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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 1362x1046, Screen Shot 2024-03-11 at 11.35.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57950727 No.57950727 [Reply] [Original]

You are voting for Trump in November right?

>> No.57950740
File: 33 KB, 550x550, khg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no lmao

>> No.57950749

Take my vote and shove it up yours

>> No.57950772


>> No.57950795

I'm writing in Bukele

>> No.57950801

Well of course he made shitloads off of NFTs

>> No.57950813

Until Republicans bring back abortion as a fiscally responsible option they can fuck right off. Baby murder is based and economically viable.

>> No.57950815

Only if he pledges to pardon Assange.

>> No.57950831

The dems also lost in 2016 though

>> No.57950869

Democracy is fucking retarded, so no.

Trump rolled over and got dicked down on every issue that I gave a shit about, so double no.

>> No.57950928

>a lot of people bought my shoe line with bitcoin
This sounds like BS.

>> No.57950945

I never understood why they were so anti-abortion considering how non-whites get so many abortions

>> No.57950994

Republicans love niggers.

>> No.57951016

Is this not just a high profile money laundering scheme?

>> No.57951033

Trump has a new crew in his presidential campaign and they are pro-Bitcoin. one of the best things he could do is push for eliminating capital gains for Bitcoin and precious metals and therefore actually reward his voting base

>> No.57951038

Yes because I'm not a left winger cock sucking faggot and the only thing I care about is who will pump my bags harder

>> No.57951046
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absolutely based

>> No.57951060

Trump literally said that Bitcoin was evil and a threat to the USD just a couple of years ago, why do you incels believe everything he says?

>> No.57951079

At very least they need to change the retarded laws on airdrops and forks. Supposedly you're supposed to recognize as income airdropped tokens at the price they are when you initially receive them. Absolutely no one does this and it would require going on some sketchy exchanges to sell random fork that you likely didn't even realize you had unless you're constantly following it, but technically the IRS could currently fuck everyone over on it.

>> No.57951084

He saw a lot of people buying his sneakers with crypto, and finally saw the light.
People change, you know.

>> No.57951096

Republicans aren't known for being smart

>> No.57951109
File: 29 KB, 1179x180, D54049F7-5C28-4621-B6E3-EA37C0D6BE69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Trump is extremely based

>> No.57951116

Simple. This 180 degree opinion out of him couldn't have to do with the fact that his bankster friends and a good portion of his boomer voting pool are now invested too, could it?

>> No.57951132


>> No.57951134
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True, but they’re still smarter than democrats.

>> No.57951135


>> No.57951147

>let’s defy God because niggers xD
you’re the reason for your replacement

>> No.57951164

Yes, I hope the golden jew wins again may non whites and faggot whites seethe

>> No.57951175
File: 254 KB, 640x640, 1616902098618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a full blown NatSoc, MAGA are jew worshippers and the confederates were nigger worshippers

you'd have to be a complete fucking retard to think those three groups have anything to do with another except:
>I don't like them so they're all the same

>> No.57951185

>I will fuck your wife
>I will steal your taxes & give it to me and my friends
>I will make all of us look like fucking clowns & make our allies hate us
>I will destroy all environmental regulations and make you eat, drink and breathe shit that will make you sterilised and get cancer
>AND I will not crack down on crypto

OOOOmeGga basEd EmpErOR mAga MagA MAga GeT my VoTe

>> No.57951202

Still voting trump

>> No.57951236

Abortion is still legal federally and in every state though? The supreme court just made it so that states could vote on it, which is important because to not allow the states to decide when human life begins is to violate every citizens right to sovereignty, and to potentially legalise human rights abuses (assuming a state would decide that life starts at comception)

TLDR: they didn't do that, CNN lied to you (again), and those who are the most upset and radical about politics are, as they always have been, the people who understand the least about it.

>> No.57951247

>why they were so anti-abortion considering how non-whites get so many abortions
well there's the obvious religious argument regarding sanctity of life

I would argue that to allow abortion empowers women way too much and also creates a corrupt culture of death that pervades things you wouldn't think are related

as based as aborting black babies is, the empowerment of women may have been far more damaging, hard to say exactly

>> No.57951248
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>Still voting trump

>> No.57951254
File: 962 KB, 1170x1636, D144C297-81C6-47CC-A78D-9020DA4C4A8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great points, this is why I hate Biden

>> No.57951255

I'm ridin with biden

>> No.57951303

>Daily mail
Even Wikipedia banned sourcing from them, absolute trash newspaper.

