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57991048 No.57991048 [Reply] [Original]

How do i profit off the fact that if you took the vaccine your female children will be sterile?

>> No.57991057

Invest in reddit seethe

>> No.57991066


>> No.57991086

1) Spawn fertile female babies and sell them.

2) You wouldn't get as much for your sperm but it might be less hassle. Freeze it up.

3) Don't participate in the madness. Best way to make money is to simply not spend it acquiring the thing everyone wants.

>> No.57991168

Or even worse
How do i cope with the fact that my so loving 16y old fertile GF is literally triple vaxxed maxxed?
I'm literally fucking her pussy day in and day out and I have noticing that everytime I fuck that tight white pussy of her I get sick or something, but it's totally worth it
Not sure If I will have kids with her, it's just too much risk to take.

>> No.57991175

>moving the goalpost
oh so now it's the NEXT generation, i tought we were all gonna die before we got to have any children

>> No.57991189
File: 245 KB, 1024x1024, [9y0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two more weeks?

Two more weeks.

>> No.57991258

>implying the vaccine can and does only have one effect
brainlet, sterilization is simply one of the effects of this monstrosity. You think all those people developing late stage cancers, myocarditis, a whole host of diseases and the ones who died aren't part of the crowd who got the vax? multi-purpose death shot. If you didn't die but only developed a disease, guess what? your future little girl will be sterile. Anyhow i am past the point of trying to educate cattle, i simply wish to profit off it.

>> No.57991281

nigger you are being played by brainwashed retards
nothing you believe in is real
you are retarded

>> No.57991349

>you are being played by brainwashed retards
I don't think he got vaxxed

>> No.57991402

Imagine this fucking delusional and such a piece of shit gaslighter.
Kill yourself bootlicker. 2024 and you still deny the poison jab. I hope you took the vax and your entire family.

>> No.57991416

It went from two more weeks to two more months to two more years to two more generations

>> No.57991427

yeah exactly
the thing is that being dead is 100% better than living in a world in which only the non-vaxxed survived
i would 100% prefer to be dead if the alternative is being left with a bunch of retarded schizos conspirationists

>> No.57991447

of course we did, we are not retarded
we literally can't lose because the alternative of being alive with only other delusional schizos is way worse than death

>> No.57991551

>of course we did, we are not retarded
Good goy, enjoy. The jews were right about people like you, absolute cattle.

>> No.57991556

i dumped my gf when i found out she got vaccinated. she told me she didnt want it. she was a dental assistant at the time and young (18) so she got it... i told her that didnt change anything. i told her i cant see myself having kids with a vaccinated women. the crazy thing is that she understood. she knows how bad the vaccine is.

not a day goes by where i dont think about her..

i know i did the right choice. my children will be thankful.

>> No.57991571

Why did you get the vaccine, it doesn't even prevent covid lol.

>> No.57991575

..... *cricket noises*

>> No.57991604

dude just picture it
imagine that all the people that got vaxxed die tomorrow
you guys wouldn't be able to do shit
you couldn't run a country
you couldn't do anything meaningful at all
the second someone would try to organize something, all the others would see some hidden "scheme" and blow it off
i didn't have an opinion until i've heard and seen both sides talking, then i asked myself "THESE are the people i'll be left with if they are right?" and immediately got vaxxed
literally can't lose

>> No.57991619

because i could meet and deal with older and weaker people that were at risk and didn't want to kill them by accident
basically being a decent human being

>> No.57991682

why didn't you just wear a mask

>> No.57991733

you see, i don't know that kind of stuff because i'm not a medical doctor, so i asked medical doctors, because that's what normal people do
how many doctors will be left when all the vaxxed people die? how many surgeons? what happens if some of you needs a procedure then?

>> No.57991799

Doctors couldn't speak up because they would have lost their license.

