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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5796923 No.5796923 [Reply] [Original]

Easiest 10x of my life
who else is comfy with finding the first gem of 2018?

>> No.5796949

still dunno if I got scammed on this or not :D

>> No.5797031

You’re good anon

>> No.5797034

fucking comfy. 500k lambos

>> No.5797085

What is this shit?

>> No.5797440
File: 156 KB, 1280x1083, 7251a8e0-51d9-4717-9ef0-820722327ff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5797483


nigga what its noot a scam

>> No.5797580

is it sold out yet?

>> No.5797757

so ico price was ~9700 tau = 1 eth, right?

>> No.5797768

the fist scam of 2018

>> No.5797803

Any coin/network that comes out with of these shitty comparison graphs is destined for failure.

>> No.5797807
File: 30 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in and sitting comfy. Easy gains boys

>> No.5797837

Everyone hates the chart but can't prove it wrong. LOL

>> No.5797888

Where can I buy this shit? Wanna throw $2000

>> No.5797911


>> No.5797948

sounds like vaporware nonsense

>> No.5797964
File: 365 KB, 1554x1046, Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 11.49.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this icx char nigga.

>> No.5798013

>/biz/ lacks the technical knowledge to dispute this so will instead ridicule this poster

>> No.5798017

what about it. if big boy compare it wow.. but small cap coin lamden compares it vaporware. u double standard niggar.

>> No.5798059

I just don't see how any developer can legitimately call their product future proof
how many extinct .com boom companies made the same claims

>> No.5798067

Vaporware with devs who believes code is subjective. Newfags were tricked into believing it's a gem.

I'll just sit on the sideline and wait for the wojaks.

>> No.5798093 [DELETED] 

You do understand we have ID's on here right, Rakesh?

>> No.5798145

10k here
is it safe to leave my stack on etherdelta?

>> No.5798175

Nope but thats all you can do for now

>> No.5798176

Lmao. But for real tho this is easy gains.

>> No.5798197

No. Go to the subreddit. ED was sold to some sketchy motherfuckers who appear to be pulling an exitscam, since a lot of people funds were drained yesterday/today. Or the same DNS hacker from last week is back.

While everyone else were getting their funds the fuck out of ED, you guys were putting them in. Withdraw before it's drained.

>> No.5798264

Ok, can someone explain to a brainlet how tf etherdelta works. There's no log in or password and no way to protect your account. Is it safe? Also I don't see TAU being listed on Etherdelta.

>> No.5798273
File: 334 KB, 994x622, Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 9.22.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an idiot. The ICO never took place. The CEO had to get rid of a lazy partner. Miss the moon mission. Idc

>> No.5798286

This poor fuck lost 55 ETH only 2 hours ago. Kek.


>> No.5798311

What the fuck does that have to do with the DNS hacker being back on ED to steal peoples funds? Or potentially the new owners pulling an exitscam.

>> No.5798331

youtube that shit. don't lose money. gotta know what you are dong

>> No.5798332

Well what wallet do you put it in?

>> No.5798405

imma just leave mine on etherdelta, put 1 eth in so hope i dont get fucked.

dont wanna send it to my eth address and risk it getting burned

>> No.5798413

>Not using a ledger with etherdelta
Cheap niggers deserve to lose their shit.

>> No.5798435
File: 15 KB, 318x405, 1480966634970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave it on etherdelta
>in the middle of an ongoing hack/exit scam

Are you fucking retarded?


>> No.5798462

nigga, he is taking about ED hacking scam. not about lamden

>> No.5798489

if i send it to my myether address will the coins be burned or no

pretty sure there is some step that needs to be done before i can send it there

>> No.5798502

Just leave it on Etherdelta. The hacker will make better use of it than you will.

>> No.5798557

450k and not spending $100 on a ledger. Christ these people are retarded. Makes me wish I was a Russian hacker. This shit will save the Russian economy as millions are stolen from low iq pajeets and transferred to Russia.

>> No.5798586
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1513746822764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what i intend to do my dude, what was the point of this roundabout if you're clearly too autistic to just give proper advice

>> No.5798603

You'd be fucking surprised. Even the majority of /nubiz/ are fucking oblivious to security when it comes to crypto.

>> No.5798674

Like this guy >>5798586 voluntarily leaving his funds on ED in the middle of a hack, rather than just sell the shitcoins for ETH and withdraw.

90% of the people who lose their funds during hacks fucking deserve it.