>> No.57951311

Irrelevant. Living and making your own medical decisions are both human rights, and so, the only decision to be made is when you (and the others in your state) think that fertilized egg becomes human.

6-8 weeks imo (this is the standard in pretty much every state).

>> No.57951357


Is that better for you?
The fact that you care more about where the news is coming from instead is the fact that Biden’s government is targeting whites and Asians to fund blacks abs browns shows how lost it really are.

>> No.57951368

I wish Trump were half as cool as progressives pretend he is

idgaf fag

>> No.57951394

jesus christ, why haven't I heard about this?

>> No.57951407

How do you own no Bitcoin when someone bought your product with bitcoin? At least a portion of that goes to him, right?

>> No.57951421

Prejudice against asians and caucasians is fairly standard in progressive ideology. Even in mainstream paleo-prog lawmaking.

>> No.57951438
File: 371 KB, 1627x669, trump demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bulk of people 25-45, which is anyone with money and investing knowledge, support Trump. In particular this leans more heavily amongst white males. Which begs the question which type of "person" is rabidly anti-Trump and on /biz/ at the current time.

>> No.57951449
File: 43 KB, 1082x376, C9A2FEBA-2C92-4100-9E83-9F9868B72FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the media report anything negative about a democrat president?

>> No.57951453

no lol, he was fun for the memes but thats all

>> No.57951457

Assuming he's not just lying his company probably uses a 3rd party service that lets you pay in bitcoin but immediately converts that to fiat and sends it on to his company.

>> No.57951460

That's the whole meaning of the word "equity". Equal outcomes regardless of merit. This is how they get those outcomes.

>> No.57951461

fucking bullshit, nobody should be fooled. don't get rugged by this liar

>> No.57951465

It's probably just converted to USD instantly

>> No.57951470

Stupid fuck you are the scum thay deserves to be disemboweled on live stream while your family watches in horror. Faggot!

>> No.57951477


>> No.57951479

The republican party mostly caters towards political issues that were lost 50 years ago, owing largely to the fact that whenever the parents of the boomers tried to roll things back the liberal boomer democrats would try to stop it. Reaching adulthood, the boomers reached political 'equilibrium' with being anti-abortion and anti-faggot and pro-israel and pro-immigration.

>> No.57951484
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forgot ss

>> No.57951490
File: 186 KB, 872x748, 64D6CB3E-E2D5-47AF-8E8E-265D4E331720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally anyone is better than Biden
I am sick and done with this retard’s Bidenflation

>> No.57951498

mixed raced teenagers with 74 dollars in their poofolio

>> No.57951549

Trump admin oversaw the printing of 4 trillion dollars vs Biden admin's 6 trillion

Yeah Biden was worse, but calling it "Bidenflation" is retarded. Oh and Trump bitched about wanting to print more.

>> No.57951567

what the fuck does nazi germany have to do with the confederacy ?

>> No.57951573

I'm well aware racial equity is racially prejudicial, and by definition racist. Bigoted if you're talking to a progressive since "racism" means something totally different to them (any dictionary would still consider racial prejudice racism though).

>> No.57951594

They're baddies dontch'a know?

>> No.57951603

This x100.

I expect if Trump picks a good VP to vote for him. I have zero desire to hitch my vote to Haley or some dope like Scott

>> No.57951607
File: 281 KB, 2048x1527, 54F85E71-C7E4-47FE-BE84-05B58CD52855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no 4 trillion
Meanwhile Biden is printing 7 trillion >>57951449

Besides Bidenflation has been well documented what policies Biden did that caused this entire fucked situation

>> No.57951629
File: 149 KB, 1080x1469, Whitebois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a full blown NatSoc

>> No.57951631
File: 97 KB, 943x943, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

research the voting habits of members in the triple 9

>> No.57951696

Triple 9 vote in other ways.

>> No.57951747

Why are you scared of a tax audit anon? Did you even read the link you just sent?

>> No.57951766
File: 909 KB, 1341x843, 1696764235722717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. lmao even.

>> No.57951768

It sounds more like he's upset that the law is racially prejudicial.

