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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5795844 No.5795844 [Reply] [Original]

Dutchdude here, logging in from the carribean. You may remember me from such posts as "XBY IS A PAJEET SCAM" and "BORZALOM IS CCR"

At the time last June/July - I seriously thought this was a full time scam coin, and peaced out after making a little over 250k - but not before going nuclear on this shitty board. I laid out a lot of cards on the table, some shady shit that I thought I had revealed about this coin...seriously though I was saving my fellow biztards from ruin!

As BTC exploded, and some of my other coins mooned - my attention went elsewhere, and I'll admit, the money made in between march-june was ASTOUNDING, including the XBY money. It is what allowed me to propel in to the 10's of millions in holdings.

When XBY started showing a little sign of life in August/Septemberish, I started buying and selling the moons and dips, and ended up just holding a little over 6 million coins by october, flipping back and forth doubling my holdings each time. As November, December rolled around - after we lost the first board members and CCR humbled his crazy little as down, I suddenly saw this once crazy longshot of a coin to be pumping out some seriously mature looking marketing, as well as very promising developments as far as what they've accomplished with code, etc. Now, a lot of my doubts about this coin I've found have faded, and I am starting to think this might actually be real. Since the stack I accumulated basically cost me next to nothing compared to my insane holdings today...I kept it, and I definitely DO NOT regret it any more.

I just feel super bad about all you NEETs I convinced to dump at the time. I thought I was doing the right though man. I hope you all can forgive me. I would say that if this coin can ACTUALLY pull this off, we are looking at top 5 material here, which by the end of this year will probably be close to 200b market cap for the 5 spot at minimum if not drastically more depending on how bad global fomo kicks in.

>> No.5795932


> I was spectacularly wrong last time but this time I'm right

You got lucky. Why else should I believe you?

>> No.5795961
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That means you guys can still get a piece of the action, albeit probably nowhere near what some of you had. God damn, I can't believe some of you had millions of coins, and dumped! Shit man...the regret is truly real.

I admit, when I got a little drunk and high one night, I take it WAY overboard with photoshopping some fud, and I spent 3 coke filled nights just TEARing into XBY and CCR. But I really did convince myself it was a bad deal. For that, I am sorry. Still think CCR is a chode, but thanks for this fish man. Hope you all jump back on this rocket before its too late.

To prove its me, I will be posting some of the fud images I used. believe me! or don't, I dont give a fuck. I'm a multi-millionaire now, and this shit is old news. Good luck, and don't worry! Its still early early days people! We will all make it if you are reading this today.

>> No.5796009
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I hear you bro. I probably wouldnt believe me either...but DYOR, get in the chat, and DEFINITELY keep an eye on this next testnet thats coming up. If it REALLY happens on the new chain, I will be 100% convinced this is real.

>> No.5796067
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I've got a lot of these. So much FUD for nothing...man, that week was just too much

>> No.5796075

Fuck you man.
If that was you that coordinated that FUD campaign, I actually fucking hate you.
I had something like 3 mil XBY, and sold them off at a VERY MINOR profit. I've picked a lot of losers since then, and am now holding a fucking pitiful stack.
I don't know if you're trolling, but if you're serious: FUCK. YOU. DUDE.
I would have fucking made it. I literally don't sleep because of that shit.

>> No.5796104
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Thanks xby

>> No.5796112

AHHH DUDE FUCK YOU! You ruined my fucking life you kike. I don't know if you're actually the dude who was behind that shit but man I'm fucking fuming now.

>> No.5796210
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I'm really sorry man.

>> No.5796257


> photoshopping some fud

You're a degenerate with no integrity and the worst kind of street shitter. Enjoy your gains and the knowing you've robbed some poor faggots of their only chance to make it.

>> No.5796274
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Its true man. I am totally 100% serious, it is me

>> No.5796281

I'm fucking losing it man

>> No.5796299

Literally held 800k and dumped because of you...
Idk man... I'm a mixed bag of emotions right now. I just wanted to get my family a house where we could safely live.
But nobody ever got anywhere holding a grudge... Just promise you will change lives with the gift that was given to you.

>> No.5796426

Archive of some of the fud

>> No.5796519

>theres only 12btc in the open orders. Each order is cheaper than the next. better hurry
this shit

>> No.5796574
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Plenty more archived threads on warosu you can look up to see the work of art of FUD I did. When you step back and think that I REALLY thought they were just scamming everyone...well...you see I had good intentions. It really felt like a scam back then.

