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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57955134 No.57955134 [Reply] [Original]

Was HBAR a load of crap all along?

>> No.57955173
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idk, but they did give me some pretty cool socks

>> No.57955252

Even the most retarded dead shitcoin in my portfolio performed better then HBAR. The problem is that I invested 1/3 of my money in HBAR. I fucking hate this shitcoin so much it’s unreal.

>> No.57955309

it works really nicely and is fast a hell. I am so confused why shit like Sol gets mass adaption while coins like hbar remain ghost chains

>> No.57955333

Just one of many VC scams. Imagine buying hbar because Deepak Chopra was given an honorary council seat lmao

>> No.57955417

Trips of truth and checked.

>> No.57955429
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>> No.57956061

>bitshit, solana, doge ALL outperforming the best tech in crypto
heh... guess we were the real midwits all along. we thought we were gaming the system by playing the long-game, but it looks like we'll miss this bull run too

>> No.57956479
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I already missed the last because of HBAR.

>> No.57957324

It is, it was, and it will always be.

>> No.57958447

Honestly HBAR makes me so sad I don’t understand why it doesn’t have wider appeal to the entire market. They have actual real businesses building on top of the network and it reflects fuck all in the price. So embarrassing.

>> No.57958592

This. Hedera is, unironically, one of the best chains out there with trustworthy governance and the only real-world, high throughout adoption with a multinational company as proof of concept. It does the most tps, has never gone down and has low, predictable pricing. It should be right near the top, but literal scams like Solana, that keeps crashing and lies about every aspect of its performance, both real and imaginary, is around the top of the market. It really is a clown world.

>> No.57958689
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Designed to never go up, stablecoins are more profitable than hfart

>> No.57959217

Until it isn’t clown world anymore and you are left holding the dogecoin bag :)

>> No.57961067

yes, it was, that's why I fade away from all this shitcoins and exchanges and root for satoshisync. they got their own native, can push and print brcs20 and a full ecosystem with many kind of coins, Ill be LOL'ing so hard in the future

>> No.57961084

hbar can suck my little filipino femboy dick for all I care

>> No.57961094

are those actually any good? My feet eat socks like your ass eats cocks.

>> No.57961111
File: 86 KB, 1025x342, hbarbarianhts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was HBAR a load of crap all along?
Dont care. Shitcoins like this on Hedera are what will make me finally hit 6 figures though.