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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57985821 No.57985821 [Reply] [Original]

BTC at $42,000 on Feb 1
Chainlink $20

BTC at $75,000 on Mar 13
Chainlink $20

Meanwhile in this same period:

Doge: 7 cents to 21
Shiba: 867 to 4500
BNB: 300 to 600
Lunc: 98 to 255
Eth: 2200 to 4100
XRP: 48 to 75

Linkies will call you a "pricefag" if you mention this, because they're "in it for the technology". This was the new strategy emailed to their advocates this morning.

>> No.57985837

okay pricefag, we will get paid better than you in the long run anyways for being visionaries.

>> No.57985860

Ok price faggot. No one cares except you. That why you made this thread like the discord cuck you are.

>> No.57985936

It has been one of the most expertly crafted grifts in the space probably, just the fact that it has stuck around so long and entered into the top 10 and even top 5 at some point. There are different traps for different types of investors in crypto, Link is a special type of trap for a special type of midwit investor, and one that for some reason resonated with the community here. Its actually sad to reflect on desu.

>> No.57986264

ok pricefag
me? just steakin + comfy

>> No.57987390

lots of words you got going on, not reading allat but if you timed the top and bottom every time you'd be a billionaire, don't bother responding you are too uninteresting for me to stay after this message

>> No.57987424

holy shit pricefags seething hard today kek

>> No.57987492

You have to understand though that we're millionaires and you're not so when you post stuff like this it never lands anywhere. It's like plebbitors laughing at BTC whales whenever it's underperforming.

>> No.57987653

pricefag tears are hilarious. techbros stay winning

>> No.57987664

+ poor

>> No.57987877

i hope your shitcoins work out for you bro

>> No.57988040

>says increasingly frustrated man for the 7th year in a row


>> No.57988455

New advocate pilpul just dropped

>> No.57988523

>muh white developers and fundamentuls

>> No.57988547

>steakin shit

>> No.57988567


>> No.57988613
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lank marines be like

>> No.57988690

I own all of the coins you mentioned except Lunc (for obvious reasons).

You're not just a pricefag, you're a Link maxifag who probably fudded Link all through 2019-2020 and is now reaping what he sowed.

>> No.57990165
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linkies are the biggest clowns of the crypto space

its impressive how parasitic and shameless they are when speaking with people who invest on other coins, like you can be like "yeah, i put 20k on MUMU hope it pumps soon cuz i need X thing" and they'll start rating and attacking the anon who said that and start comparing the coins, like it's a death battle or some shit.

>> No.57990217

Yep the emails went out this morning to the advocates, they're using it in every thread

>> No.57991693
