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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5797175 No.5797175 [Reply] [Original]

New to this /biz/, here's how she's looking. Would it be wise to drop my ETH holdings for ADA? The latter has been mooning quite nicely. I just want to stop wagecucking...

>> No.5797301
File: 237 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-03-01-23-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to stop wagecucking..
Same here, bro. I realized tonight, at work, that I simply HAVE to make it. There is simply no other choice for me. I either make it and get rich or die trying. I can't really offer you any advice since I'm still new to this but hopefully someone who really knows their shit will come along.

>> No.5797358

isn't electra just the flavor of the month pump and dump?

>> No.5797475
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newly born poorfag reporting in

honestly don't know if I'm gonna make it. Already made so many little mistakes

>> No.5797489
File: 142 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-03-01-31-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn sure looks like it!

>> No.5797530

This is actually unironically a really good portfolio. I wouldnt touch your ETH.. Wagecuck and get ICX and increase your ENG

>> No.5797562

>he didn't all in on xlm
you don't diversify when you're this poor. pick a coin with strong fundamentals, than when you see some gainz, split it up

>> No.5797569


>dropping eth, the most credible and proven blockchain platform, for an unproven $25bn whitepaper bcuz muh quick gains over past few days

the absolute state of biz everyone

>> No.5797584
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> tron
Nice. I bought some tron when it was .2 and sold when it was .4 I Made $50 but seeing it now I wish I had held on a bit longer

>> No.5797601
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1200 now, maintaining satoshi value on all alts other then REQ.

>> No.5797661
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Fuck you. I wish you weren't wrong because it's exactly what I'm doing atm

>> No.5797664

Much thanks for the feedback! I've been a bit apprehensive about ICX because of the fact that it's trading 20x the ICO...and then there was that FUD last week about the government potentially cucking crypto in Korea....

>> No.5797676

looks nice to me and don't trade ETH for ADA. In my opinion ETH has more potential to grow

>> No.5797690
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After making a few mistakes I’ve been on a solid trend lately, but would appreciate any feedback. Thinking about selling back a small amount of each alt into ETH

>> No.5797704

Was too late on XLM. Haven't been able to get much into exchanges due to normiebase sucking shit

what would you recommend? Can't sell much of anything right now bc muh losses, but you're right that I need a solid, fundamental buy. Kind of hoping my REQ will be that

>> No.5797718
File: 151 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180103-013946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far so good.

>> No.5797724

ETH is the new gold standard for stability. Fuck BTC. ETH is great if you want to keep your cash stable forget it for any kind of crypto-like growth

>> No.5797753

Just bought in at like 5 unfortunately. Sitting at a 40 dollar gain, but I'm kinda bullish on TRX for Q1 so I don't wanna blow my foot off for a few grams of weed

>> No.5797767

xlm is gonna hit a $1 sooner than you think. there was a nice dip today when bitcoin saw that brief rally. just find a dip and get in lad, xlm is going to have solid growth throughout the year. lot's of rumour's about ibm and fairx using xlm, look into it.

>> No.5797786


kek, are you seriously just buying whatever's shilled the hardest on /biz/?

>> No.5797800

I'd say having some diversity is important thru and thru, at minimum have your largest hold be 65%. Everything else is just short term moons.

>> No.5797809

Think I'll be good if I can get another ~100 USD into the market in the next week or so? just need to wait for my card limit to replenish lmao

>> No.5797812

Sold my DBC meme coins for 1.4 ETH (2x'd onmy inititial investment.

I hold1205 XLM (bought at $0.53)
60.87 ICX ( @ $5.33)

Which should i roll this gain into?

>> No.5797842
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>tfw week into crypto almost doubled my money

>> No.5797853

are you in a city? you can try buying some eth locally if you need coin fast...localethereum.com is pretty swell for this

>> No.5797906

People shill shit, I check it out, if it sounds good to me, I buy. Do you have a magic crystal ball or something? REQ and KCS have been very good to me so far. Still waiting on deep brain and just watching ECA and I exec

>> No.5797914

Hmmm, I'd considered that. Mad sketched about doing a Meetup tho.

