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57960710 No.57960710 [Reply] [Original]

Half way there marines! Next is depression, then acceptance

>> No.57960717

You were warned for years and ignored all the signs (the denial stage)

>> No.57960728

Then you lashed out at anyone who pointed out reality, and tried to dox those against your cult similar to scientology (the anger phase)

>> No.57960734

Lmao fucking embarassing.
LINK was primed to hit $150-$200 last bull but Sergey fucked it all up.
Linkies are on par with XRP schizos at this point, I sure hope they either sold or at least diversified their Link stacks before this bull. It was obvious chain-shit was gonna miss another one.

>> No.57960743
File: 209 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240312_100624_610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57960746

It has been a pleasure to watch you grow over the years. Good for you my little marine!!

>> No.57960852

basically all these spam threads are just the same brainlet fuddie replying to himself and posting caps of his twitter sockpuppet accounts
imagine how many hours this loser has wasted doing this for 0 results whatsoever lmao

>> No.57960879

you are a legit schizphrenic

>> No.57960961

honestly if he would have just held off his dumps and focused on some sort of marketing of the token early on, he would be in a much better position and would himself have a lot more money, LINK would be trading prob at at least low triple digits. I guess when you have 650 million tokens its just easier to sit and eat big macs and dump randomly

>> No.57961040

But you’re in every thread too, working for free as part of the cuckold internet defense task force

>> No.57962232
File: 294 KB, 1080x1094, 1704702911541489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckmaxxing is based.
Btc = the blvck bvll
Link = the incel whiteboi cuck
Bitcoin new world order.
Nature has a defined hierarchy, this will never change, sorry linkies, the best thing you can do is just accept it.

>> No.57962253

so fucking glad I sold this globohomo coin in 2020 lmfao holy shit

>> No.57962263

I saw him at smartcon nyc and should've known i'd be worse off than I was at that conference. When you can't take care of yourself and your physique to the point you're coming on stage sweating grease, you can't be trusted with my money. I am just in it for the money, fuck the Sergey memes, they're forced

>> No.57962278

this fud is retarded because 16 decimals

>> No.57962299

I know it’s crazy but I’m never selling

>> No.57962409
File: 30 KB, 498x608, kevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we still trotting out 2018 tier fud are we?
kek, i kinda think this really is a pointless endeavour, i mean that it's basically over. not a hot take but there is an undead contingent of loser bagholders constantly dooming out of ptsd and depression. that's besides the "retail not needed" mid-curvers who think they're smart by going all-in on LINK imminently dominating global commerce when any iteration remotely similar to that is clearly decades away, to say nothing of whether CL is still relevant when it does.
it just doesn't strike me as the following or psyche around a project heading into a run, when the iq bellcurve becomes a horseshoe so the blind retard shilling and memeing becomes the domain of both clueless normies and the shrewder traders mopping up that liquidity. there's no place there for boring, vague, and overcomplicated fundamentalsmaxxing mixed with incessant, endless self-fud and doomer posting. it really is picrel and we're all poorer for it.

>> No.57963309

This picture is doubly retarded because Sergey made BTC.

>> No.57963671

not selling, my bag is only worth 40k usd, i might aswell ride this shit back to 0

>> No.57963742

Was buying link in the bear at $5-$6. I’m at a 4x. That’s not bad. Btc was like $15-17k at the bottom

>> No.57963769

Based risperidone refuser

>> No.57963838

THE cuckolds of crypto