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57967268 No.57967268 [Reply] [Original]

In the midst of uncertainty, where whispers of fear and doubt echo, let us not be swayed by the murmurings of FUD. For those with eyes wide open know, this transcends the trivial pursuit of money. To hold LINK is to grasp a fragment of the very sinews that will bind the realms of reality and the digital world, as they meld into a seamless entity through the conduit of Chainlink.

This is a solemn vow to be guardians of the infrastructure that will herald the dawn of the 4th IR. In Chainlink embrace, we seek not just influence, but a beacon of hope in the looming currency war that casts its long shadow upon the world.

In this era of digitization, where every facet of existence is transformed into a data point, we stand on the precipice of unprecedented change. The seamless interactions, once deemed unattainable, will birth the most significant societal shift since the dawn of the Hammurabi Code.

Who shall be the architects of the values we hold dear, and the sentinels of their enforcement? Shall we entrust the banks with the chisel and hammer to reshape our social contract? Or shall we yield to the government's hand to etch our future? Amidst this tempest, clarity eludes us, as we're all thrust us into the eye of the storm.

This monumental challenge, unparalleled in its gravity, beckons us to choose between the abyss of dystopia and the zenith of utopia. We're left on the brink, where the destiny of humanity teeters. Choose with the wisdom of the ancients, for in the collective embrace of your decisions, the future unfurls its tapestry.

Many will succumb to the siren's song of decadence, while others will perish by their own arrogance and folly. In the cacophony of the unknown, no voice holds the key to the ultimate path. Yet, in the depths of our true heart's resonance, let us find solace in unwavering faith in the Divine. For in His boundless love, we unearth the supreme trust algorithm, a beacon to guide us through the tempest towards the dawn of a new epoch.

>> No.57967489

It’s getting beat by dog coins and Vaporware L1’s and dropping ranks constantly. Opportunity cost is real. Most high 6/low 7 fig USD LINK holders could have been 8 figures by now had they moved into really anything else. Personally to make up for not selling my LINK into something else I will need LINK to go to $160 while the rest of the market doesn’t move at all. Never going to happen. With every month of LINK sputtering out and everything else having regular 20% days this gap widens. By the time muh “singularity” occurs we will all need LINK to insta pump to $10,000+ for it to have been worth it. Never happening.

>> No.57967566

>It’s getting beat by dog coins and Vaporware L1’s and dropping ranks constantly
lies if that was the case we'd be out of top 100

>Opportunity cost is real
We'd all be billionaires if we just knew the future, I agree with this one

>Most high 6/low 7 fig USD LINK holders could have been 8 figures by now had they moved into really anything else
Why stop at 6 and 7 figures? we'd all be 8 9 10 11 figure Kingpins if we just bought low and sold high with precise precision

>Personally to make up for not selling my LINK into something else I will need LINK to go to $160 while the rest of the market doesn’t move at all
This could happen just like we moved before others before, the question is, do you have the balls to swing this time when it happens?

>Never happening.
If you knew the future you'd be a billionaire by now

>> No.57967951

bitcoin broke ath like a week ago, who cares what alts are doing? were you born yesterday? is there a hole in your brain? multiple holes?