I wish eth ATMs were a thing. There are a few BTC ATMs nearby, but don't have enough liquid right now to make the buttcoin fees worth it

>> No.5797947

I've been shilling DBC for fun, idk what it's supposed to do but it sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.5797988
File: 519 KB, 1125x1558, D7219811-CA1D-4F4F-AAF6-68AE355FAC7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do from here? Split some XLM profits into new waters? Drop bitcoin finally?

Already cashed out my 3k initial funds.

>> No.5798015

the sellers have reviews. pick a seller with high reviews and meet inside a café, somewhere there are cameras. just be smart. honestly the simplest thing ever.

>> No.5798051

Too rich please bost on your own autism containment thread.

>> No.5798084


while i agree with you to an extent, I still think eth will at least 5x this year. for many reasons:

1. it will takeover as gatekeeper of alts (and consequently people will be more inclined to trade for gwei not sats)
2. POS will shrink circulating supply of ether by A LOT. the exact magnitude of this effect is not yet fully discovered, but I am betting that it will surpass most people's expectations and this will drive ether's price up immensely.
3. futures being announced by cme group. this is highly speculated already but once its announce it will moon without doubt
4. erc20 tokens releasing/implementing their products will further drive demand for ether to new highs
5. I predict there will be less ICO selling pressure in 2018 as well as the ico market reaches some saturation
6. Ether's first mover advantage and subsequent effect on normies: ethereum becomes household name etc.
7. developer share continues to grow (already higher than any other coin)
8. list goes on but too lazy to keep going.

>> No.5798186
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How can you think something sounds like bullshit if you don't know what it does?

>> No.5798223
File: 196 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180103-085750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in with 500 Euro in beginning of December, AMA.

>> No.5798288

I read into it enough to think it's bullshit.

>> No.5798314

lolwut how?

>> No.5798470

I originally started buying XRP with 500 Euro and got more or less what I have now. Once it grew in value, I took out a bit of that and bought many 0.00X EUR coins, many of which 10x'd my investment in them. And before you know it, you're left with coins you actually want to hodl because you firmly believe in their longterm success.
It's easy to get more than your month's worth of salary but you have to sacrifice sleep, family, friends and job. You're chasing every pump non-stop. Switching currencies like a madman. But it's worth it, anon. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.5798540
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go ahead, laugh, i know ive made many bad decisions.

>> No.5798547

Goddamn that's beautiful

>> No.5798588

Shit I've been trying to avoid pump and dumps because I got chucked hard by verge. I was supposed to 6c at the ATH, but I got greedy and didn't sell. I still made money, but only .5x. I was pissed, so I resolved to stop chasing pumps. How much money were you sinking into these pump coins?

>> No.5798627
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Do you set up alerts on your phone or do you just force yourself to wake up and check shit out every 15 minutes or so? This is what I'm having trouble with since I sleep like a rock. I'll wake up and think, "I should really check on this and that" but ultimately just roll over and go back to sleep, convinced that nothing is happening.

>> No.5798721

Actually designed my portfolio the way I did because I wanted to start sleeping at night. When I had holdings in XVG, I could not fall sleep comfortably. You really can't with pump and dumps. Since the market is 24h and all...

>> No.5798834
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Too bad everything worthwhile mooned, I need to find new whitepapers for projects that are around .10¢ it's where I got in with ADA.

>> No.5798865

you always set alerts for shitcoins. keep in mind that a lot of trackers are a bit delayed, so keep this in mind when you set the price you want to be alerted at. if you really want to make sure you wake up, download multiple cryptotracker apps and set their notifications to persistent

>> No.5798921
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Yeah, I haven't really got into pnd's yet but I really wanna try it out (not that Pajeet discord bullshit of course). Guess I'm just going to have to start sacrificing sleep. Kinda sucks since I work 14:30 - 23:00, so I'm up all night. I think it'd probably be better if I were awake during the day.

