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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57973700 No.57973700 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /link/, newfags

>> No.57973748

Tell me more about the thread where the pool isn't closed. Seems like that destroyed link.
Is that why /biz/ is dead? Chainlink died?

>> No.57973775

Fuddies got so irreversibly btfo on this day that they lost their minds forever. If they ever begin to forget they can always go to staking.chain.link to remind themselves that the POOL IS CLOSED

>> No.57973801
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>> No.57973835

literal angry bulgarian typing noises bro just bought more wfh employment token

>> No.57974063

All coins have bull/bear cycles. LINK's next bull run will take it above LINK/BTC ATH, unlike all the other useless shitcoins.

>> No.57974093

finally a linky who is willing to just outright make a bold claim. i do respect your boldness but consider how insanely bogged this shit is, the turnaround would be almost literally miraculous. is that more likely or is it more likely that after six years, no value accrual mechanism for the token has been established because that has never been part of the plan and they are basically making up shit as they go? seems obvious to me

>> No.57974095

Honestly speaking here, do you really condone what Chainlink Labs did to general access folks?

>> No.57974107

Let's hope they do and Johnny does another number on them kek

>> No.57974121


>> No.57974144

This isn't something to be proud of, it's more akin to cutting yourself just to feel inside a padded room
>inb4 snarky response
Don't take it personally champ

>> No.57974180

shitting up the board great job

>> No.57974205

>vocal minority/paid advocates flood the board with a laughably bad investment
>uhhh /biz/ belongs to link, sorry chud!!

>> No.57974224
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Take the cuckpill marines.
#staked #caged #cuckpilled

>> No.57974285
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We don't want that useless coin here, it's literally useless, it's not like BTC, SOL, SUPER or XRP
Paid shills will never make your shitcoin worth more

>> No.57974360

No, it was pretty shit, and I say that as a 15k staked fag.
But if there’s one thing about holding chainlink, it’s blackpilling. Gives you a really clear insight into how the world actually works, and you come out damaged.

>> No.57974375

imagine having this saved on your computer next to your cock cage pictures.

>> No.57974657

It does look bogged and in need of a miracle. Consider how Bitcoin must have looked in 2013 when it dropped over 80% in a week, all the way down to 46 dollars during it's first bull cycle. As for the no value accrual mechanism claim, you know this is false. A service that secures an entire systems value is as valuable as that system itself. Payments for chainlink services can be made in other tokens, but those tokens must be swapped to LINK.

>> No.57974725

don't worry they only save pictures of trannys and cuck cages ironically they're totally not closeted faggots

>> No.57974737

This was a funny day, linkcucks love being cucked

>> No.57974814

that sounds nice but as long as CCIP just sits in limbo, occams razor tells me it is vaporware.

>> No.57974908

True that CCIP is in limbo, but the amount of institutional interest and the amount of fud should tell you that it's not just vaporware.

>> No.57974969

the "institutional interest" to me just seems like random literal whos at various large companies who were hired to do some sort of exploratory blockchain shit taking a pamphlet from smart con and writing a one sentence blurb of buzzwords about it. The ANZ shit of just transfering a test carbon credit, etc... its just such surface level bullshit. I understand that these things take time to implement but come on lmao, until its being used, its just bullshit talk, these people and companies are not implementing CCIP into anything and not anytime soon. You can keep dragging out the two weeks shit forever until the end of time. It aint happening

>> No.57975060


>> No.57975166

There is a point where security autism goes too far. I dont know if link is at that point, but It seems like it is getting close if it is not. Six years, multiple missed bull runs, which by the way are important moments in the industry, even for tech lovers who hate profit, it is important to time releases with interest during a bull market. Fucking either release it now or it is vaporware, plain and simple

>> No.57975305

My point is that Sirgay is autisticly obsessed with doing this perfectly. This is a rare character trait in crypto, and it's the only reason why Chainlink has any chance at succeeding. It's also why you need to be patient with this one; they are building something that will have tremendous responsibility and seriously be used at the center of the global financial system, not RANDOM_ETH_CLONE#19348546463 which requires only enough security to part gamblers with their ETH or BTC.

>> No.57975416

>multiple missed bull runs
"Missed" BTC bull runs. We are still so early you can't even think of alternate crypto systems/services as value decoupled from and operating independent of BTC. The few people that invested in BTC early did not buy because of the state of crypto in their time, they were thinking about what it would be in the future.

>> No.57975475

He hasn’t done anything. I can’t wait to see that fat piece of shit rot prison.

>> No.57975515
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>We are still so early

Just 6 more years of poverty and living in our own filth and squalor while we reach middle age with our elderly parents, and ONLY THEN, will Link become something other than a worthless ICO shitcoin with no actual purpose!

Hold strong marines!

>> No.57975529

you can literally just say this for years and years and years and never be falsified. you are making an unfalsifiable claim based on faith. Thats fine but can you see how fucking grifty this whole thing looks? lmao You are talking in 100 year terms here anon.

>> No.57975595

>autisticly obsessed with doing this perfectly.

Doing what? Performing a slow, performative exit scam while delivering nothing?

>> No.57976290

These posts reek of personal injury. Like, maybe you made a huge mistake, lost your LINK stack, and now blame it on everyone but yourself

>> No.57976511
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checked and based