidized BTC mining is bro, just don't.

>> No.58000365

but if it isn't why are you denying the theory that link is being suppressed but you acknowledge the fact that it is being suppressed?

>> No.58000380

I think that's called cognitive dissonance

>> No.58000381

Not just that, I also think big BTC whales from all walks are in on it. Link is the next step of crypto so people have incentive to keep it under the radar.

>> No.58000436

it's a concerted effort yes but not by [developers of other competing projects], I have included my point of contention in brackets for maximum clarity, can I help you any further? you're the kind of people that have beeping fire alarms in the hallway

>> No.58000451

>18 decimal places
And what would suppressing the price accomplish exaclty? Chainlink works regardless of the price of the token.

>> No.58000455
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Bros, what happened to the Gravelcoin integration?
Home Depot?

>> No.58000460

this is more in line with what I think is the case. years from now, I just want to know who was behind this and why for peace of mind

>> No.58000486

>a concerted effort yes but not by [developers of other competing projects]
oh ok I agree with this one the competing projects knows that even they are no competitors this is definitely on the side of Sergey and the banking people not wanting it to go up for some reason (I do believe Sergey wants it to but he has no say)

>> No.58000492

It's 100% a shitcoin for Oracle fags friends to make money
but not all development is done in public repos

>> No.58000507

more time to accumulate, shake out NEETs to eliminate one source of sell pressure later down the line

>> No.58000514

I get that it's more visually striking but if someone was actually trying to evaluate a trend cumulative is just not it. Showing daily growth is far more informative. If you presented me a cumulative graph in a meeting you'd get laughed out of the room. Data clarity > number go up fast

>> No.58000545

Where's fernando?

>> No.58000552

every single fucking time
this is getting extremely tiring, i am fearing we might underperform this run compared to eth if this keeps up
demand has to go truly parabolic to counter act this nonsense

>> No.58000575

>i can't understand what a parabolic curve means
nice bait

>> No.58000615

Don’t look up American corn, cattle, cotton, windmill, auto subsidies, anon…don’t.

>> No.58000715

based stinkypilled goblinfucking shitgetter

>> No.58000983

Checked. She’s a cutie pie

>> No.58001002

wow 1mil on a cumulative chart in 6-7 months

less than rollbit makes in a single day while being 35x higher mcap. very impressive

>> No.58001059

do you have a make it stack of rollbit?

>> No.58001232

Btc mining is a business.

>> No.58001405
File: 146 KB, 1538x499, 1704126797715072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They kept going until the entire Link pump got retraced.

Humiliation ritual.

>> No.58001567

yea but its the worst coin in the market dont touch it. every other coin will outperform it for the next year, but i plan on holding 5 years whereas if you plan on holding a ponzicoin for longer than a year you're going to get destroyed

>> No.58001604

someone explain this meme to someone who has no tiktok and isnt a zoomer?
Is it just another HR roastie begging for status making "day in the life of 100k/yr office roastie" vids?

>> No.58002246
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>> No.58002520

Lmfao too good

>> No.58002652
File: 3.08 MB, 377x444, 1708864089561516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based zayi poster

>> No.58002814

so you paid twice? very cool anon.

>> No.58002971
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>> No.58003017

so they subsidized the whole thing while sending out the word to all the advocates to shout from the rooftops about the massive increase in CCIP revenue

how are they not in prison yet...

>> No.58003045

is this real? sergey is funding ccip to transact at a negative loss? oh my god....

>> No.58003122

yep that's the kicker with many ICOs. they get a lot of capital to subsidize their networks off the bat but must become profitable eventually. it remains to be seen whether chainlink can do it or not

>> No.58003206

you're telling me link doesn't even make money? sergey has truly planned my demise

>> No.58003279


>> No.58003302

the same dashboard OP posted: dune.com/linkpool/chainlink-ccip

>> No.58003329

jeetnigger is seething lately

>> No.58003338


>> No.58003369

step 1: open dune.com/linkpool/chainlink-ccip
step 2: scroll down until you see "Total Fees USD CCIP Totals by Network (Dynamic)"
step 3: click on the title of this panel
step 4: click Query results
step 5: realize you're a retarded fucking faggot and its not fake

>> No.58003429

link is a 30 year hold.

at least sergey said he sees himself working on link for 30 years...

>> No.58003482

kek I'm too stupid to understand so I'm just gonna continue to hold

>> No.58003529

Why are they making money on some networks and loosing on others?

>> No.58003603

It's the gas fees that are making these nonprofitable for the nodes. If this is for a BUILD or SCALE client then it'd make sense because some subsidy of Chainlink's services is supposed to happen.

>> No.58003711

How will they ever be profitable if the gas fees constrain everything? Why not just stay on eth instead of doing any cross chain stuff?

>> No.58003791

Well I'm not sure that they do constrain everything, Chainlink can price CCIP as it pleases, and they're doing crosschain because the total transaction throughput they can capture is exponentially larger than any alternative.

>> No.58003835

the post that killed this thread

>> No.58003866

>chainlink: pays ETH fags hundreds of millions of $ in gas fees to run in all circumstances
>eth fags: absolutely hate chainlink for being honest, stopping scammers, and paying them hundreds of millions
I will never understand why ETH hasn't been sucking LINK's balls from the start.

>> No.58003876
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Do we know who is using CCIP and for what use cases?

>> No.58003891

>paypal will have zero fee remittances worldwide when you send in their stablecoin
Fucking hell...

>> No.58003900

that gets credited in their local currency! You don't even need them to buy a stablecoin! WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK

>> No.58003992

But as a user, why jump chains if it costs more?

>> No.58004277

If it costs less to stay on a chain then users should stay on that chain, but some services that Chainlink's users will offer their customers will fundamentally require crosschain. If I'm using a dapp that interacts with both ETH and a bank chain and SWIFT then fundamentally it's a crosschain product, there isn't an alternative approach where I keep everything on a single chain.

>> No.58004477

I wonder if swift and banks will be needed long term

>> No.58004537

Go outside discord tranny

>> No.58004554

In the fullness of time they will no longer be needed, but they will be relevant for decades to come because they have an infrastructure moat, political power, and most people cannot be taught or learn how to do self custody.

>> No.58004748

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team