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57966712 No.57966712 [Reply] [Original]

>delisted from almost everything
>literally illegal to buy in some countries
>STILL almost at same price pre-delisting
Monero is unkillable.

>> No.57966784

Well, as long as it keeps being used it's not going anywhere.

>> No.57966804

monero is doctor copper
it got dumped while scams like btc and eth are pumping to ATH
that is classical topping
exit all crypto market
you have hours

>> No.57966822

Damn this Monero stuff seems based. What's the supply cap?

>> No.57966837
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oldfags know bitcoin followed the same script. not to mention alcohol, marijuana, and gold.

>> No.57966858

unlimited as it should be
that ensures you cannot capture the asset

>> No.57966898
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>Monero is unkillable.
They'll still never stop trying.
It's a sad state of affairs that those in power are so opposed to financial privacy, or any privacy whatsoever. It's even sadder that the vast majority of humanity are content, even eager, to be spied upon ceaselessly.

>> No.57966901

>exit all
not sure we truly hit ATH if you consider inflation. then consider normies are still on sidelines. they’re skeptical and won’t jump in till existential-level fomo.

>> No.57966935

next monday the 18th
stonks are getting rugged
you literally are as high as you will ever be in crypto

>> No.57966941
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Monero merely adopted the delisting; Wownero was born in it, molded by it.

>> No.57966989

Let me know when it has a limited supply and stops killing ASICs, until then it's a shitcoin.

>> No.57967114

Lol no seriously

>> No.57967152
File: 106 KB, 1135x245, Screenshot from 2024-03-01 22-33-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily volume: $80m
dead ghostchain

>> No.57967168

you are retarded shitskin
monero is the only chain that actually matters

>> No.57967261

Yeah you are the fag that joins every thread and asks pretending to have never heard of this with the exact same style every time. Go fuck a cactus.

While that moron is fucking his cactus, anyone who actually wonders about the unlimited cap, you can read this which explains the rationale behind it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/6jwsx8/why_cant_btc_just_adopt_a_dynamic_blocksize_and/djj48b6/

Also, using literally middle school maths: a fixed tail emission does NOT result in an ever increasing amount of coins in circulation. Coins going out of circulation because of users dying without passing the coins on to someone or because of users losing their wallets are a portion of the total coins. Double the total coins and (all other things being equal) you'll have double the lost coins every year. That means that as the number of coins in circulation increases, eventually the rate at which coins are lost will become equal to the tail emission rate, causing the coins in circulation to stabilize.

>> No.57967280

>infinite supply
>you can't even track when devs stuff their pockets with your wealth
Haha funny joke. But let's be serious for a moment. What is the *real* supply limit?

>> No.57967287

yes, but the hidden gem is the prevention of asset capture
btc and eth are captured, meaning using the chains is now impossible, while if you were to do that with monero you will just get dumped on

>> No.57967555

>you can't even track when devs stuff their pockets with your wealth
Laughable fud.

>But let's be serious for a moment.
You cannot get serious, because you are acting like a clown, joining every XMR thread, pretending you've never heard of the coin and asking what the cap is, every time in the same style. Clowns cannot be taken seriously.

>What is the *real* supply limit?
Already answered fag.

The math is there for you to read through and tell us why it's wrong. Everything else you say is by unsubstantiated fud.

>> No.57967576

Sorry, but "laughable fud" is not an answer. What exactly prevents this?

>> No.57967630

Cryptography. You expect me to explain here how Monero's cryptography works? You can read about it and then tell us why it doesn't work in your opinion.

>> No.57967651

kaspa is so much better than monero.
when kaspa gets a privacy layer, it's over for monero.
prove me wrong

>> No.57967675

>you expect me to justify investing in my shitcoin in a thread where I am asking you to invest in my shitcoin?
Umm guess not. Weirdo

>> No.57967771

>not going anywhere
thats an understatement its been $150 since the last run

>> No.57967772

I am not telling you to invest in Monero and to be honest you sound like a typical moonboi so I'd prefer your kind to stay AWAY from investing in Monero. Furthermore, like I said you are a clown that keeps joining these threads just to pretend to never have heard of the trail emission and pretend to laugh at it every time, in the same exact style. So you are not here to be convinced to invest, so cut that crap, clown.

So you haven't read about Monero's cryptography but make claims that the devs stuff their pockets with our wealth? You didn't ask, you *claimed* that. And that's not fud, right? You know what fud means? What a clown you are.

>> No.57967835

Monero is traded in person, all exchanges just fold if a mildly threatening mail from law enforcement arrives asking for your data.

>> No.57967927

>stay away from Monero
Gladly. Great thread btw!

>> No.57968056

>>Stay away
I'd ask you to stay away from Monero threads too but we both know that you'll be back in the next one, pretending once more you have never heard of the tail emission, because XMR lives rent free in your head.

>> No.57968135

See you there friend ;)