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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 169 KB, 960x423, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5794568 No.5794568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


another similar ponzi, new and fresh, prices are cheap. This one actually you will be able to race the cars virtually as shown in the demo. Anyways, contract is like an hour old and only a few cars have been sold and that rate is speeding up. People have confirmed that cashout works, if you are into this early ponzi shit, get your ass in here!!

>> No.5794602

ez monies

>> No.5794651

Lemme get that white one tho?

>> No.5794669

holy crap not again and its just started ffs im going in

>> No.5794717

Racing to gain ETH rewards!! Jumping on into my new ride!

>> No.5794846

Oh fuck this one is blowing up even harder than Ethertanks did.

>> No.5794894

>1 post by this is
Do not buy.

>> No.5794961


https://discord DOT gg/Xws4NaX

>> No.5795009

okay im getting in before it blows up, not gonna miss this one

>> No.5795013

Awesome, I love racing games!

>> No.5795208

which one to buy for max profits

>> No.5795315

crypto niggers needs to happen now

>> No.5795320

ER-3 is a fucking money maker, missed tanks but riding these cars to buy my lambo

>> No.5795327

idk i'm just fomo buying i dont give a frig at this point take my money ponzi scammers but im in the first 100 cars sold so hopefully i become rich RICH RICH!!!!!

>> No.5795357

get the fuck off my god damn board where the fuck are our god damn mods

>> No.5795363

ITT: Pajeet shills.

>> No.5795367

>now we can LITERALLY buy a lambo with eth
Best timeline.

>> No.5795386

smells like shit in this thread

>> No.5795512


>> No.5795719

What the actual duck are you faggots trading here exactly

>> No.5795782

Got in 45m ago already roi..........opposite of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.5795786
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>> No.5796126

yooo im breakeven already.. it this plays out like ethertanks, theres still a ton of room for profits (first tank sold 2,000 in tanks... that means anyone before 1,000 made a profit). we are still less than 100 on some of them

>> No.5796293

The threads are being censored.

>> No.5796326

Is this actually worth buying or are people hyping this up just because they invested early.

>> No.5796372

It already has a working unity AI that uses your address to keep track of your stats and racers will get paid in ETH depending on how they do.

>> No.5796425

evennn stevensssss

>> No.5796446


But like ethertanks, if you don't invest early, you won't make anywhere near your money back. Just wondering if I'm too late.

>> No.5796464

guys- to make your transactions go thorough you must leave gas limit where it is!!!! and maybe boose gwei up to 25 or 30ish

>> No.5796496

the tank one got 2000 people buying the cheapest tank, just buy the cheap one and see what happens, you will at least break even if you buy now and then if this goes big you will have the car to sell

>> No.5796513

This thread is a living example of why we need flags.

Pajeets are cancer.

>> No.5796550

i dont like how u cant see how many cars have been bought of each

>> No.5796554

The contract is less than 2 hours old and the market goes live in a week. You are early. only 1/50th of what Etheremon and Ethertanks were at one point.

>> No.5796578
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>> No.5796586


this. within first 5 hours is guaranteed profit

>> No.5796613

>Comp-Sci master's degree
>white as fuck.

>> No.5796763

There's no fucking way the first few posts are not bots or pajeets.

>> No.5796799


>> No.5796807

fuck it, bought the er-2

>> No.5796909

Fucking kek. You just don't learn do you?
Stay poor you fucking pajeet.

>> No.5796953

Go back to your discord sever you snake piss shill.

>> No.5797058

how do u know how many cars have been sold

>> No.5797135

you gotta do the math

>> No.5797229

made 3x already, lovely ponzi

>> No.5797817

lambos ftw

>> No.5797825

Er-2 is the money maker! Can't wait to race for eth!

>> No.5797831

Fucking paid for three cars and one is not showing up for me after 20 minutes. Fuck you metamask you fucking piece of lagging shit

>> No.5797893

Resend it with higher gas. 60 cents will make it almost instant

>> No.5797934
File: 74 KB, 767x303, cryptopupies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else here accumulating?