>> No.57951832

The problem is progressives believe racial differences are a social construct and not in any way based in biology. No race is inherently better or worse than any other, so all differences can only be attributed privilege/disprivilege.


>> No.57951852

Yeah it's well documented that inflating the money supply reduces the value of money. Trump and Biden both did that you fucking retard.

Hell, Trump would've kept printing if he were still in office. He whined and moaned about only getting 4 trillion.

>> No.57951948

While some racial differences are biological, others are absolutely socio-cultural. The problem is that they want to throw other peoples money at the issue of racial inequity and make it disappear. This has never worked and will never work.

Most problems in the black community can only be improved by the black community itself through self criticism. Self improvement starts with self criticism. A groups improvement starts with self criticism.

This was, at least, what the main who coined the term "colonized peoples" believed.

>> No.57951980

niggerkike trannyfaggot confirmed

>> No.57951998

rare white id confirme trump as president 2024 eat shit niggerkike trannyfaggots

>> No.57952024
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>> No.57952127
File: 109 KB, 1170x1136, FzPkciqXwBET7Gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm voting Trump because I think it'll be funny.
I mean there's no way he could be worse than Biden at this point.

>> No.57952134

Sorry, still voting Biden

>> No.57952222

sorry I guess you didn't get the memo, everyone's voting for Trump this time.

Even all the so"y sucking liberals I know aren't going to vote for Biden.
As it turns out getting attacked by drug addicts on the street changes one's opinions on things.

>> No.57952269
File: 68 KB, 1024x676, tYqFpDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57952288

Not me. First time loser about to lose a second time lol

>> No.57952848

checked and niggerpilled
so youre a pedo?

>> No.57952890

>S&P at ATHs
>BTC at ATHs

>> No.57953022

Difference here is that back in 2016-2020 everybody was printing money because globally we were experiencing very low inflation and slow economic activity so you print money to boost demand. Biden did not throw oil to the fire, he threw a nuke when the central bank had already cut rates way too low back in 2021 and we were expecting the biggest increase on inflation in decades thanks to covid and Ukraine.
Don’t you fucking compare the 2

>> No.57953598


>> No.57953626

Correct, I am not.

I am going to vote for Joe Biden.

>> No.57953790

>I am going to vote for Joe Biden.
a man who's not afraid to take a chain to a nigger

>> No.57953982

>Trump and Biden both did that
All presidents have increased the money supply, it's part of being the hegemone, you get to dump your currency on other countries and they have to take it because it's the global reserve. Biden just has mismanaged the country by a very wide margin. Not only is the spending out of control but his Ukraine deals are causing a massive fuel crisis in the world by sanctioning Russia.
Biden singlehandedly raised the price of gas everywhere by not negotiating a peace deal with Ukraine and Russia and fanning the flames by giving Cuckensky billions in military aid. Sanctions to Russia are sanctions to the rest of the world as well because Europe is forced to buy gas at a premium from India which he gets from Russia. It's not only that Indians are getting rich because they have costs moving the gas around. If you see the bigger picture gas is just taking longer and costs more to move to get to the end consumer. Thank you Biden, you are making Europe poorer and thus America too because we can't buy as much of your shit.

Seriosuly, Biden is the most corrupt and inept President in decades and he is only tolerated because the elite doesn't want Trump. Democrats should consider collective suicide.

>> No.57954105
File: 627 KB, 747x751, Robert-Kennedy-Jr-Bitcoin-Is-Inflation-Offramp-—-BTC-Is-Key-to-Transactional-Freedom-–-Featured-Bitcoin-News.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RFK is the official Bitcoin candidate

>> No.57954123

youre a fucking idiot
dems want more crypto taxes

>> No.57954381
File: 427 KB, 834x800, 1659018739843256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a bidenomics board
/pol/tards not welcome

>> No.57954443

>only tolerated because the elite doesn't want Trump
The elite have changed horses to Trump over Biden politely asking Israel to pretty pretty please stop killing as many brown kids.

>> No.57954507
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, Mr._Krabs.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Jesus just vote for Trump you morons. I have problems with him but it's not "a giant douch and a turd sandwich" when it's a high strung NYC big baller who wants to fix the country versus a senile dirty old man actively committing national seppuku on our behalf.

>> No.57954587
File: 1.54 MB, 1439x1223, 1709344645707872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that leftists are suicidal faggots.