>> No.5798966
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>a lot of trackers are a bit delayed, so keep this in mind
I've noticed that. Blockfolio is usually way behind. Good advice, thanks.

>> No.5799043
File: 70 KB, 750x1334, 26609735_1079672908842040_1635440531_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i gonna make it, ive got 2.81 BTC worth. balances are hidden because i cbf taking another screencap

>> No.5799071

Its also in AUD, thought id let you fellas know to spare some confusion

>> No.5799091

I set up alarms, but when I sleep, I sleep. It's bullshit to chase when you should be sleeping. Get at least 6 hours a day and take a day off in a month. For volatile things I sometimes leave the coins on the exchange and set up stop-loss orders or limits.

You need to be smart about p&d schemes. I browse /biz/ a lot and you'd be surprised how much the groups shill their p&d on here and reddit. If you're able to read the signs and do your own research, you can ride the waves without having to enter those cancerous discords shit groups.

There's always going to be another worthwile coin that's going to moon. Just be patient and don't fomo into buying shit you don't believe in.

>> No.5799131
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Good words, Godspeed you anon.

>> No.5799155

nigga if you do not add UAH to that kys

>> No.5799160

i'm curious; what kind of signs do you look for before riding a pump and dump?

>> No.5799175

Not bad.
Only criticism I have is drop the LINK.

>> No.5799176

nigga you're already late if you bought ada at .10, lemme give you a tip, pick up UAH before it's too late

>> No.5799187
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Started December 7th...invested 6k of wagecuck capital....also fucked up by FOMOing and buying at ATHs a few times. Getting the hang of it now i hope.

>> No.5799260
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>> No.5799273

As stupid as it may sound; memes. Your mileage may vary but for me this is what works the best.
A sudden increase in memes and shitposting is a good indicator for an upcoming or undergoing pump. At least that's what I found to be the case.
I can only explain it like this; in my opinion an increase in shitposts directly reflects the eagernes of people willing to push that coin a little to make some gains. It's especially prevalent when there's OC involved.

>> No.5799319


No you noron!

>> No.5799346
File: 304 KB, 750x1334, 027B137A-BA90-406B-A09A-787430FC57B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make It? I started With $800

>> No.5799372

isn't link /ourcoin/ though? curious as to why you're not fond of it, i see great potential in the project. i was a bit taken back at the lack of github commits these past two months though...but they do have that potential REQ partnership on the horizon

>> No.5799407

How do you buy and sell altcoins? Any tutorials online as to how it works? Brand new to crypto and reek of newfag, have about a hundred dollars to spare to invest, thinking of putting it into XML as well.

>> No.5799447


Everyone with at least 10k XLM has already made it, so congrats. Just hold for another year or two.

>> No.5799717
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Judge me harshly, trying to make it out of wageslavery

>> No.5799865
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Who else third world wageslave here ?

>> No.5800295

south africa isn't too bad desu

>> No.5800526
File: 151 KB, 640x1136, B624B5A2-1E1B-40A4-9172-DFB617F79B39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing /biz/?

>> No.5800583
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Buy VEN or stay poor

>> No.5800612

You sure don't like taking risks, do you ?

>> No.5800734

Maybe why I’m still poorfag

>> No.5800830

Who cares it's just 4k. Go big or go broke. Start buying good alts and invest in one or two icos. 100k EOY guaranteed

>> No.5801095
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R8 me HODLs boyos. I want to move my BTC into something else. Maybe more XLM? It's been good to me. Or maybe TRX? ME ME DONT KNOW

>> No.5801204

I've been trying to mine some etn with my shitty laptop. Once my chancoins confirm on cryptopia I'll be putting down.

