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File: 2 KB, 300x168, Eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57963583 No.57963583 [Reply] [Original]

>$60 transaction fee to send $100
>Half the time the transaction just fails
How, exactly, is this shit meant to replace fiat?

>> No.57963629

Not made for poor people.

>> No.57963636

>implying 60 bucks mean jack shit

>> No.57963648

rich people don't bother with garbage, they're only buying this shit on exchanges to take advantage of your greedy goycattle nature

>> No.57963649
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People here shit on chainlink but I can't fucking wait until ccip is out
Then, the only still annoying part of crypto we need more abstracted are wallets. MPC are also just too annoying and unsafe


>> No.57963650

it'll be fixed in 2 more weeks!

its to stop the poorfags from buying gems on uniswap at low mc
u have to wait until its listed on a cex and already done 2000x

thanks for playing dumbass

>> No.57963680

Use L2

>> No.57963778

its for middle class and up who send 100000 usd per transaction. cheaper than a bank

>> No.57963783

Lying piece of shit
Sending Ethereum is way cheaper

>> No.57963785

This is Ethereums last cycle

Dino coin

>> No.57963831
File: 141 KB, 657x527, 17573573573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>$60 transaction fee to send $100
at a spot price of $4k / ETH, since sending eth costs 21k gas, you would need a gwei of

60/4000 = 0.015 eth fee
0.015 = 21,000*x
x = 21,000 / 0.015 = 714 gwei

when has gwei been at 714 recently?

>>Half the time the transaction just fails
explain yourself, show me an eth transfer that fails

>> No.57963841

meant this, just woke up x = 0.015 / 21,000 = 714 gwei
anyway OP is a sidelined basedlana baggie

>> No.57963862

Op is ful of shit as i said

>> No.57963882
File: 49 KB, 785x642, e2asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op probably isn't talking about a simple transfer or doesn't know that it's not a simple transfer that he wants to do

>> No.57963888
File: 42 KB, 1033x470, gwaaaaai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on average it's a tenth of that, so $6 kek


>> No.57963904

>>57963888 (checked)
Why would anyone sends simple transactions? Users do swaps to buy shitcoins, DeFi stuff etc. smart contract interactions which use ~10x gas compared to a simple ETH transfer. You can't deny Ethereum L1 fees are very high.
>t. eth+solana barbell maxi

>> No.57963905

Your shitcoin isn't on L2 what now. L2 is cope, it's just another different chain

>> No.57963945

>sidelined basedlana baggie
Volume on solana shitters is through the roof. There is no serious projects or DeFi and its design choices are very different from Ethereum's, but if you just want to gamble on shitcoins (like most users do) solana is very superior to Eth L1 simply because of the low fees. L2s are great too. The midwit Eth maxis who aren't ready to left-curve are the real sideliners here.
Choose another shitcoin. Or if the coin is so good it outweighs the gas fees, then you trade. But you better trade with size because you don't want the gas fees be tens or even over 100 % of your tx size.

>> No.57963955

why did ETH fags suddenly start acting like meme coins and gambling wasn't a part of ethereum culture this run?

>> No.57963991

this is why i prefer to stay with dextools and deal with small coins, memecoins and shitcoins than these pieces of shit
also ffs what are those fucking fees? might as well take my legs or kidneys

>> No.57963994

Sure he should use l2, but he was saying in the op that sending was that expensive when its not

>> No.57964012


Ethereum, the jew of the blockchain.

>> No.57964054
File: 12 KB, 593x179, 1302033099715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the good work fighting the intellectually dishonest Eth fudders. I've given up ages ago. If some newfag gets all his crypto info from this board he's simply ngmi and I don't care.

>> No.57964071

Makes sense in principle. I bought $1,000 of LINA last week on a whim and had like $70 in gas. I was like “eh, I’ll probably lose the $1,000 anyways when it gets rugged. Fuck it”
> buy
> now up 60%
Gas fees are nothing when you’re playing for big money and willing to risk it

>> No.57964079

Will the dencun upgrade reduce fees on mainnet or just L2?

>> No.57964087

>Choose another shitcoin
No I won't, I'll choose another chain instead. This one is done and the etf will be the final nail in its coffin. I will sell that "sell the news" event, I don't think it will recover

>> No.57964115

>No I won't, I'll choose another chain instead.
This is what I meant retard. I recommend Solana, the ultimate shitcoin chain.
>This one is done
Kek no.

>> No.57964126
File: 429 KB, 886x496, FLASH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all the ETH balances and transaction history got forked over into Pulsechain last year for this VERY PROBLEM!!!

You can start using it instead, you already have an address with tokens on it...

>> No.57964237

l2 which is the whole point
everything is moving off mainnet and onto the l2s

>> No.57964238
File: 1005 KB, 896x1344, IMG_0591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche solves this

>> No.57964254
File: 129 KB, 1246x1280, IMG_0460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reduce fees of centralized L2s
>people spam transaction
>last time during Inscriptions Arbitrum crashed at not even 5 million tx while the Avalanche C-Chain did 8 million+ tx just fine
>so the L2s will crash again
>you wont be able to access your money

the "upgrade" fixes nothing.

>> No.57964260

Yeah, now try to transact 1000000$. What cheaper options do you have ?

>> No.57964264

We need bigger block Ethereum

>> No.57964292


>> No.57964305

>and the AVA Hub community "educator" enters the Ethereum thread

>> No.57964451

maxipads really are scum

>> No.57964480
File: 331 KB, 517x768, 1212562170712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legendary ID holy shit

>> No.57964511

Say something jewish anon

>> No.57964557
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, 1704971214311210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you check an id? If so, checked

>> No.57964588


>> No.57964629
File: 702 KB, 704x768, interracial merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool it with the antisemitic remarks, israel is our greatest ally and there is nothing wrong with being jewish

>> No.57964665

any coin not important enough to not have liquidity on L2 is not a coin worth buying
>b-but i want to gamble on dog crap
too bad. pay the normalfag tax then, my validators need yield

>> No.57964669

why do normalfags act like L2s weren't part of the ethereum roadmap for 5+ years now?
you were warned and had more than a full market cycle to move. you only have yourself to blame
now it's time to pay your landlord (me)

>> No.57964784

why do bitcoin fags lie and fud fulltime instead of just adapting? it's unironically crazy
bitcoin is blatant vaporware
ethereum is how crypto becomes useful