I've been living the island life, from Mexico to Jamaica, to the Keys, to Cuba and more...and that 250k definitely was a catalyst for it all, along with DGB, Bitbean, XVG (god I shouldve kept that one eh?) and a bunch of the other coins us retards all invested in back in may-july.

Then BTC! Took my holdings to Pluto!

>> No.5796623

are you a sadist

>> No.5796687

I really don't know and whats real nowadays. :( You lost me money.

>> No.5796695
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I've only recently seriously been convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is legit. There is definitely time to get on board though, it still a dollar. If this shit goes top5, at 200b mcap the price would be around $450 per coin

>> No.5796750

I swear its some insane psychopath exaggerating that it's good at the end of the day and saying his past was the cover.

>> No.5796767


Bullshit you had good intentions. You're telling yourself that so you can sleep. If you really thought it was a scam you would have sold. The only nine you're kidding here is you. You're a truly, truly bad person OP. That's the reality. I hope you spend your gains on the help you clearly need and can maybe rescue some of your humanity.

>> No.5796790

Yeah dude. My life would have been drastically different without this fucker ever having done that shit. And he doesn't give a fuck. Just like, "haha, whoops. Anyways, it's not so bad, because I live on the beach now!"

>> No.5796841

he is a fraud, but no one made you sell.

>> No.5796875
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I love how everyone will never take the time to read this thread. This is something I'd never usually see on /biz/

I find it interesting, I made more in other coins, tenfold.

>> No.5796882


Don't fall for this bullshit thread.

Let me tell you what is going on here:

Cocksucker OP is trying to convince the gullible that XBY is a great deal. He wants to sucker people to buy now, so that he can sell his shares.

Don't fall for it. OP fuck yourself, nobody is going to buy XBY.

>> No.5796883


I've never held XBY. I just hate street shitters.

>> No.5796913

Dude he photoshopped team FUD and shit. It was a fucking bombardment from all angles. It seemed like dozens of people were in on the fact that the whole project was a house of cards. Like, everyone sold. Sure, I could have not. But it didn't seem viable to do so AT ALL.

>> No.5796922

Congrats anon. I wish I had more faith in Borzalom in the past. I used to have 1.1 million XBY last spring, but the FUD got to me.

>> No.5796925
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Dude, I don't know what else to say man. I did it with the best of intentions.

I FUD and scalped many a shitcoin in my day. There are lots of projects that give good returns from the waves of pumping and dumping, I've made a ton on them. A lot of people on biz have.

But, everyone has has AMPLE time to do more research, and it was still a couple cents just a few months ago. I did want to get it off my chest though

>> No.5796957

People go out of there way to bring down the price. That's what you don't understand if they've done the research.

>> No.5797047

Hey man, I seriously do NOT blame you, especially after I spent that ridiculously inordinate amount of time rekking the team back in the day.

DYOR though, and maybe it works out for you too. I don't need the money anymore...it will be a nice to have at this point just to keep the party going. But I did want people to hear it from me that I may have been wrong about this whole thing.

I might NOT be wrong, it might still crash and burn...and I wont care because it cost me less than 7k to buy up the coins I have in my possession at this time. But if it is real, you still have a chance to get back on this crazy ride. GL either way, and if you ever make it down to the islands, you might here me telling the tale. Please don't murder me.

>> No.5797091

Shitbag move OP. Real lesson though, don't listen to the FUDDERS, ever.

>> No.5797111
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>> No.5797141

thanks for owning up to it dude, even tho I'll hate you forever

>> No.5797150

this is fucking gold. I gotta share it with the boys

see you on pluto, dutch. The tech is real. it's the real deal

>> No.5797165

Back then, it seriously WAS shady AF though. No one who wasn't there would ever understand. and even through the founder drama, and the board drama...man, I thought it all vindicated me, and I was just laughing making a couple hundred grand here and there during the dips.

The guy seriously used a picture of someone else, who was tied to some business in miami...when it turns out I tracked him down to some eastern european shithole. It stunk to high hell. He was PHP developer for christ sake...but look at this shit now, he's like the only developer really and they are pumping out MODULES on top the chain already. That some crazy shit.