>> No.5797987

It said it was successful man. Idk a glitch or what sigh

>> No.5797997

ER-1 ER-1 ER-1

>> No.5798133

Get in now....this thing just started up

>> No.5798138

ER-2 guys LT-2 in tanks made the most gains in ethertanks

>> No.5798166

Hurry and get in guys be top of the pyramid !!

>> No.5798265

This is an improved version of tanks without the faults that it had! This is going to go a lot further!

>> No.5798343

Ground floor of the first 3D racing ether game right now!

>> No.5798356

Was hesitant to buy, but have already made almost all my money back (bought only 30-40 min ago)

>> No.5798393 [DELETED] 

Okay fine...I'll buy an ER1. Or two. Or five.

>> No.5798425


>> No.5798437

Literally free money.

>> No.5798476

Er3 best returns plus kek

>> No.5798480

You got Pajeet'd.

>> No.5798493

Uh oh....im FOMOing

>> No.5798520


>another similar ponzi

I'm fucking dying

>> No.5798526

Nah it showed up for me finally thank god

>> No.5798534
File: 65 KB, 950x534, very nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when your crypto is only backed by trading neopets

>> No.5798537

bought er-1 and er-2 a few minutes ago and almost broke even already, this is the fucking ground floor

tanks went for days lads we're steady

>> No.5798548

Get in boys

>> No.5798563

ER-5 is easy money right now

>> No.5798600

Tanks has 29,000 total transactions. Etherracing barely has over 1.1k. Pretty easy profit.

>> No.5798642

Holy fuck this thread is filled to the brim with shills. Abandon thread unless you want to lose all your money

>> No.5798759
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>> No.5798861

Well it is the only way they make money from this shit
Pathetic really

>> No.5798878

If you don't buy ER-3 then I'll see you in my mirrors

>> No.5798935
File: 88 KB, 222x222, etherracing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY CAR????

>> No.5798953

>mfw I've already made back my investment on 6 cars

>> No.5798986

We're gonna make it

>> No.5798988

>be me
>buy car
>tx went through minutes ago
>no car showing up in my account


>> No.5799102

Can we buy multiple of one model and earn the ref bonus with that model too?

>> No.5799152


>> No.5799158

>File: etherracing.png (88 KB, 222x222)

>> No.5799238

Happened to me, showed up later. You'll be fine anon

>> No.5799272

Bought another car and have already ROI'd on it

>> No.5799296

Super easy, buy the cheapest one. Everyone on day one of all the ponzis made profit and ended up with tanks / mons. You have about 19 hours left people!

>> No.5799335

Lol I love profiting on this shit, so easy

>> No.5799349

easy money

>> No.5799368

:( still waiting. would have bought more cars but wtf, this will scare off normies. my ethertanks/cryptopussies showed up instantly

>> No.5799370

has this already been shilled to reddit?

>> No.5799410
File: 2.27 MB, 389x279, 1373166949295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these fucking FUD's have never been ground floor before, made initial back within an hour.

>> No.5799423

This literally just launched guys. get in while you can

>> No.5799514

Yeah just started...sales are starting to soar. Buy the cheap ones while they are still cheap

>> No.5799661
File: 44 KB, 330x200, 20180103_102236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw i roi

>> No.5799709

Making so much gains with this ER-2!!!!

>> No.5799719

https://www.reddit com/r/ethtrader/comments/7nsvih/etherracing_new_ethereum_dapp_you_can_buy_a_car/

upvote this bitch and post

>> No.5799767
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>> No.5799800

I’m already x3ed with this er 2 baby

>> No.5799869

ER-2 boiiiizzz

>> No.5799883

ITT: samefags shilling a ponzi to dump on retards

>> No.5799915

You mad bro? Now is your hands to make gains fool or you will turn into a pink wojak!

