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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57982011 No.57982011 [Reply] [Original]

So, I can retire early at 34 with 1.8 million, but that seems like I would just be living a simple life of 50-54k per year.

I can work 6 months a year and make an additional 30-40k after expenses; but I would still be drawing 3% or so.

I kind of want to live like hughe heffner; and I don't really care if it is Colombia, Thailand or Vietnam, Romania, phillipines or Russia.

If we're to work full time I could make up to 150k a year in San Francisco or 120k in Seattle; but I would be living like shit and stressed out.

What would life be like in South East Asia on 50k a year?

Is Malaysia, Portugal, or Montenegro worth looking at?

How much would it really cost to start a 3 girl harem in some of these countries?

It just doesn't seem worth it too work 60 hours for 150k and I can't enjoy life in the USA; due to women.

>> No.57982022

What is with chuds wanting to retire so early in their 30s already?

Never have I seen a generation so scared of working.

My grandfather would roll over in his grave.

>> No.57982076

>simple life of 50-54k per year.
you can do simple life for 10k to 15k if you aren't a complete retard.

>> No.57982086

>What is with chuds wanting to retire so early in their 30s already?
because working doesn't pay a lot. and everything you do there is basically a waste of time in 95pct of jobs at least.

>> No.57982094

>because working doesn't pay a lot

Oh great, it's another /pol/ thread.

You don't work just for the money. You work to be a functioning member of society.

>> No.57982134

right. slaving away 40 years hard just to have roof over your head and some food. what a deal. anyway you don't work for the money so tomorrow call your employer and say he doesn't need to pay you anymore, cause you don't work for money. you work for society LMAO.

>> No.57982140

I don't want a simple life, that's why I still plan to work 6 months a year
Ehh the companies i work for treat people like absolute crap but pay decently.

Work is for money... Not society.

>> No.57982174

>I don't want a simple life, that's why I still plan to work 6 months a year
outside of the U.S.A you can live well with 15k a year. and you can always do the odd job here and there in between. Last year i was out of the country for 7 months and then inside for 5 and did some work. this year i'll be in the country for 4 months only and did some work in those 4. but then i'm gone again. (west europ)

>> No.57982210

oh great another schizo kike from reddit

>> No.57982231
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>Early retired 7 years ago at age 36
>earn 30-50k per year, varies
>nothing I’ve ever had, or could ever dream of having, compares to the freedom of not having a full time job.
>every single day, thousands of days, I wake up and do what I want instead of serving Mr shekelburg

>> No.57982239

You think like a europoor. He didn't accumulate near $2M just to live like a homeless man.

>> No.57982244


>redditor suddenly postures as an elbow grease working class champion when the subject of using American dollars to bang legions of brown hotties arises

>> No.57982252

i rent in different places in the world for the majority of my time doing whatever i want. I don't live like a homeless man you complete retard. my folio is 7 figs too.

>> No.57982275

>What would life be like in South East Asia on 50k a year?
$20k to rent a flash apartment in Bangkok city
Quality food and restaurants are the same cost in the US
50k would get you a very comfy life here.
>How much would it really cost to start a 3 girl harem in some of these countries?
That didn't cost me anything

>> No.57982279

You know you don't have to work for a big company, right? You can do whatever you're passionate about as a living as long as you're motivated enough. Problem is you lack imagination and think the only two options are being a NEET or being a wagecuck.

>> No.57982281

Oh sure. That's why you're a vagrant that works "odd jobs." Lmaooo

>> No.57982287

keep slaving away building the infrastructure to make life easier for me to fuck girls and live the good life

>> No.57982294

Seek Jesus, faggot

>> No.57982295

I quit my carreer 3 years ago when my bitcoin went above 7 figs the first time. (previous top) now i sometimes work. after not working for 2 years and travelling.

>> No.57982421


>> No.57982714

Don’t know how people retire with only 1.8/50k a year.

I’m targeting 8m/300k as a bare minimum. I do expect to live in the USA though, and most of that money would go to traveling the world for several years fucking all the girls I could. Will probably need security to escort me.

>> No.57982737


>> No.57982782

>t. living in hyperinflation
can confirm

>> No.57982788

>he works to be a functioning member of society
probably the cuckiest thing ever uttered
also hypocritical as fuck because you wouldn't work if you had enough money to choose

>> No.57982789


>> No.57982805

unironically don't wanna retire
but if I survive the war I want to open my own kebab kiosk kek

>> No.57982902

>50k in Malaysia
You’d live like a King but you’ll probably get very bored after 6 months

t. Neet after 2021 cycle, felt like killing myself last year

>> No.57982917
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people here are way to conservative in their thinking.
If you have 1.8 million now, you can't just ignore the passive income from those 1.8 million, or future opportunities (imagine a future bullrun) and so on.
So more realistically you are already well off with 500k, considering you don't spend all at once because of all the future opportunities.
This poor people mentality that you need 100 million and 250k passive income each month to "retire" is not only unrealistic but also psychotic if you ask me. seek help.

>> No.57982976

Im broke and poor due to the shit around me
but Im keeping faith in Christ and humanity
trying to save up some money to open my own >>57982805 business
stay strong kings and God willing we'll all make it one day

>> No.57983054

lot of young people in this thread... OP the question is do you want a family? If yes, you don't have nearly enough to retire now. Inflation has hit the US really bad but also the rest of the world.

Everyone thinks to themselves they can live off $50k a year until something happens. Medical bills not covered by insurance, home repairs or if renting you always run the risk of landlord jacking up rent on lease renew, etc

>> No.57983144

tell me about it
fuck inflation
I can barely support my parents right now let alone think of having Christian babies - gotta keep the population up you know

>> No.57983288

Didn't read, you're a faggot and no one cares

>> No.57983323


please retire with $1.8m at 34. do it.