>> No.5797180

Don't feel too guilty, it was easy to believe XBY was a scam back then, or at least amateur project that wasn't going anywhere. I don't know what convinced me not to just hold 1 million long term though, considering how cheap it was. I learned from my mistake at least and held my XRB. So it's all good.

>> No.5797260

You made me sell, I don't regret it. It looked dog shit and I would've done it without you.

>> No.5797273


Either you two are the same fag, or working the same angle to shill this coin.

Which one is it?

>> No.5797292
File: 13 KB, 805x225, sell book cryptopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! and if you missed the confession sometime back in July - I am not even the dutchdude from the slack chat who tried to help them develop. I did have contact with him though, and he is the real catalyst that tipped me into UBER research mode on this shit, so i though I would co-opt his identity since his FUD sauce was so damn weak. I can't say that I didn't have fun doing it all, I thought I was taking down some international scam syndicate. That snake oil salesman CCR with his shitty speaking manner, and used-carsalesman like tactics...its was all just so offputting...

>> No.5797351

Prove it by talking actual Dutch to me

Is dit serieus of maak je een grap?

En op welk eiland zit je

>> No.5797350

This. I remember your posts back then, but pretty sure I had already sold.

I'm a different person. I do have a soft spot for XBY, despite not holding it anymore. Not sure if you were on /biz/ at the time, but it had some good memes. It was my second shitcoin, after POSW. I bought it because it just came out and I could afford 1 million coins. So I feel a bit nostalgic about it.

>> No.5797360

Lol good to hear from you Dutch! Lol your post made me chuckle and I'd honestly have a beer with you if we ever crossed paths.

I never believed the FUD and held my bags....

To anyone else, it's not too late guys.

>> No.5797393

Honest. This time its just me....no games. Just laying it out there for the neets to see. baring my soul. I didn't think it would end up this way, but man it looks like I was seriously off the mark. I would want to try to meet borzolom one day to apologize to him in person...but I'm sure it wouldn't be a good idea. If this gets to him, tell him at this juncture, he's vindicated in my eyes.

If you guys REALLY want to see this coin soar, my advice would be reveal the identities for real with the first release. You will never see FOMO like that again ever again after that...but man will you guys have earned it at this point.

>> No.5797411

How long have you been on the islands dutch? I remember back in the summer you said you flew down. You've been down there this entire time?

t. An oldfag that bought millions of xby like you sub 100 sats

>> No.5797426

I'm actually not the real dutchdude man. But I took on his persona, since he was the one who fudded me out of the coin to begin with in slack after he had his meltdown when they didn't let him on the developement team.

>> No.5797490

Been since that day. The space took off, and I never had a reason to come back. I went from a few hundred thousand, to a few hundred million by Sept. Then BTC took me to my first tens of millions. And now, XRB and buying back into XVG have just been....the cream on the top. My little XBY trading stack has made me quite a bit of money too, and looks like if this ends up top 5, will likely be the one that takes me to a billion. I guess we will see.

>> No.5797548

speaking of XVG though man, if I had only held on to what I bought in the summer! My GOD. I'd be in the billions now.

>> No.5797582

I found it hard to believe you then, thinking that you were a sociopath and an attention whore - and I still find it hard to believe you now. But, stranger things have happened in crypto - as we've all learned with XBY.

Regardless, I do believe its you. Boy am I glad I only sold half of my holdings of XBY. If this thing makes it we are all gonna be filthy rich, if we arent already.

>> No.5797586

PS. If you haven't realized it by now, DON'T SELL ANY OF YOUR SHITCOINS EVER.

Never know when one of them will decide its not a shitter anymore.

>> No.5797641

sorry, I said from a few hundred thousand, to a few hundred million.

I just meant a few million. Then BTC rocketed and pretty much 10x my holdings.

>> No.5797672

If you don't mind me asking, how much did you start with originally and when?

>> No.5797685

You held BTC since <3k? How much did you have in April?

>> No.5797708

heh, he's an oldfag. Like me. :D Already millionaires. But it sounds like he's way ahead of the game. I only had a few btc back then.

>> No.5797737

$100 dollars of BTC in July 2016, which I forgot about until January 2017.
A couple thousand more in February 2017. I put in another 20k between March-June to various shitcoins, but ultimately didn't need to put anymore in. Honestly, /biz/ did all the work for me. I rode all of the FOMO pumps from Feb-Sept. and man did I make a lot of fucking money.

