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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1530x692, Boeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57975436 No.57975436 [Reply] [Original]

I pulled out several months ago from my Boeing stocks. Is now a good time to buy low, sell high after govt subsidies boost stock prices or wait for another potential dip?

>> No.57975683
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The problem with boeing is not able to go away with just a bandaid fix with govt money.
They outsource parts to nearly a dozen suppliers who then subcontract out individual parts manufacture to another dozen contractors.
So when this amalgamation of parts arrives at boeing for final assembly, its so fucking far out of spec.

They do this because they have such a tight noose around their money flow, refuse to pay for quality, and any remaining capital goes to share buybacks.
If govt money gets injected, it’ll just go to share buybacks.

Imagine buying a car, and heres its specs;
The glass was contracted to a german glass firm, who subbed to a greek pottery company.
The steel was contracted to a chinese steel company who subbed out to a central african diamond mine/iron foundry
The engine was contracted to an italian company who subbed to a pakistani aluminum recycling cave foundry
The tires were contracted to a french company who subcontracted to a polish injection molding company specializing in toilet scrubbers.
The critical assembly was sourced to a spanish firm, who subbed out to a libyan textile company.
And final delivery assembly was completed by a jobs program for the blind in mexico.

Thats Boeing aircraft in 2024, in a nutshell.

If I had more capital, I would short the absolute fuck out of this dumpsterfire of a company.

>> No.57975723

The real problem now is image. I travel for work and you won’t catch me on a Boeing. Same for my colleagues

>> No.57975884

You’re missing the point: Boeing would quite literally bankrupt itself rehoming all manufacturing operations under its own roof again.

Read that entire sentence again. Then read it a third fucking time.
That should explain how fucked it is. They’ve tied up any available capital back into their own share price. As the fuck ups continue to become more frequent, that liquidity pool shrinks.
If they said “we need to improve operations by selling shares” the market would anticipate, share price dumps, require more share issuance to meet capital requirements to onboard mfgring, more share price dumps, until the shares fully unwind Ala TerraLuna style.

Boeing will not recover from this.

>> No.57975918

funny how boeing is collapsing. but they're from burgerland. fuck burgerland.

>> No.57975960

Is there anything American about Boeing in the current times?

>> No.57976534

post shorts or gtfo

>> No.57976558

then boeing will be nationalized or bought, life will go on chud

>> No.57976647

It hires obese boomers and military retards.
Thats quite literally it.

The average consoomer gets to spend $600+ for a 2hr lineup to be accosted by niggers with a embroidery badge, then sit in the poorest designed chairs to wait on a plane that may be delayed, then board an aircraft with a now single digit percent chance of failure, be jammed for two hours between the folds of two morbidly obese niggers, try to piss in a bathroom the size of a water heater, then wait 30 mins to deboard the plane, then wait another 45 minutes to finally get their luggage off of a carousel after it was beaten by several iterations of niggers.

Now that you add the ever increasing probability of the aircraft malfunctioning or crashing, the asspain of airtravel is no longer worth it.

>> No.57976667
File: 22 KB, 600x608, 1622484129431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57976688

bottom signal

>> No.57976716

Not yet.
A crash on US soil will tank the price below $100.
Its not an if, but a when.

>> No.57976748

Someone post the screenshot naming the jewds that were sabotaging planes

>> No.57976767

>Not yet.
kek so you're a fudder

>> No.57976855

You’re missing the part where the government takes them over just like Detroit. And just like Boeing, you won’t catch me in one of their vehicles.

>> No.57976943

I am a dumb white burger from burgerland. The sooner this shithole collapses, the better.

>> No.57977015

Is shorting a viable investment? How long do you think total collapse will take?