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File: 161 KB, 1572x692, SPAAAAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57970714 No.57970714 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is exactly what fudding should be - subtle and intelligent.

I imagine that if this were kept up for the entirety of this year, a single 50-100 link spot may actually open up in the pool. This would be a significant victory compared to last year, when the pool filled up in under 6 hours.

Bravo - truly tremendous work gentlemen.

>> No.57970722

we are the cuckolds of crypto

Verification not required.

>> No.57970748

If advocates were simply given their well earned raise, I have a feeling these threads would stop.

>> No.57970751

Link is performing so perfectly to its original design purpose: to cuck its holders and dump endlessly against the market. When you understand that this is it's primary purpose, you realize just how incredibly successful of a project it is. Its inspiring.

>> No.57970797

>3 separate ids rushing into a thread 2 minutes after it's made to rant about cucking and advocates
See? Subtle and intelligent.

>> No.57970913
File: 294 KB, 1080x1094, 1688613253044863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckpilling thread! Just take the cuck pill and the pain will end.
If any link marine buys a cock cage and takes a timestamped picture wearing it with the chainlink logo drawn, I will personally give him 10 link currently valued at $200 (future value $1million) and I will peraonally stop fudding for 30 days. Brown anons take note.

>> No.57970944

You underestimate how awe inspiring the token and project is to thousands of people. What they have done at CLL in putting together a perfect "Cuck's Coin" is simply breathtaking and the entire world has taken note. I'm so proud of marines for getting exactly what they want and deserve from Sergey and CLL - humiliation, financial domination, and cucking which will last for the rest of their lives.

>> No.57970954
File: 439 KB, 1813x711, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkies know all about subtlety and intelligence

>> No.57970994

one of the great moments in chaincuck history, "quick everyone get into our collective cuck cage so we can't sell any of our bleeding tokens and they get locked up, that way we can watch our token get dominated and bleed for years on end and theres literally nothing we can do about it!!!" Truly an incredibly elaborate humiliation ritual, a modern marvel of cucking

>> No.57971090

Wow more great responses, fudsisters.
Maybe a spot in the pool will open up because of these alone.
I remember that it was like that while the pool was filling up. That would have have actually been organic excitement from securing a spot in the pool. If they kept up those posts around the clock every single day for a year, maybe they would approach the level of subtlety and intelligence of the OG fudders assembled here today who are definitely not brown or poor.

>> No.57971530

I only own 300 link and I ain't ashamed to say I'm cucked the fuck out

>> No.57972217

You can say whatever you want but Link is never pumping in sats ever again. It is literally over. Your shitcoin is fucking dead

>> No.57972297

Damn, that's an absolute banger.
I just checked the pool - I can't believe that it's still full after reading that.

>> No.57972323

they're not OG fudders, mate. they're seething latefags spouting buzzwords and tricking complete retards to selling baby bags.

>> No.57972400

enjoy your self imposed cuck cage pool, marine. seriously congrats on locking up your bleeding token so you cant even save the little amount of value that is left in it. You get to watch your shitcoin bleed out without having any power to sell it. That is supremely cucked, but I know thats what you LOVE as a proud marine and so I'm proud of you for doing what you love

>> No.57972406

damn you got me, im the one with made the "hahahah" thread. not even really my fault tho can you blame me for chainlink taking so long to get to three figures?

>> No.57972421

I havent paid attention since 2021 and holding ADA and LINK bags. Should I sell for SOL

>> No.57972433
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Enough said

>> No.57972444

sell the link and buy literally anything else. you will make it holding basically anything besides link, it is designed to dump

>> No.57972452
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>> No.57972510

enjoy rotting and screaming in an eternal pit of darkness. you'll be crying on your deathbed like anthony lavey and aleistwer crowley, both supremely arrogant con artists, realizing they were conned by demons to doing their bidding and will now serve as gimps for their masters. you're going to be ass raped for an eternity for choosing to lower yourself to a self serving mode of thought and no one will remember you or care about you and your suffering will go on for aeons until, maybe, you realize in your pit of dispair how much of a stupid fuck up you were to wind up in hell and you'll scream for salvation

kek you are the hylic of /biz/

>> No.57972512
File: 113 KB, 686x1214, howtoenrageafuddie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever could you mean by that! They say they're OGs all the time! Are you telling me that they spend all day lying or something?
Wow that's just incredible. I'm pretty sure a single link gets unstaked every time you say "cuck" or "shitcoin."
I'll check the pool again.
Oh no... don't worry. Just keep it up and I'm sure something will change.
Kek yeah, saw that thread as well.
It really is refreshing. Like being raged at by trannies online for telling them that they aren't women.