>> No.5799923

ERC-5 is a steal!

>> No.5799927

you can't dump a ponzi retard

>> No.5799944

...Yes, and?
I mean, you're still at the stage where you can dump on other more retarded individuals, what's the point in complaining about it?

You're like a nocoiner.
Still early enough to profit, won't do it because of fear, belittles those who were faster and more daring than him.

>> No.5799949

You're right.I will look on this project and see whether it gains or loses traction.

>> No.5800042
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5800077

This is exploding omg!!!

>> No.5800130

U.S wakes up soon....now is the tme to get in before they wake up!

>> No.5800147

ER-3 has the horsepower to get you to the moon

>> No.5800153


ER-1, cheapest always most bought by normies and bag holders

>> No.5800159


we're gonna make it

>> No.5800200
File: 256 KB, 1229x505, Ethertanksales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, the two cheapest tanks sold the most (obviously). Do with what you will with that info.

>> No.5800210
File: 28 KB, 101x127, Mt70j5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ER-5 is secretly the fastest car since it doesn't account for theelectric motors. Get in now

>> No.5800274

ER 2 mother fuckers!!

>> No.5800278

Total 3 ER1's 3 ER2's and 1 ER'3. Going well, I'll be sleeping well tonight. Can't wait for ETH racing rewards. ER3 is going to kick ass

>> No.5800283


Doesn't matter. The ER-5 you can be in the top 100, unlike the pajeet cheap ones. You can make easy 5 eth profit.

>> No.5800314


Car no 1 needs just to sell 1300 times for me to break even.

>> No.5800349


If truly not russian shill.

Would you mind posting screenshot of the price level of the tank when you purchased? and the price level of the tank when you cashed out?

I doubt you got the full promised amount.

>> No.5800384

making so much free money

>> No.5800440

Woot free gains

>> No.5800470

2 of 6 cars I bought are already paid off and the burgers aren't even awake yet.

>> No.5800489

Get in before America wakes up.

>> No.5800522

get in before the Americans wake up

>> No.5800608

ER - 2 is making me serious gains!

>> No.5800623

Get in fags easy 10x with er2

>> No.5800671

ER-2 is definitely the best option. One of the fastest ROIs and one of the cheapest cars so it has a higher rate of purchase

>> No.5800687

I’m just a plain old normie trying to get in before the hype. Thought I was too late but bought an ER-2 out of FOMO. 1 hr later I’m x2 in profits. See you in lamboland FAGGOTS

>> No.5800697

This shit is about to go parabolic.

>> No.5800755

Thread theme:


Let's go boys

>> No.5800760

Cars > tanks

>> No.5800795

er2 gogo it's still early!

>> No.5800816

Gains gains gains!!!

>> No.5800841

er-3 to the moon boi

>> No.5800963

This is gonna be yuuuuge

>> No.5801028

Buy before the fat Americans do

>> No.5801057

Free ETH woot woot

>> No.5801093

How do you people find these Dapps? Does the dev advertise anywhere?

>> No.5801123

This is so much better then ether tanks

>> No.5801179
File: 72 KB, 1920x1080, anotha one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep those gains coming ER-3!

>> No.5801183

How long is it taking you guys to cash out to MM?

>> No.5801214

Maybe a minute or less. Make sure you don't have any pending transactions going. Do one at a time.

>> No.5801262

ER - 2 is Insane!!

>> No.5801339

Everyone knows if you get into something like this early you profit. It has been less than 6 hours since the game came out... seems pretty early to me!

>> No.5801348

Ty OP this is life changing

>> No.5801374
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>> No.5801378

ER 2 for maximum gains!

>> No.5801556

you misspelled ER-3

>> No.5801590

Cryptopussies is great. Got a few Gen 0's and making some nice gains

>> No.5801618

Buy before the American do!

>> No.5801638

ER 1!