>> No.57991868

same anon, just posting from mobile
i can assure my doctor spoke to me lmao
after he got himself vaxxed in the first place, of course
if a dude that studied this shit all his life (while i didn't) and never failed to cure me whenever i needed to got vaxxed and told me to do the same, i got 0 reasons to do otherwise
on the other side there were people that said covid didn't exist at all, while i've seen my local priest dying from it, so i knew they were a bunch of untrastable retards

>> No.57991926

Should have got in early OP, this still has a 100x in it

>> No.57992274

>i know i did the right choice. my children will be thankful.
Well done. It takes courage to sacrifice the present for the future.

>> No.57992324

>he's able to use 4chan and still can't do a few searches
kek not going to spoonfeed you retards any longer, lot of people have been trying for years now and you shut your eyes and put your hands over your ears. You're in denial and deep down know there's something wrong. Even pfizer themselves have admitted of "side-effects" and "possible adverse effects" related to some of the diseases like myocarditis but you sheep will still deny it even though the very people who gave you the vaccine have said otherwise. That's how deluded you are.
Nobody is claiming that the vax will just drop dead one day, it doesn't work like that. You try and act as if you're right because this specific scenario doesn't play out even though it was never really said seriously to be like this. If you do not like the anti-vaxxers, that's on you, but to defend the evil people who pushed this vaccine is despicable. As a man with morals and a sense of good, it is your duty to stand against evil such as this. These men want your mother, father and everyone you love 6 feet under.

>> No.57992411

>These men want your mother, father and everyone you love 6 feet under.
yeah i don't think my doctor wanted that (for himself as well)
this is crazy schizo talking, plain and simple
>the evil people
nope, i don't think my doctor is neither evil, corrupted, or stupid
i think you are a victim of very low level propaganda that you just eat up because it conforms to some twisted idea that you have of people that studied more than you did

>> No.57992462
File: 1.61 MB, 2812x2000, vaxxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death to all vaxxies.

>> No.57992505

yes exactly! then this happens
and this happens
>how many doctors will be left when all the vaxxed people die? how many surgeons? what happens if some of you needs a procedure then?
good look inheriting a world you obviously don't know shit about. You better start studying (A LOT) if you wish that

>> No.57992506

shut the fuck up wagecuck vaxxoid

>> No.57992516

I like how you could replace "The Vax" with "COVID" in this, and it would hold essentially the same meaning.

>> No.57992534

yeah thank you for proving my point, imagine being left in a world where only people like you are still alive
anyone with a brain can understand that death is superior

>> No.57992552

do you not have a brain or what? hurr durr my doctors didn't say it was harmful or tell me not to get it!!! as if they're going to lose their job/career just to go against big pharma, how delusional of you to think this way. Nobody said your doctor is evil, he either knew and chose not to say anything to not lose his career, or he simply didn't know enough and maybe thought it was the right thing to do. Both options don't change the fact that the vax is poison. Actually i'm fairly certain you are legit 90 IQ so i won't bother replying to you anymore. Good luck, you're going to need it.

>> No.57992627

>as if they're going to lose their job/career
you forgot health? and every other bad consequences that you are saying there are? HE TOOK THE VAXX HIMSELF, JUST LIKE 99.99% OF ALL THE OTHER DOCTOR AND NURSES
why shouldn't i trust him when i see this? i haven't studied this shit, he did for me because it's his fucking job and he's good at is (as far as i know)
who should i trust instead of him? a bunch of retards that i know for sure were lying?
>he either knew and chose not to say anything
schizo talking, plain and simple
>or he simply didn't know enough

>> No.57992649

>Actually i'm fairly certain you are legit 90 IQ
tell me how you would like to check it and i'm here. Do you play chess? I just bet you don't for some reason

>> No.57992723

most vaxxies are just like scared little animals, living in fear
think about what they are afraid about and sell them something that will save them
you can even create an imaginary thing or story, like the virus thing and then sell the solution

>> No.57994521
File: 440 KB, 866x846, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no proof of that shit pepe
Also, HOW would you even profit out of it?
like i can tell you about how to profit from MUMU or other memecoins, or stocks, but female sterile childre????? as what? slave workers? prostitutes without the risk of pregnancy???

>> No.57994758

Fuck prostitute.

>> No.57995623
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x2500, covid redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]