>> No.5797866

The sad part is I haven't been back here since about September I think. Been so busy just living, and focusing on really researching coins and stuff. I'm probably going to write a memoir, anonymously of course.

>> No.5797880

Thats some impressive roi dude. I havent heard of this kind of success on this board, very rare. I've heard of millionaire stories but not stuff this big.

>> No.5797925

I had a few btc too in May, like 20k worth. Made so many mistakes I only have half a million now. I've also been derisking since november, selling as much as half my stack which slowed gains. Fuck this market.

>> No.5798028

A few months ago I posted here saying "What should I do with $100?"
Some anon told me to put it all in XBY. I never got to see all the FUD after that. Guess how much I have now.

>> No.5798054

Well unfortunately I think one of the best times to accelerate your gains was during that time period of feb to sept. Right now its a raging bull market, you'll make money lots of places, but back then pumps were more condensed and had clear patterns.

Now with this raging bull market, so many altcoins have been pumping. Its great for everyone, but its also tougher cause you may not see gains relative to other coins you want to hop on.

But hey half a mil aint bad. It's better than nothing bro.

>> No.5798061


>> No.5798068

Once I had a couple million, and realized what was happening with segwit2x, I moved everything I had back into BTC.

BTC mooned, and in the meantime I threw a couple million into some shitcoins like XRB after I heard rumblings in the underground. December was a crazy month man, once shit calmed down that last couple weeks I just daytraded a couple million all day in between 19k and 15k as it ping ponged between. When XVG popped off I had BARELY gotten back in just in time, and then XRB was the big surprise - and finally, now XBY with a few million extra.

I imagine that most people in my position just don't have the time to spend here, I only came back to confess.

>> No.5798154

>I heard rumblings in the underground
>most people in my position just don't have the time to spend here
where do you gather market sentiment

>> No.5798229

thats some crazy shit. You are gonna become a billionaire. wow. congrats.

>> No.5798250
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Seriously fuck you dude, I sold because I was a poorfag student playing with my €2.200 savings and I didn't want to take too much risk. I definitely won't trust you again and I won't buy in even though I have much more money to play with right now. Not cool dude.

Groetjes uit het veel te koude Nederland.

PS. Mocht je je schuldgevoel willen afkopen dan kan dat natuurlijk.

>> No.5798254

I guess I cant complain since I hold millions of xby myself and it will be a top 10 coin if the project turns out to be legit. I'll settle for multi millionaire, lol.

>> No.5798290

I used to get a lot here, but now its mostly various slack trade channels and telegrams. Some twitter fomo, and I have friends all over the globe from doing this all year that PM me info.

Honestly, right now it is just crazy. I wish I would've spread my millions around some more of the top 10-20 coins....would've had WAY more. Also wish I didnt sell SOOOO many coins! At some point or another I've held XEM bout at like $.0001, XMR @ 5ish, Dash and ARDOR at fucking single digit dollars, ETH in the thousands when they were super cheap back in feburary, LTC, my god I had SOOOO much LTC once upon a time.

>> No.5798429

Well, they didn't all moon in series, maybe there was just as much opportunity cost.

Would you care to link some of these channels?

>> No.5798455

Anyway, I mistimed it because, well, there was an EVENT that changed the very predictable pattern that had emerged from Jan-Sept...but in case you guys haven't realized, this is global fomo, and it is filling the btc cup which then overflows to top10-20 as noobs realize gains. Those vets in the top10-20 go down to the top50-150 and find shitcoins to put some holdings into and then those guys at the bottom who make incredible 50-250x gains on the REAL shittier coins just start the btc fomo all over again.

>> No.5798460

Before I go to bed - listen to this advice. Dont sell your shitcoins. Seriously.

A few shitcoins I forgot to sell turned out to give me nice surprises later on when they freak mooned. DONT sell your shitcoins. Seriously.

>> No.5798638

PIVX, Shadowcash, Particl, XBY, TheCoinFarm and some reddit in general. Twitter is a good resource if you follow good leaders. I like CryptoYoda and ThisIsNuse among some others

>> No.5798675

Oh and finally, before I head out for the night, check out particl. Still early days, and I think that it might just turn out to be a winner.

>> No.5798703


>> No.5799404