>> No.5801298
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I started with 300 few weeks ago but cant break 2000

>> No.5801336

Too much shit for what you got.

>> No.5801338

>doubled my money
i hope you meant investment and not your total money

>> No.5801366

Check VSync.

>> No.5801381

I should diversify less?

>> No.5801512

i think he literally means you have too much shit. most of those coins are shit coins

>> No.5801527
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This is my hold, thinking of losing the BTC and going into some spicy Chinese coins

>> No.5801667

Wagecuck here, how do I MAKE IT if I'm in the third world?

>> No.5801688

drop the goods, what chinese coins do you want to buy lad?!

>> No.5801704

Well you own REQ which is a good start. Just keep holding and you'll make it.

>> No.5801730
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Be good.

>> No.5801735

I know theyre shitcoins, Im just greedy

>> No.5801786
File: 345 KB, 750x1334, CD6EA069-735E-45F3-9E9A-2D5C17C3BF3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help a poorfag out /biz/.

>> No.5801805

>only 50% xlm
fucked up, son

>> No.5801810

put request gains in utrust

>> No.5801820
File: 73 KB, 720x1280, blockfolio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat do /biz/

>> No.5801829
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Lurk more, Read more, understand the whitepapers. Understand mememetics, learn to read the mood in threads to scope out shilling or Reddit tier hugboxing. Use the archive.

>> No.5801870

Already on it, mostly wondering about wallet, purse, holdings, and all that other basic stuff.

>> No.5801881

ultimate poorfag edition

on my way to honda civic-land

>> No.5801937

Basic stuff that all kinda works like email just double check what you copy paste into the send fields.

>> No.5801971

Not sure, I see VEN, ICX, ITC being shilled here a lot but I keep reading that lots of institutional money will pile into BTC this year, plus they’ll eventually have Segwit and Lightning so :/

I need my portfolio to 20x and I’ve paid off my mortgage. Am hoping I’m close to a mix that’ll do it for me if I hold it for a few years. I’m done with trying to time dips

>> No.5802091
File: 268 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180103-205511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started out with 2.500 in August. We're gonna make it Bros

>> No.5802151

you are way too diversified for the amount of money you have put in. but if you are only trying to make an extra few grand for the year then its cool.

>> No.5802421

Teach me, senpai.

>> No.5802529
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Poor student who went all in with his summer job earnings...

Will I make it?

>> No.5802662

Absolutely. Hodl and forget about this place

>> No.5802679
File: 117 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1728[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with 2k a few months ago, been slow and steady I guess. Hoping this ZCL pays off but otherwise any ideas?

>> No.5802811

Have ~$80, where do I invest this in /biz/? I think I am already late to the xlm moon, any other alts? Plz suggest

>> No.5802835


>> No.5802882

what are you doing

>> No.5802983

Way too spread, you should divide that between two coins max now. 1 if not both of them low cap

>> No.5802998


Aw yiss Spank brah.

>> No.5803025
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-110633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought salt at the dip
>dips even more

any advice?
will I make it to 10k this year? It's a modest goal but that's when the gains start to ramp up

>> No.5803034

Wish I coulda baught more

>> No.5803059

trying to get rich and you?

>> No.5803091

mfw 2 months ago my portfolio was worth half of yours and now it's double yours

mfw I have no face

>> No.5803101

I bought lots of Bitcoin cash at 200

And now I bought 8k of Stella at .19 that's now almost 40

>> No.5803190

i don't see the problem with him all-ining on XLM, it's gonna moon crazy. you definitely wanna diversify after you see some decent gains on XLM though.

>> No.5803192
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Too much diversity? Should i change something?

>> No.5803369

What is this KuCoin thing? Just some Ponzi scheme thing that's just picking up? Where are you supposed to shill your own referral after joining?

>> No.5803407

>Bitcoin cash
>at 200
What exactly does this mean?

Sorry for being such a fag.

