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57961330 No.57961330 [Reply] [Original]

There's so many narratives going around right now I feel like I'm going to fuck it up /biz/

The BASE Network seems to be getting a lot of attention. Coinbase is backing it so it can take off huge. Thinking of TOSHI or CIRCLE

Then I see fucking AVI and LUNU INU spammed everywhere here. I don't mind the ETH gas fees since it repels jeets. I'm worried these might get left behind if Base takes off. I have more faith in Avi over Luna.

There's also APU which started here on /biz/. So far seems based, nice website. Lots of potential, but again if Base takes off how much is this going to grow?

Solana shitcoins I'm not going to touch, those are jeet havens

I'm also considering picking up some Banano as that's been around for a while, might blow up eventually.

I don't fucking know /biz/ bros. I got like $5000 to gamble this bull run and make something decent. The fuck do I do? The fuck are you guys doing?

>> No.57961348

I forgot Comfy. I saw that shilled here too. I joined the TG and the dev was talking about people listening into him through the baby monitor in his home and fucking with him. Think it's too schizo.

>> No.57961372
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It's fucking over for me isn't it bros

>> No.57961490

I’m hopping on my phone to go buy some liquor and forget about the charts and how I will miss it all

>> No.57961538 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 600x600, lazymoney.cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under 10k, fresh, perfect for a suicidal newfag like you
CA: 5eZv4x95NfZ5JthUJZkWsNR2AajyRVnGZ1vVaz1yMNe1

>> No.57961613

Is this a sol shitcoin? I’m in my car and can’t look if so go fuck yourself

>> No.57961721

honestly anon? the market is too hot right now to be fomoing into anything. just step back for a day or two. major correction is way overdue. let the market reset a bit, then come back in with a plan. I'm not a gay bear...just a realist. we have run up absolutely everything

>> No.57961748

Thanks anon. I'll spend some more time thinking about what the best next play is. Hope I pick right. Thanks for the insight instead of trying to shill me some bullshit solana shitcoin

>> No.57962210

I own 3 meme coins and you just listed all 3 of them. I’ve never bought a meme coin before and I got lucky guesses with my first two and I hope APU follows suit and makes me 3/3. If I had to give it any sort of advice I’d say try not to get too stuck in analysis paralysis. Set up some confident low risk plays and then ape with the rest.

>> No.57962217

What are the other two you have besides APU? I'm not going to lie, I'm really liking APU. It's between APU/AVI/Banano for me. Thoughts?

>> No.57962348 [DELETED] 


Wife of poncho, whom is dieing from being first place on dexscreenr. sub 10k mcap lets get revenge for poncho fellow jeets

>> No.57962395

kek nice try pajeet

>> No.57962432

BASE is going to be the next big thing imo. No one, and I mean NO ONE, like gas fees. It repels both jeets and actual people alike.

>> No.57962439 [DELETED] 

I’ve got some LINU, AVI, and APU. I don’t know anything about Banano but I really like AVI and APU.

Breakdown between AVI and APU:
APU is a moonshot with 100-1000x potential. Really high meme-ability, solid telegram, no a bad token distribution, and liquidities locked.

AVI desu I don’t really know anything about it I just bought because I liked the avatar. That being said apparently they’re building a bridge between BASE and ETH for shitcoins?? I’m not 100% sure but they’re definitely doing something. Also they have some kind of burn happening soon. So probably a catalyst for price action.

I’d say they’re both good picks, AVI is definitely safer but APU has a much better chance of hitting a fat multiple

>> No.57962485

Thanks /biz/ bro. Thinking I'm going to do $2k into APU, $2k into AVI, $1k into BAN. Gonna give it a few days and try to catch some dips. Good luck this bull run anon

>> No.57962491

Ignoramus. The bull has begun its run.

>> No.57962534

Don't forget a couple that have actual utility on Base, like GB and TAROT. Memes are the narrative now but once they run out of steam, money will flow into projects that actually serve a purpose

>> No.57962623

Can you shill me on TAROT?

>> No.57962737

i've been gambling too of late
keeps things interesting i guess
TOSHI and LOBO were the ones i bought
if coinbase actually puts resources into BASE then could be interesting
but don't be surprised seeing this shit go to zero in the bear
that could be a long way off though

>> No.57962759

Avi is still relatively early but most people won't buy it until it's on exchanges.

