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57996260 No.57996260 [Reply] [Original]

My gf found my wallet tracker app and now she wants me to sell so we can get rid of the mortgage. I wanted to accumulate at least 2 full BTCs before the halving an alternative is to gamble with some shitcoin as I have no problem selling that. What do I buy? I have 5k to invest and I need 500k by june-july. Help a bro out anons.. plz. Rn I'm thinking about buying at least 2500 of SHIB as normies seem to love it the other 2500 in SOL or BNB as it's growing a lot but none of these will give me the 100x I need.

>> No.57996271

my gf paid for my college after I lost my job and stuck with me at my absolute bottom so I don't have the heart to tell her that I won't pay the house bc Michael Saylor told me that bitcoin is gongo up at the same time I know that's exactly what will happen.

>> No.57996281

Pro-tip: remove three zeroes from all your assets in your tracker app. For example, if you have 15 ETH, no you don't, you have 0.015 ETH.
Your wallet will still show you the right numbers, you just have to add 3 zeroes in your head.
And it'll look totally uninteresting to everybody else.
(also, some tracker apps won't let you use big numbers without paying, but what kind of cheap fuck would use this technique for that reason? I swear..)

>> No.57996282

Buy Comfy all 5k you might get close to 500k

>> No.57996295

Just so you know BTC is very close to topping out. It's too late to think about what you should buy.

>> No.57996304

Fucking based. Why didn't I think about this before?!
never heard of it so the normies prob haven't either. What are the odds it will pamp 100x by june?

>> No.57996307


>> No.57996314

dudeee we're over a month from the halving. We won't top out before 100k if all goes well 200k. Blackrock allocation goal is 1-5% of their portfolio that alone will make the price go past 100k and the FED will also pivot pretty soon and the market will pump even more with cheap credit.

>> No.57996441

Sell the altcoins to pay off some of the mortgage. Then, remove the equivalent amount priced in BTC from your wallet tracker app without selling any BTC. Tell her you sold most of the BTC, she has probably already forgotten about the altcoins. When the market hits peak euphoria, tell her you lied to her in order to secure intergenerational wealth for your family (the truth).

>> No.57996465

Interdasting. I'll prob do this while gambling with shitcoins since I convinced her to wait for the halving. I managed to DCA my way into 1.3 BTC maybe the shitcoins will do me a solid when alt season starts for real.

>> No.57996754
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This HAS to be a larp. HAS to be. In the very strange event it isn't, you're a complete and total cuck. Do what YOU want to do, not what your girlfriend wants you to do. It is YOUR portfolio for fuck sake, not hers. If you REALLY want to please her, meet her in the middle and sell a portion of your portfolio.

>> No.57996864

It's not a larp and I know it's my folio the thing is that she deserves to see her dream come true as she always wanted to live in her own house. She comes from a very poor family, saves money and never asks me for anything so I want to do something nice for her >>57996271

>> No.57996875
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why would you ever get a mortgage with someone you didnt marry. why would you allow them to look at your unlocked phone and finances. why would you even go through with this and capitulate to someone who you arent even in a marital relationship with. why would you even consider buying a fucking top 15 dogcoin that has already pumped over 200% since the beginning of the year when we are on the precipice of a cliff. youre so fucking dumb its painful

>> No.57996920

Always divide your real holdings by 10, in case someone finds the tracker.
For most of biz this will mean a 3 figure portfolio at best, and nobody will worry too much about that.
If you make it to 7, then you won't mind selling to pay off your house(s).

>> No.57996943
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Get TRUMP, best choice ever, you ll help veterans

>> No.57996951


The only good thing arround MAGA

>> No.57997134

bc I intend to marry her once we pay the house. The wedding is a luxury the house isn't. And the memecoin is what the normies recognize or do you expect them to figure out how buy memes on solana/BSC?
yeah I learned that the hard way.
I'm not a zogbot anon and zion don is not my guy. I only support him bc the alternative is so much worse.

>> No.57997143

Loan your BTC out on AAVE and use the fiat to buy down the house.