>> No.5803481
File: 710 KB, 1125x2436, F6BE61A4-6536-4095-9FB9-C0C607988380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will i do in 2018?

>> No.5803574
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>Everyone is so rich

>> No.5803588

Yall got any more advice? Started a month ago with 600 so bretty happy with how things went.

>> No.5803611
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>> No.5803900
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started yesterday. bought 40eur of xlm at 3075

>> No.5804306

Wow, now at least someone is more poor than me.
t. 320$ in cryptos.

>> No.5804482

i've bought some more BTC to play with on bitcoin.de, but i've been sat waiting for the cunt to confirm my payment the past five days

>> No.5804493
File: 99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-130900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put 50 into XLM just before Xmas.
I am mad at myself for making my first dable into crypto just 50 and not my whole allocated investment money of 700.
1/2 of watch list

>> No.5804527


>> No.5804551
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Ofc i forget the file jesus

>> No.5805103

is coinsmarket safe ? it looks sketchy as fuck.

>> No.5805176
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Started in early November with £100 of btc, sold it all right before the crash because I listen to biz and bought into these (ark is for my friend)

Have to wagecuck a bit more but I’m thinking of increasing my holdings to 1k of each, hodl until 2020. Might be worth it, might not.

Will probably play around with some other coins and try my hand at chasing moons and p&d’s (I’m thinking FUN), but i’ll be keeping those 1k bags just incase.

It’s not a lot but it’s a start

>> No.5805181

link is shit forget it pal

>> No.5805217

low energy fud

>> No.5805246

just do binance

>> No.5805286
File: 19 KB, 424x157, newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just started
how bad is it? I look for mid-term hodl till end of January roughly

>> No.5805332

>at 200
not him but I think he means he bought Bitcoin cash at a price of 200 sat per Bitocin cash, as a lot of people measure prices by satoshis rather than USD

>> No.5805418

good luck comrade,

Never forget 1 Doge will always be 1 Doge.

>> No.5805489
File: 127 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180104-014636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagecuck/Brainlet reporting

>> No.5805517

Why is Delta and blockfolio so shit ? they only have novaexchange for COLX

>> No.5805601
File: 79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-125112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been an absolute retard so far buying high selling l fomo you name it but now I'm just holding and wage cucking adding to my stacks.

>> No.5805634
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>> No.5805663

Also fucking 3 ethermon and 6eggs lol

>> No.5806241
File: 324 KB, 750x1334, 5D2DB4E5-7BAF-4A61-8D6D-59C4936724C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newcoiner poorfag reporting in. Thinking of selling Sub for either Req or ICX. How i gets rich?

>> No.5806364

All in fun

>> No.5806442

Dont sell sub anon. Pump before beta

>> No.5806799
File: 172 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-143733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do i go from here?

>> No.5806822

Newfag here, what app is this?

>> No.5807396

delta, write delta bitcoin to find it though

>> No.5807861

coinsmarket is an absolute shit exchange. wait for colx to hit cryptopia, then you'll be able to hit it with blockfolio

>> No.5808088
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>> No.5808147
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Top hold is litecoin bought them all under 100usd

Total investment in fiat overall is about 2k, blockfolio doesn't work for me so using Delta. Also Electra data is not being pulled properly from coinsmarkets

What is next for me? I wanna break 10k then 100k

>> No.5808221
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R8 me. Is this too diverse??

>> No.5808273
File: 184 KB, 1242x2208, 0377C413-B8B8-4CBF-BB52-286C59AC3A01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it anons

>> No.5808325
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>> No.5808443


1) Create a Binance account.

2) Click on Funds / Deposits Withdrawals

3) Find ETH there, click on deposit.

You are gonna find your deposit address for Ethereum there.

4) Send your ETH to that address from wherever you're holding your coins.

5) Once it arrives on your binance account (around 5 mins) you can do whatever you want with it on the market.

you can use my referral for binance when you're signing up: 11607510