>> No.57972582

I understand that your peanut brain is incapable of understanding that you can get similar APY on literal stablecoins in coinbase than in the fake retarded "staking" pool that CLL threw together last minute to appease their army of cuck holders. But I'm wondering, what is the benefit of getting poorfag levels of return on an asset that eternally bleeds out, and that requires you to lock said asset up making totally illiquid? It is almost like you couldnt design a more suboptimal way to park capital. You are holding a token that is bleeding out, while getting APY that is not competitive AT ALL. You are taking ALL risk for ZERO reward. There are some link marines that were not even interested in joining the cuckpool and at least they understood this, you however are so fucking retarded that given the choice, you make the least logical, riskiest decision with zero upside. You all deserve an award: The Dumbest Cucks on planet earth, not just in crypto.

>> No.57972599

what does chainlink have to do with my eternal salvation? chainlink... you mean the company full of diversity roastie hires who is trying to usher in WEF level mark of the beast bullshit? so me not shilling for that makes me demonic? i think you have it backwards

>> No.57972665

>8 posts by this ID

>> No.57972673

You wake up. Breathe in the fresh morning air, and pick up your phone first thing to check the LINK chart. Last night it was $20.15 and you were feeling cautiously optimistic. You open up tradingview. $19.95. AGAIN. You sigh and tell yourself you see a cup and handle (if you squint hard enough). Drinking your morning coffee, you shower and get ready to drive to work. Before you leave you check again. $19.99. Maybe today's the day we break $20 FOR GOOD.
You get to work and right away the morning breakfast crowd is in. Busy BUSY morning. You check the price a few times on one of your many "bathroom" breaks, but it just keeps ranging from $19.80-$20.05. Finally, lunch time rolls around. You unwrap last night's leftovers and check the price. $19.60. Your heart sinks and your appetite is gone. We just broke a 2 day support. It's going to $18 at least, FOR SURE. Your finger hovers over the "sell" button, but you look up at the clock -- lunch time is over. Back to waiting tables. A few more bathroom breaks, and the worst one comes -- a candle down to $19.40. You tell yourself that, well, at this point, selling and buying lower wouldn't do anything because coinbase fees would cancel out your gains.
You ride out the storm. Finally, work ends. You check the price on your drive home. $19.50. Shit. You should've sold last night. What were you thinking?

>> No.57972711

I want to say also that you need to be careful making comparisons like this to other people's salvation, that is not something to dole out lightly. I would urge you to ask yourself the simple question of why after years of being teased, you put your faith in Sergey Nazarov, a random fat russian. The lord is not concerned with our investments, friend, and he is not working through Sergey Nazarov in the way you might think he is. Wake up.

>> No.57972783

Yes, definitely heed this guy.
He cares about your investments so much that he screeches about advocates and cucks on biz all day every day when he isn't drowning in pussy in a grassy field somewhere.
Oh and a pasta! Very nice. This will definitely become as timeless as maniac posting. How long has this one been floating around. I'm guessing since October last year?

>> No.57972837

I found it just a few days ago, it's probably only a few months old

>> No.57972854

oh I'm an idiot, just checked the archive, 4 day old pasta

>> No.57972869

chainlink confirmed mark of the beast

>> No.57972879

You guys win. I am going to stop my incessant fudding now. Know this: i am not a jeet or discord tranny, I am someone who has come to terms with how chainlink is a literal scam. It takes some effort but set aside your cognitive dissonance for a minute, look at the facts of the project and you will also understand how fucking evil and stupid the 6 year grift has been, for real. I realize that the fud is negative and coming from a place of anger but it is because i am flawed and it actually really does piss me off, what sergey has done to a lot of intelligent dudes on this forum in dragging them along for years. I am being 100 percent honest. I am done. Enjoy your cuckcoin.

>> No.57972944

if God wasn't concerned with my well being I wouldn't have been led to buying chainlink when it was .20 cents.

but you're putting words in my mouth and are actin as a faithful gimp for devils. imagine that, one lifetime to live on earth and instead of bettering yourself and helping others you choose to be a manipulative mosquito lmao

you haven't a clue what awaits you, you're fucked

>> No.57972950

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that LINK had a moderately successful PnD culminating in a meandering jargon blog post posing as an "update" and is now well on its way to returning to its true price, 15 cents. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this Christmas Sergey again tests his limit by swimming across a large body of water but this time fails to make it across. That's of course if he isn't already dead in a Thai bathhouse after ODing on all the cocaine that he bought with the ICO funding. Rory probably logs into Sergey's slack account now and then to offer some proof of life in order to keep the con going.