>> No.57954614

Shouldn’t you be locked down and max boosted? Lord trump, father of the death jab, said so!

>> No.57954628

>if you don't support Israel you're a freak!!!
Haha very funny posts. This is the part where you say you don't like either but post zero anti-Israel memes because you don't have any

>> No.57954682

I don't live in a country I live in a cultureless, soulless economic zone and any time spent thinking about the politics of this zone could be better spent elsewhere

>> No.57954694

Israel will ensure Donald gets installed 2024.

>> No.57954736
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1440, 1704416748921370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact i don't like either, but the most recent meme i have is the palestine faggot, so...

i found pic related btw, jewish pussy is buolt for goyim cock

>> No.57954765

>In fact i don't like either
Of course, that's the official position of all the "based" influencers who spent the last half a decade making jokes about Jews. Now suddenly they're completely neutral on the topic. Very convenient, Sam Hyde.

>> No.57954786

No. My IQ isn't below room temperature so I know better than to vote for him.

>> No.57954826

actually, the way airdrops currently work in the US (it was already clarified, by the...irs I believe) is that, you only pay taxes when you *sell* the crypto, not when you receive it..but it adds a lot of convolution to the process...so you owe income taxes on the initial value of the drop (when you sell), plus capital gains on any price appreciation above that initial price you were dropped at. So no worrying about having to sell your airdrop to pay taxes. Its all right here.

>> No.57954890
File: 1.61 MB, 640x618, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think it's called /biz/raeli, newfag?
a /biz/raeli realizes the futility in fighting the jew and strives instead to be the jew doing the jewing, or to retire in a secluded luxury bunker complex laughing as the world burns around him
now go back

>> No.57954963

This is from that very link.
>A23. If a hard fork is followed by an airdrop and you receive new cryptocurrency, you will have taxable income in the taxable year you receive that cryptocurrency
You realize it as income when you receive it, you then realize the profit/loss when you sell it. But again, literally no one does this despite it being the law because of just how retarded it is.

>> No.57955003

I’m not voting, but I hope Biden loses because he is the worst president of all time.

>> No.57955341

>"But I'm the light-colored version of a turd! Why don't women want me??"
These street shitters really do think we give a fuck about their little internal hierarchies.

>> No.57955883


The only people who support Hamas are nazis are far left nu-leftists. Hamas hasn't had an election in over 15 years. They're tyrannical anti-democratic terrorists. Yes, Netanyahu is just as bad and has broken international law by colonizing the west bank, but you can't compare that to the killing of unarmed civilians unless you're a nazi or neo-progressive, both of which have a lot in common.

>> No.57955942

other cryptocurrenies are president? how!

>> No.57956547

I wonder how many thousands of writeins there have been in the primaries for BITCOIN

>> No.57956808

3rd party.
Literally anybody.

>> No.57958080
File: 260 KB, 1024x1024, 1709957023665795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea trump crypto policy makes him unvotable.

Specially since his own base was being unbanked as he attacked crypto.

>> No.57958278

Trump lied before. He is a stupid shabbos goy. He also said he would „LOCK HER UP“ and „DRAIN THE SWAMP“.

>> No.57958701

Besides it being objecitvely evil, just because the likelihood of nonwhites getting them being higher there will still be far more white babies killed and those higher percentages are also inflated by degenerates who get one every month so that total abortions =/= new baby rate that would be born ie shaneeqa gets 10 abortions in 9 months when if she couldnt she would only be pregnant one time during that timeframe

>> No.57958921

its funny how dems shit on crypto and trump likes it and the redditors on this site are still like FUCK ORANGE MAN

>> No.57958938
File: 111 KB, 402x300, 0CF57054-F6D6-4479-91DC-18643762C6E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the next Taj Mahal utilizes the right token for gaming anons

>> No.57958953

>trump likes it

>> No.57958987

>you'd have to be a complete fucking retard to think those three groups have anything to do with another
The dehumanization and the systemic cruelty toward others is a pretty big glaring point of commonality, and it's pretty weird to act like you're not aware of it.

>> No.57959429

This lol. I can already visualize their broccoli hair and ebonic spanglish accents

>> No.57959467
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Of course

I’m sure if Biden gets reelected his caregivers will have him put more regulations and taxes on crypto

>> No.57959493

This thread is a psyop from the office

But still bullish on Trump.