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57978021 No.57978021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nationalism was the biggest mistake of the last century. It took two World Wars and multiple fucking genocides and somehow people still don't get it.
I love Germany from the depth of my heart, even served in the military, but man, the things that make us great are actually our interests in different cultures, ways of thinking and living and how to learn from that. Our greatest times were when guys like Alexander von Humboldt traveled the earth and wrote papers on anything and everything that he found interesting and our darkest times were when guys like Heinrich Himmler got upset about new archeological discoveries in Germany because he thought displaying these primitive ways of living make us look bad compared to the Latin who were more civilized back than.
Look at us stupid backwards barbarous hordes and how we rose to the highest scientific echelons, how can we be so judgemental about other seemingly backwards cultures if so much potential rests in all of us? I despise these incestuos notions of ethnostates and all that nonesense that's basically modern rewordings of the fundamentals of nation states.

Sorry bro, I just didn't know where I could vent about this

>> No.57978050

Cool blogpost faggot we're airdropping 500000000 Haitians into your country right now because borders are only le social construct

>> No.57978150

Youve been brainwashed
you ll get over it

>> No.57978192

you're just being racist
read any history book, you know I'm right

>> No.57978452
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ancient cultures were hubs for exchanges, all residing under the sun, the shared symbol of mans acesnsion and return to the gods.

germnaics are golems and are genetically incompatible with such communion, comprising themselves, inspiring fear and anxiety like a menopausal women lost in hysterics

kali yuga is when the feminine precedes the masculine and the world is now steered and controlled by faggots

>> No.57978482


>> No.57978527

You're hilariously and pathetically indoctrinated to be pliant and docile for the convenience of your overlords in managing you like their property. I've encountered other Germans that were the same naive wannabe cosmopolitan stereotype as you.

>> No.57978581
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America with no blacks and no jews a utopia.
America if you only accounted for whites has one of the lowest murder rates in the western world.
Establishment of white ethnostates in America and Europe is simply what has to happen to preserve the white race from extinction

>> No.57978583

fuck a Haitian, nigga

>> No.57978638
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whites dont exist in absesne of the other, you are npcs, your identity is a bestowment, pastiche of past cultures approproated to absolve your nonexistant heritage lifted from your barbarian ancestors

your only purpose is to usher in the kali yiga and bring mankind into material and spiritual improvement, exempllied by you elites that are npcs, steered by archons

you are nothing more than a plot device , shitty anime filler that humans have to suffer theorugh

>> No.57978656

The Two World Wars are more of a result of the Concert of Europe breaking down and the german emperor being retarded and alienating russia rather than nationalism, nationalism was only the spark of the great wars, if germany kept russia on good terms there simply would have been no world war

>> No.57978660
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post hand pajeet. Aryans ruled India and their race mixed descendance are STILL to this day the superior caste in India. The Aryan is the master race.

>> No.57978753
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aryans is a misonomer for barb(aryans), four legged golems that can only appropriate and mimmick like the skinwalkers they are, gentically defective, relying on false promises to make them whole, swine

>> No.57979045

Jew here

>> No.57979090

I agree with you in the sense that statehood is so often a spook employed to cull the gullible. If you instead think of a state as a "program" designed to protect against certain outcomes, it's easier to see the benefits of maintaining that state. The problem is that there are bugs