>> No.57962786 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 400x400, t7ogxmHc_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image you used in your post is the answer to your question. Fill your bag with the green guy wearing a hat while you can. Shits no joke. Storm is coming.

WIF already following them on twitter, whales are set to pump very shortly. This is the only real bat signal you're going to find here today. Tag is PIF

>> No.57964090
File: 4 KB, 225x225, NNNNGHHDDHDSHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of reminds me of when i see a promising upcoming p2e game, like gravity legion and the wait for the release or trailer just kills me, so i need to do something else just to forget and not think about it much, i want to be the first really bad, i don't even get it myself sometimes

>> No.57964364

I like Avi. Honestly feels like a safe play, and if they actually get listed by coinbase like they're trying to then the sky is the limit

>> No.57965190

Sounds like you already know what to buy OP, don't fuck this up.

>> No.57965228 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1280x725, IMG_20240308_125511_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out $COIN. On Base. I don't think I need to spell out the narrative for that one...should be fairly easy to grasp.

CA: 0x8e16D46Cb2dA01cdD49601ec73d7B0344969Ae33



It's literally $COIN on Base. Headed to 10M last week and currently on a pull-back. Dipped to 3-4M and starting to rise again.

The community is retarded, but tight, and dev keeps grinding and pumping out memes.

When the normies start aping their first shitcoins on Base, after getting their ETH on Coinbase, what do you think they'll go for?

>"uuuuhhhhh, look at this...it's $COIN on Base...that's funny".

Don't midcurve this shit. It's going to 100M.

>> No.57965267

I don’t know anon, it’s tough. But I can’t think of anything better than investing in Coinbase’s own blockchain. Toshi is my biggest bet and as someone who has been with the project since August, I can tell you the team is top tier. They may not be the best at everything, and the Toshi tools delays highlight this, but they are at least honest and have integrity. I think they really want to build something special and not just to get rich. In fact I think a few of the main guys are already pretty rich.

I’m also big on Cap, which is my first ever big NFT play. We will see how shit goes, but these are my two big picks.

Also if you’re feeling like taking a risk, Slinky Doge on Arbitrum is a great option.

>> No.57965362

I have heard a lot about Avi and seems very cool. A bit worried about it being vaporware because sounds too good to be true desu. I also don’t buy it because I hate Eth shitcoins. Fuck a $50 swap fee to that skeleton pedophile Slavnigger.

>> No.57965375

Agreed on this - Coinbase will bring the next cohort of retail buyers on-chain. Like that's literally their goal, and they'll be using Base to do that.

Agreed Toshi is a great pick (I need to pick some up!). For memes, Brett has also ran hugely though it's carving itself out at Base's biggest meme, so in a real bull it may go into the billions.

And of course, my beloved COIN that I shilled above. I obviously have bags but the narrative is so obvious I think it's one that people will look back on and be like "Oh, yeah...$COIN on Base."

I think whatever you go for, as long as it has some staying power, you'll do well. Avoid the rugs, go for teams with proven records / a history, and you'll make a decent profit when Base Season comes.

>> No.57965553

I just put 1k into Mochi. Idk if it's a good investment or not. Putting money into these small shitcoins is just gambling anyways. What worked for me in 2017 was putting a small amount of money into a lot of shitcoins. I was lucky I bought 2k link for 0.14 dollars each

>> No.57965630

Most 4channers being contrarian in nature fucks them up during shitcoin season where you’re supposed to go with the flow and capitalize on existing trends instead of trying to invent the wheel over and over. That’s why most people on this board only began getting into BSC shitcoins at the end of the last shitcoin cycle after they had already pumped into the billions, and why you steer clear of Solana this time even though it is very clearly going to be the shitcoin-chain winner this bullrun. Stop trying to fight the trend, you dumb fucks

>> No.57965710

This. Contrary to the bear, you're no longer late if you get into something that everyone is tweeting at 1M / 2M MCAP.

Shit can send to multi-millions / billions in a bull, and many will. Jump on the winners and let them ride.

>> No.57965750

I know full well what stage we are in, it’s very early in the bull run. What I said is still true, we are due for a major correction.

>> No.57965768

in 2021 it was fantom shitcoins and this time it’s base shitcoins. /biz/tards refusing to bend the knee to what’s popular and end up making scraps while redditards and normgroids on instagram are pulling in millions. embarrassing

>> No.57966651

haven’t been able to find anything aside from the fact that it originated on fantom