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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57969289 No.57969289 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for job
>recruiter calls me
>miss call
>call recruiter back
>no answer
>recruiter calls me back
>hey anon, i'd like to set a meeting up with you-- does this time work?
>great! i'll send you a meeting invite to your email
>never get email
>call recruiter back
>no answer, leave voicemail mentioning i never received invite
>don't hear back from recruiter
>call recruiter a few days later
>straight to voicemail
did i get fucking blocked by a recruiter? lmao

>> No.57969352

They found your loli stack and your chainlink bags

>> No.57969630

Zoomers ghost employers constantly and then when they get ghosted by an employer they cry foul. Move on, nigger.

>> No.57969652

>everyone in gen z is the same

>> No.57969686

yes they're all the same
get fucked niggers

>> No.57969729

Sadly you are all indeed the same.

>> No.57969765

Recruiter here, You blew it. Blacklisted forever.


>> No.57969791

Eat shit zoomer faggot

>> No.57969811

weird i get lots of messages from pajeeta recruiters on linkedin. i enjoy imagining their smell while replying to them. more like stinkedin amirite

>> No.57969849

doxxed and blacklisted

>> No.57969855

how did i blow it? i scheduled a date and time to meet with them. they said they would send the meeting invite. i confirmed the correct email. then they never sent it?? then i attempted to reach out. only to be blocked?? not seeing where i went wrong here...

>> No.57969911

>waah waah waah I'm a victim woe is me :(((
zoomers are the most pathetic existence the world has ever seen

>> No.57969934
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you reek of Redditor. Your essence. Your vibes.
Huge red flags. Doxxed and double-blacklisted.

Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.57971367
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just hire yourself to play shit on superverse, they got p2e game there, just enough to get you going, and never be ghosted by recruiters again

>> No.57971409

Isn't like that always with zoomer and boomers? they cant seem to adapt and they want it all served on silver plates. hate them dude, HATE THEM FUCKING NO COINERS.

>> No.57971415

are those game actually profitable?

>> No.57971434

not op, but, actually player, you can earn some profit but that's is gatekeeped to pros. if you noob nigger or missing a hand just don try

>> No.57971449

fummy how memes evolve from comments to shit like that.

>> No.57971480

not being a cunt also helps

>> No.57971525

gamefi is only worth nowadays if you're investor. if youre a paki on the other hand might get something out of scholarships or working for some chinese zerg

>> No.57971642

>play shit on superverse
>my pet hooligan only available