It's a truly sad state of affairs when Linkies stare cold hard facts dead in the eye and label them FUD. Chainlink has NO working model and won't have one for at least 4 months. They recently switched language and its become evident that Sergey can't even write a "Hello World" script in GO. What really made me laugh was the numerous job adverts in the EOY blog-post - as if speculators needed any further proof that Sergey and his pet monkey had made absolutely 0 progress asides from paying a handful of Fiver pajeets to clutter this shithouse with link shill threads like OP. I could throw a dart at the top 100 list and whatever it landed on (impossible to hit LINK lol) would outperform this shitcoin 1000x in the next year.

I'm legitimately trying to help you financially anon. Let's say you "invested" in LINK 2 weeks ago. You would have made literally 0% in a months time as this market is all hype and chainlink has NONE. Not only would you not make any profit but you would miss out on LITERALLY hundreds of moon missions in that time.

That depends OP, how much cash are you ready to waste? Might I interest you in the 50k cretin package which includes 3 rare pink wojak's ready for your return to 15 cents?

>> No.57973087

I am trying to help you be more critical of charlatans that are dragging you along in a token that is quite literally cooked. It is done. How is that not helping you? Do you realize that getting more money is not a sign that god favors you more? Do you realize the richest people on the planet worship satan? do you realize the slippery slope of associating monetary gain with god's concern for your well being? Sergey is not god. CLL is not god. Fud is not from the devil. Could it be that you are making link god, an idol, and therefore fud is demonic to you?

>> No.57973104
File: 754 KB, 1000x1006, 4ol2648m4ox51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you are STILL seething lmao

does it hurt? jej

>> No.57973112
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 1561282606034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental illness: the post.

Is there a more pathetic creature than the shit encrusted, unwashed, shut-in LINKcel that emerges out of its lair after living in squalor for 6 years and screaming BULGARIAN FUD every day to an audience of anonymous passers by?

>> No.57973121

i remember when link holders on this board literally masturbated to a fucking demonic sigil to pump the price. Does that ring a bell to any OG holders? could it be that Linkies are not "the good guys?" How about all the Saturn ari juels esotericism? ring a bell?

>> No.57973130
File: 174 KB, 680x680, 1502546238001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that LINK had a moderately successful PnD culminating in a meandering jargon blog post posing as an "update" and is now well on its way to returning to its true price, 15 cents

This is gold. Mind if I save?

>> No.57973206


your leaders tell you, “Look, the kingdom is in heaven,”
then the birds of heaven will precede you.
If they say to you, “It’s in the sea,”
then the fish will precede you.
But the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.
When you know yourselves, then you will be known,
and you will understand that you are children of the living father.
But if you do not know yourselves,
then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty.

Whoever has something in hand will be given more
and whoever has nothing will be deprived
of the paltry things possessed.

Grapes are not harvested from thorn trees,
nor are figs gathered from thistles.
They yield no fruit.
A good person brings forth good from the storehouse.
A bad person brings forth evil things
from the corrupt storehouse in the heart
and says evil things.
From the abundance of the heart
such a person brings forth evil.

>> No.57973250
File: 85 KB, 750x1000, asdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-youre mad right?
yes anon, I'm mad that you're holding the shittiest coin in crypto. furious, even.

>> No.57973333

there are people (me included) who thought it would go to GA. could not have been more wrong

>> No.57973439


There was a rich person who was very wealthy.
He said, “I shall invest my money so I may sow, reap, plant,
and fill my storehouses with produce.
Then I shall lack nothing.”
This is what he was thinking in his heart,
but that very night he died.
Whoever has ears should hear.

Shame on the Pharisees.
They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger.
It does not eat or let the cattle eat.

>> No.57973558

$mussi or $ronaldo

>> No.57973578

Lmao I fucking love that pic. Link will always be biz coin

>> No.57973592

OP here. Just on the back porch having breakfast
Oh wow yes now that's a compelling wall of text. That's about 10 link's worth of unstaking and sales right there once someone gets around to reading it.
Yeah I was joking. It was $5 in October.
>I'm going to stop
But look at him go! That's some real OG dedication right there. It was called charging the sigil - wasn't a fan of it but it was kind of funny if you actually saw the threads.
Now now, if I didn't know any better I would think I had struck a nerve of some kind. But I do know better - you typed that with a smile on your little face which is definitely not dirty or brown right? You cheeky little rascal.
I'm sure he didn't make this post right before tabbing out to go angrily bump a few of the subtle and intelligent OG fud threads in the OP pic again.

