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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 772 KB, 1125x1477, 57747CEA-A3EA-4041-844A-29D02BB5F0B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57948225 No.57948225 [Reply] [Original]

‘24 donations. Please have them in by next payroll run, thanks!

>> No.57948248
File: 14 KB, 332x219, INCELTHREAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57948250

anyone else find it ironic that 4chan's official coin is one of the wokest companies in existence?

Life sure has a hell of a sense of humor

>> No.57948253

why do they have a green haired land whale as employee hahahahha

>> No.57948262

Who is that melissa woman and why is she paid 300k?

>> No.57948284

don't talk about yourself that way buddy, do some more pushups

>> No.57948298

she works hard for the money. she works hard for it honey. she works hard for the money, so you better treat her right

>> No.57948309

well to be fair she has a pretty big workload. Job description:

>promoting anything gay
>annual company pride parade
>hating white men
>create company policies to hire anyone with a pulse over a competent white man
>more gay stuff
>eating snacks in the breakroom
>sleeping, breathing, existing

>> No.57948315

Bumping incel thread.
If CCIP is not announced by March 20, 2024, then at midnight UTC I will sell my bags.

>> No.57948324

I sold my link for pyth and am staking it for airdrops

>> No.57948472

what is pyth?

>> No.57948491

nvm just looked it up... more "oracle" bullshit yeah I'm not buying that

>> No.57948924

Sir, this is a cryptocurrency

>> No.57949098


>> No.57949250

>second fireside in London for sirgay in two days
Are we finally close?

>> No.57949270

Pyth is what LINK pretends to be.

>> No.57949281

Another twitter screenshot thread, wowzers!

>> No.57949433

Another new LINKBTC ATL, zomg frienderinos!!!

>> No.57949538


>> No.57949550

what does "ATL" mean?

>> No.57949583

Old sergboy likes a bit of variety in his harem

>> No.57949619

Simply check the LINKBTC chart and you will understand what ATL means.

>> No.57949691

we're not even clost to ATL, but i get what you're saying. we are still 30-40 percent move down to 5+ year lows. It seems like its going there. Could get a small bounce at 2k sats and then just dump into oblivion down below 1k sats. Totally demolished and cucked chart. Extremely cooked.

>> No.57949820

Before you buy your first Stinky Linky, let me tell you a story.
I was in San Francisco one day to see one of my buddies. We were tired of looking at cunny on his laptop so we decided to go to a local strip club.
There we saw, lo and behold, fucking Sergey in the middle of the club, with strippers on him, turning his signature shirt from white and blue to brown and blue. He was just lobbing huge stacks of cash at the strippers; the bills stuck together with rubber bands, practically pelting the dancers with bricks of cash straight from the bank.
Of course, I had to go up and congratulate him on the success of LINK (this was before the massive dump). He took a hefty swig from his bottle of Dom Perignon and said, "You think I really care, Stinky Linky?"
My hands started sweating, and my knees felt weak for some reason. As I wiped sweat off my brow, I stuttered, "W-What?"
He glared at me, but strayed from my eyes. I realized he was drunk.
"Fundamentally, I don't give two fucks about Chainlink, kid. In fact--"
A 400+ pound stripper tapped him on the shoulder. From under his plaid shirt, he slowly pulled out the largest bag of cocaine I had ever seen. It looked like one of those gallon bags, and it was filled to the brim. The stripper took it and pranced off into a unlit room toward the back of the club.
Sergey then pulled out a lighter. Then he turned to me--the scent of alcohol hitting my nostrils hard.
"You wanna know what I think about Chainlink?"
He then pulled about 20 stacks of bills from a duffel bag, threw them on the floor, poured cognac all over them. He flicked his Zippo, and dropped the flame into the pile. The entire stack burst into flames.
I stared at him, speechless.
"It's called a 'PUMP and DUMP,' kid."
He laughed as he watched the money burn and my naivety with it, before he lost interest and left with his entourage of strippers to the coke room.
This is the man you are supporting by buying LINK...