>> No.5801650

I didn't miss on ethertanks, I was there from day 1, and still didn't make money.
Fuck you and your ponzy

>> No.5801808

buy ER-3 guaranteed gains

>> No.5801867

Guys the key is to buy the cheaper cars... on ether tanks the expensive ones never payed off!!ER 2 for 100% gains.

>> No.5801957

ER - 2!!!

>> No.5801991

This. I bought a medium price tank at the start and ended up buying a few cheaper ones to make gains because there was no movement on my other one.

ER-2 and ER-3 are where it's at in this game.

>> No.5802161

Er-2 and er-3! 2 for the gains and 3 for the racing and the gains

>> No.5802193

> Waste more money, if $300 wasted on this wasn't enough, invest another $300 on this ponzy

>> No.5802279

This is free money wow I’m killing it

>> No.5802334

ER-3 will take you to the moon

>> No.5802354

ER 2 guys !!

>> No.5802561

Making so much gains bro

>> No.5802714


>> No.5802721

New car E9

>> No.5802802

ER-1 Masterrace.

just spent $67 on a digital car

>> No.5802816
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1920, 1498998936636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bought ER-9
Don't miss out on your gains lads

>> No.5802930

Everybody knows you buy 1-2 of the 1st car and 1-3 of the second car.

Let the normies do the rest for us.

>> No.5802970

Let’s make some money

>> No.5803015

Volume will triple in a few hours when everyone wakes up.

>> No.5803027

>tfw I click cash out
>tfw metamask opens a window creating a transaction from my metamask to their address for 0$
>tfw I can't cash out

>> No.5803063

Click submit and it will continue you to checkout.

>> No.5803139

America waking soon guys

>> No.5803155
File: 940 KB, 3024x4032, 1512406315732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ETH transaction from Binance to metamask hasnt confirmed after 20 minutes and the cars are rising in price ARGH HELP

>> No.5803179

To get my second er-2 or an er-9?

>> No.5803180

well I can actually cash out.
Now let me do some math for you:
At the current rate I get about 0.0001 ETH each approx 2 mins.
I've payed 0.067 for this car so: it will take 670 cars to be bought to get me my money back.
So around 670*2 = 1340 minutes = 22.4 hours
Let's see

>> No.5803248

You'll get it, volume will increase really soon with east coast Americans waking up.

>> No.5803267

I was actually mistaken. It takes me approx 4 mins to get the ETH.
So about 2 days to get your money. lol

>> No.5803271


I urge you to pay attention to those numbers.

The actual car amount sold amount is more like 1400 than 670.

just keep an eye on it. It was the same with the tanks. the profit numbers are skewed.

>> No.5803285

Er 2 bro

>> No.5803316

I agree. It is the amount of cars "sold" as expressed by the ponzi creators

>> No.5803351

now the proud owner of an ER-1 and an ER-9

>> No.5803352

ER-9 JUST RELEASED! Hop in before others see this!

>> No.5803402

ER-1 is the logical choice for a few days minimum. Invest now on day 1!

>> No.5803443
File: 140 KB, 768x960, 1512801159938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help. I wanna be on the moon with you guys. But my ETH transaction from binance to metamask has taken 30 minutes already. HELP

>> No.5803542

Did you confirm thr withdrawal on email they send u

>> No.5803543

Bought ER-2 , ER-3 , ER-5 , LAMBO IRL WHEN ?

>> No.5803708
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>> No.5803709

actually never

>> No.5803756

What gas price you guys putting it at?

>> No.5803767

Er 2 makes more gains guys

>> No.5803827
File: 107 KB, 937x1171, 1512556519024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i did.

>> No.5803873

We are witnessing the end of crypto

>> No.5803947
File: 1.34 MB, 2142x1219, BDC108B0-3CB7-44FE-B45F-C6538321764D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have not cashed out, both bought at exact same time, you are an idiot if you don’t buy ER-2.
Same thing happened with ethertanks and the LT-2, made heaps more gains.

>> No.5803982

ER 1 2 and 3 are still the best. Fuck 9.