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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57985883 No.57985883 [Reply] [Original]

I got laid off from work. Im a frontend dev and its so fucking difficult to find a new job right now. Literally what the fuck am i supposed to do, how can i generate income?

>> No.57986210

What kind of cash do you have stored away, anon? Could always try day trading.

>> No.57986267

Not much. Only 20k. If i day traded id be bankrupt in no time, unless there is some foolproof and extremely safe way to do it just to earn a little

>> No.57986374

20k is almost 2/3rds what i make a year... but anyway. Odd jobs might be your only choice right now, friend.

>> No.57987345

>learn to code-ack!
These demoralization threads have been relentless on every board lately. I wonder (((who))) is behind it and why.

>> No.57987354

Prostitution is always an option.

>> No.57987412

Learn more skills. Become comfortable with the entire stack. Shitting out React components is not a valuable skill. It's retarded to limit yourself to being a "frontend dev" only. "Frontend devs" were the first ones to get laid off last year at the company I work for.

>> No.57987440
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I have no advice to give. I watched the frantic hiring frenzy turn into a freeze and now attrition. This is in globohomo pharma.

>> No.57987932

same here brother... keep strong

>> No.57987970

this whole inudstry is a joke. The next step in this clown world would be for Burger King to reject your application for flipping burger because you are "not enough qualified"

>> No.57987982

>Not much. Only 20k. If i day traded id be bankrupt in no time, unless there is some foolproof and extremely safe way to do it just to earn a little
turning profit isn't very difficult, might not cover your expenses though and generally takes a lot of time, basically you have to make as much as you would from a fulltime job

>> No.57988009

create shitcoins on solana and shill them here. works for the kikes and jeets

>> No.57988018

Not day trading.
Buy 5k in BCH, DOT,
2k AVAx
1K DOGE, Ripple.
Good luck is 10X in 1,5 year