>> No.57973753
File: 73 KB, 1049x750, 366740291_310518974696944_8304632178293267572_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the war between LINKers and FUDers will go down in internet history as one of the greatest e-beefs of all time. i cant think of any longer lasting conflict on 4chan that each side uses its most aggressive tactics possible. near constant escalation.

>> No.57973756
File: 467 KB, 640x606, 1709568672983341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mandatory Adem post

>> No.57973881

Im going to rub it in at every step of the way. You didn't stake in v0.1 because you are a stupid gorilla nigger retard that thought himself to be "above scams" and that "locking your tokens" was a loser move. Guess what idiot, you lost your ONLY chance to secure a staking spot. The train left the station long ago, and you will torment yourself each passing day, seething yourself into an early grave, and fudding like a retard to cope with the unbearable regret.


>> No.57973895

>one of the greatest e-beefs of all time
That's a bit of an exaggeration imo. I check in here a couple times a week and there will always be 5-20+ fud threads in the catalog. The people running them seem to have an agreement amongst themselves to bump 1 or 2 consistently to keep those alive while the rest usually go to archives after some obvious samefagging. There's very little real engagement from biz because it reeks of coordinated outsider work - which it is, and that's why they try to project and claim that advocates are everywhere as a first line of defence when people mock them.

>> No.57973936

>what is opportunity cost

>> No.57973953

can you explain why, as a link holder, it matters to stake? If link goes to 1000USD and a holder who makes millions of dollars then liquidates their link tokens into USD, in what universe would it be hard for them to find greater or (equal with less risk) yield on their capital? with several million dollars just walk into any boomer family wealth management office in the country and they will be able to produce for you the same APY as link's staking pool. What makes you think the APY will increase over time and not decrease? making 10 percent APY on capital when you have millions of dollars is not extremely out of the ordinary and you can do it without risking holding a volatile underlying asset like a crypto token. I am genuinely confused as to why it is optimal to lock up your volitile token in this way. please explain.

>> No.57973980

>I could have picked every top, and bottom, ezpz
Now we all know Im talking to a braindead retard nigger.

Where are your billions? Post folio kek

>> No.57973999

I'm just letting you know that doubling down on a bad pick, and even being stuck in it (staking), is not good for you.

>> No.57974038


>> No.57974051

>I could have picked every top, and bottom, ezpz
Now we all know Im talking to a braindead retard nigger.

Where are your billions? Post folio kek>>57973953
Basically, it works like this:
You have on one side, the pool where the tokens are staked.

And on the other side, outside of it, there is you.

And the pool is closed.

And you cannot get in.

>> No.57974079

Shit it the post form had the prior post still.

>> No.57974086

>"Link will dump endlessly against the market"
>"Ok but when link is at 1k lets assume that all other variables will be the same"
>t. Intelligent and subtle OG fuddie who said he was going to stop a few posts ago

>> No.57974108

ok it might be an exaggeration, and yes you are correct engagement is probably very low. i guess i should phrase what i meant better: what FUD campaign can you think of that has been longer or required more resources?

>> No.57974131

Omg I know right? God I love my fellow OGs

>> No.57974140

I was playing devils advocate to tease out the retardation of your investment thesis that locking up a bleeding token to get 5 percent APY or whatever it is, is not worthwhile even if i concede to your vision of the token going up. Im showing that EVEN in the most bullish case scenario, it is not in any way beneficial to lock up the volatile asset! Come on man you cant be this dumb... i feel like im talking to a child lmao

>> No.57974173



>> No.57974177

I get what you mean. It honestly reminds me of early eth on here, or shareblue / jidf shit on pol. The eth fudders were generally a lot better though. The ones we have on biz now just come off as third world outsourced forum farm tier posters.

>> No.57974213
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checked. why do they do it anon? why do they FUD?

>> No.57974248

heres a way to simplify it for you
Scenario 1:
Link crabs/dumps and you get diminishing 5 percent APY on it yearly. In this scenario you lose the ability to sell the asset if you need to. You make the investment illiquid AND it goes down so your APY would be better at the same rate in USDC on fucking coinbase, PLUS you are not able to sell it if you need to.

Scenario 2:
The token goes up tremendously and you are making 5 percent APY. nice, but oh wait, you cant easily liquidate the underlying asset... it dumps 20 percent. Now your APY is fucked.