>> No.57983380


if anyone wants to give this a read and unironically could help me out

>> No.57983427

You are a disgusting fucking retard go back to plebbit you brainwashed dumb piece of human trash. Why do all these fucktards and trannys come here. Damn it

>> No.57983439

How much does it cost to hire 3 full time Filipina escorts?

>> No.57983463

I'll ask yo mama hold on let me call her

>> No.57983518

Retiring early isn't too good because at some point you will get bored of it.
I work from home on a blog which I'm monetizing via Adsense and now looking into Hydro Online.

Even with this and kids that I have to look after, it's still boring when compared to a 9-5 job

>> No.57983521

>it's another incel wants to move to a 3rd world shithole so he can finally lose his virginity thread

>> No.57983561


Wow! Didn't expect so many replies.

But I think there isn't much I can say to change y'all minds.

>> No.57983582

it's an ameriburger thing
ameriburgers are literally unable to lead a balanced life. they always tend towards one extreme or another, generally with histrionics

>> No.57983631
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Fuck you. Pay me.

>> No.57983669

You sound jealous be honest :)

>> No.57983684

>incel wants to move to a 3rd world shithole
but hes already in the US

>> No.57983686

>Surely if I was born in Japan just like my favorite anime characters I wouldn't have turned out such a loser!

>> No.57983716

Wahhh “americans” have ambition wahhhh. How’s life in the longhouse?

>> No.57983760

Why tf do you even keep waging if you have almost 2m lmao, you can just be a trader and make 1 good trade a year and you’ll make more than 95% of the wagies

>> No.57983863

Seems like I'm also going to consider that second monetizing platform since google reduced my revenue since the beginning of the year

>> No.57983914

>just risk it all on a shitcoin bro you might make a million

>> No.57983980

im in a similar boat OP, i like my current job and hope to ride it out until im 40 in 7 years. im a bit over a million invested in the stock market so a double would give me 2.2.

for me its the security aspect. i find it plausible that in 5-10 years AI takes over most of the "good" tech jobs and there is no longer the option to make 150k a year for a 40 hour week in a low stress environment. make hay while the sun shines.

it isn't the working part its the work being worth it. image trading an hour of your time for 10 bucks kek

>> No.57984011

if you can make 10 bucks an hour trading you do better than 99% of people retard

>> No.57984034

It really depends. Certain industries are pretty locked into needing to wagie if you want experience, like government or finance

>> No.57985002

>most of that money would go to traveling the world for several years fucking all the girls I could.

You don't need 8 million dollars to do that.
Just stay in hostels
Pro tip: the easiest girls to band abroad are the ones who are also traveling because they are away from home and less likely to be slut shamed

>> No.57985443

ESL moment

>> No.57985469

Your grandfather is a faggot
Also wages needed to 4.4x since the mid 90s just to keep up with real estate

Your grandfather had a privileged economy. It's currently a fucking SCAM

>> No.57985524

>wanting to retire young

is this a troll post

>> No.57985631

I'll get a job once I have the family. No house, no gf, no work!

I think kids should see their parents working anyways, but until then I barely need money, so working is pointless.

>> No.57985800

lol ok spend every waking moment of your life slaving away and never have enough for even the most basic necessities.

us bourgeoisie thank you.

>> No.57985839

Someone posted this last night.

>> No.57985895
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 10947221_10203469208325063_1311998398249270918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe there are white people who actually consider retiring in SEA, lmao

>> No.57986236

>why are you not working to make another man wealthy
you are a troll or wagecuckie

>> No.57986356

Actively farming Airdrops, doing hydro online Zealy campaign, doing Galxe tasks so I can retire and have a financial freedom.

>> No.57987348

>Early retirement
You never retire. Working for someone else, or working for yoursel. Even if you are not "working" you have income/savings, expenses, taxes, insurance (health, car, house) and you are are always working to protect what money you have. There is always inflation, and other expenses. If you have any money someone is trying to take it (taxes, scams, lawyers, crooks). If you won $100,000,000 in a lottery you need to work hard to keep what money you get after taxes. Keep your money at home? What if its stolen? Keep your money in the bank? What if the bank goes under? Everyone will be trying to get money from you legally and illegally. Most lottery winners end up going broke one way or another. Even if you work for someone else, you are still a "business" and still also work for yourself. So, the real question is, what is the business or combination of business that let you achieve the most professionally and personally so you can enjoy your time on the planet before you die?

>> No.57987363

oh nooo nice weather, cheap stuff and cute skinny women what insane people

>> No.57987470


>> No.57987813

Mutts are retarded beyond compare. I will never be able to understand them. How can you just move to a shithole on purpose and act like you just moved to Heaven on earth?

>> No.57987824 [DELETED] 

I hate asking, but its Ramadan month, I am very down this month. I will be straightforward, won't make any story. Suffering with foods for sehri and iftar as being a alone student. I need 500$ for this month. Can any helpful buddy tips me?

Maybe I will get banned cause I read the rules and breaking it. So if anyone may help send me a message to telegram > @anon33001


>> No.57987827

stop begging you fucking mudslime

>> No.57987854

>hurrdurr if I didn't have shekelberg to sell my time to what would I do with myself
Maybe there are better things to do with your limited time here than wage, retard
Your grandfather was born a slave and died a slave, as will you, cuck

>> No.57987905

go back to your shithole mohammed

>> No.57987990 [DELETED] 

I don't have any hate to your religion, they why do you?