>> No.57997169

Peak gambling euphoria, top is here

>> No.57997176

OP, you're in a relationship with an entitled cunt and you're making a mistake
Your money is your fucking money, not hers
Do not marry this whore, she will ruin you

>> No.57997182

time to liquidate the bitch

>> No.57997279

BNB hits $600 yesterday. This means more for crypto payment so it's great to diversify on CRO and XTP.

>> No.57997324

Best advice you'll ever get from here: don't take anyone's advice from this board or any other 4chan board. Pay off your mortgage and you'll increase value with property and have the ability to save money like crazy. Sell the alt coins, have a small wedding and occasionally come back to this board to laugh at the retards here still being miserable cunts. You'll be made, not rich but made. My property value has increased for more than any shitcoin or stock.

>> No.57997349

That'S what I'd do by going all in on Tap and Swissborg.

>> No.57997424

Better tell the that fag the truth and the only truth

>> No.57997444

Shit, I'll look into this. thx anon
Nah man, she is a great fucking woman. Ofc she still has that crazy in her she is a woman after all but I could be doing far worse alone fucking whores.
Will look it up, thx.
Yeah, I've decided to pay it I just haven't decided how I'll pay it but she deserves it as I said and I also want to own my house. Thx for the words anon.

>> No.57998947

High inflation pay the debt offline house.
This is basis of econony

>> No.57998971
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The answer is right there in your post, buy APU

>> No.57999128

this desu
biz is going to cry about missing it soon

>> No.57999167
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You have to show her the cycle projections, anything really to get her to understand that this is NOT the point where you sell.

Walk her through it and show her how her dream will come true IF she waits.

This is the exact reason my wife doesn't know the extent of my crypto. I'll let her know at the end of the cycle. She'll want 50K now for a new kitchen...if I wait a year and 5X I can give her 50K and have another 200K in savings.

oh fuck here she comes goodbye

>> No.57999168

>My gf
>My wallet tracker
>I have 5k
>Our house
>I need 500k

Only one of the above will be true in a few years.

>> No.57999321


my wife gave our crypto to her son

>> No.57999350

my wife gave our cryptos to my wifes boyfriend

>> No.57999366
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>My gf
>we can get rid of the mortgage

>> No.57999374

sell gf

>> No.57999382

Women are dumb and can’t into investing. I’ve been in crypto since 2017 and have been buying for a while and heavily buying since 2020 or so. It was always a fight about “spending” money on “Coinbase”. Until I turned 5k into 100k recently. Now she shuts the fuck up and let’s me invest.

>> No.57999390


>> No.57999396

>I have 5k
>It's an undercover shill me your coins thread
Oh no no no

>> No.57999405

You need to be looking at shitcoins on Base but turning 5k into 500k is going to be hard as fuck.

>> No.57999412

Yeah but now she thinks you make 95k a year guaranteed off of it. To her, that is now income

>> No.57999449

She’s actually surprised me because there have been a few times where I’m like I should cash it all out and buy a bigger house and she’s like no hold it until it’s millions. Amazingly she is pro crypto now. She has a high IQ which is one of the reasons I married her but as a woman she is still mentally like a child.

>> No.57999491



>> No.57999503

It’s your money. Do what YOU think is best. If you’re not ready to get married, then don’t treat it as her money.

>> No.57999587

I don’t talk about crypto with my wife anymore. She basically is unable to process it, like she would ask me how some investment is going and I’m like oh it’s down 25% and she looks all scared and asks me if “we” should cash out. And of course because I fucked up one time like 3 years ago and held something up until the market tanked, now I am forever an idiot that doesn’t know what I’m doing. So instead I show her screenshots of shit I cashed out on that I made 400% profit but is now up 10000% (close to 6 digits). So she at least gets the value in holding, especially when it’s house money and I’ve taken out a profit.

>> No.58000418

Damn, actually good advice

>> No.58000493

Don't ever tell your girl you lied to her, just say your investments did better than you hoped