Scenario 3:
You hold link and DONT put it into the staking pool. The value pumps tremendously, you sell it for cash, you establish yield on other more stable assets, one example being just literally USDC on fucking coinbase. Now you've got liquid capital AND regular APY and you've still profited from the move up

Setting aside the truth of the matter (the token WILL endlessly bleed!) and entertaining your fantasy scenario of link pumping, explain to me how scenario 2 is better than scenario 3. What do you stand to gain by locking up the token in the pool? The sad part is that yes, it will bleed and it will crab, but i am illustrating for you how even in your fantasy it is still retarded to enter the pool. there is literally no scenario that exists where the pool is worthwhile. it is also pointless to the tokenomics or to the project itself because all it does is secure a price feed which was previously not necessary, but that is an entire other topic.

>> No.57974316

Damn thats a lotta nostaker fresh wall of cope
I bet you wish it prompted people to unstake eh? Lmao

>> No.57974348

i used to read that stuff and then say i hadn't read it. Now i really don't read it. I begin it, then as soon as i know it's fud (first couple of sentences) i move on to the next post lol

>> No.57974415

lmao so there you have it folks, if you are reading this and have the capability to understand how mind numbingly stupid it is to lock up an extremely volitile asset in a staking pool for single digit APY, then congrats you are smarter than the average link marine. You guys really set the bar low as shit

>> No.57974528

Buddy the lurkers you are pleading to are either fully staked and laughing at your pathetic attempts to wriggle yourself into the staking pool, fully staked and ignoring this board and the 100 walls of text you posted in the thread, or are general access anons that would boil your entire family tree in sugar water just to stake 50 links.

How does it feel to know that my staking rewards from v0.2 to this day are greater than your entire link holdings?

>> No.57974612

this anon is unironically 100% correct. that being said, the pool is indeed closed. it doesnt make sense to be in the pool. LINK is a scam, but nonetheless, the pool remains closed. i dont understand it either anon. feels like a cult.

>> No.57975011

>seething wall of text
Wow, another OG classic right there. That's another 10 link unstaked / sold any minute now.
it's frustrating to be utterly disregarded 6 posts after you were allegedly meant to leave I imagine lmao

>> No.57975032
File: 3.25 MB, 1080x1650, 1706581627868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57975078

i don't understand i've held more than one shitcoin at once
each one has/had fud and i never got mad at it neither i joinned a cult

there's something unique and funny about Lincucks

>> No.57975083

again, why would I stake, no one has explained how it is more beneficial to stake link instead of just hold it lmao. You can't answer this because it is retarded to lock up your volitile asset for shit APY

I decided to stay. I lied before. Im not leaving now, I'm staying.

>> No.57975140

Thank you. I have gone down this rabbit hole a lot.

The reality is god in all likelihood detests capitalism. Probably prefers us to just take a profession to get by and forget about money.

>> No.57975189


>> No.57975326

>I decided to stay. I lied before. Im not leaving now, I'm staying.
We both know you're stuck here all day every day anyway throwing tantrums for... 17 posts now kek.

>> No.57975490




Anons possessed by devils. They wake up extremely miserable, spending their hours sowing doubt and fear because they are mired in fear as well. Hylics of the highest order, spiritual robbers, gimps for darkness. When they die, they will shrink in wake of oblivion.

Money is a tool; a means for survival and opportunity in this system. The way the override and transform this system into something better is to procure capital. What makes it evil is how it is used and how it is procured. Investment isn't inherently evil.

As I said, God lead me to Chainlink at .20 cents, and ethereum as well when it was 20 dollars. I have one more platonic solid in mind that will have a run, but I digress.

You who have found the world
and become wealthy,
renounce the world.

Once you have made it by buying Chainlink, give back to the world and transform it into something prosperous. You couldn't ask for a better bluechip to invest in right now.

These devils are laughably terrible at what they aim to achieve. Impossibly stupid lol.

>> No.57975538
File: 725 KB, 2048x2048, 1680348976121973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkcucking ain't just an investment. It's a lifestyle! Cuck PRIDE WORLD WIDE! wooohhooo chainliiiiiiiinnnnkkk!

>> No.57975688

O Mary,
Mother of mercy and refuge of sinners,
we beseech Thee to look with pitying eyes on heretical and schismatical nations.

Do Thou, Who art the seat of wisdom,
illumine their minds, wretchedly involved in the darkness of ignorance and sin,
that they may know the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church
to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, out of which no sanctity or salvation can be found.

Finally, complete their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to believe every truth of our Holy Faith,
and to submit to the Sovereign Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth,
that thus, being soon united to us by the bonds of divine charity,
they may make with us but one fold under one and the same pastor,
and that we may thus, O glorious Virgin!
all sing exultingly forever:
Rejoice, O Virgin Mary!
alone Thou hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world.