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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57944943 No.57944943 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking idiots just couldn't hold it in could you? You couldn't just wait for the fucking halving, could you?

Well congratulations, retards. You guys completely fucked up the regular cycle so now there's no telling if we're going to 80k, 100k, 140k, or crashing to 4k or even lower. It's anybody's game cause you faggots couldn't wait one more month.

>> No.57944955

Yep, too bad these greedy niggers wont understand what you're saying until they see their portfolios -80% red and then they'll be hindsight posting about how "obvious" it was

>> No.57944956

If bitcoin when to 4k I would max out my credit cards and sell all of my possessions all to buy bitcoin

>> No.57944960

Sorry you're not in yet. It would be about time by now to think about buying Bobo.

>> No.57944966


>> No.57944968

It was Blackcock.

>> No.57944985

Eh, I am okay with selling earlier if it means we are going to peak higher than what we would.

>> No.57944988

>You idiots.
Thank boomer ETFs for this.

>> No.57944990

>contrived gay rule violation that op pretends is bearish becuz... reasons..
patterns repeating or not repeating don't matter that much bro. grasping at staws here

>> No.57944998

Every cycle is slightly different, you just outed yourself as a newfag

>> No.57945007
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all according to plan motherfucker

>> No.57945011

>If it means we're going to peak higher than what we would
It means the exact opposite you dumb fuck. We could have peaked higher in late 2024-2025 but because you insisted on peaking RIGHT FUCKING NOW, we're going to top out at like 60% of what we could have done this "cycle", if it's even a cycle anymore. What we could have made in 2025 will now be made in 2029. That's why I'm angry.

>> No.57945023

But what has it fucked up? It was already obvious this cycle was gonna be frontrun as everyone cottoned on. It will continue to go up just keep following the 4 year cycle meme but sell a bit earlier than u anticipatr

>> No.57945033

turns out bitcoin was built for bbc all along

>> No.57945036


>> No.57945039

we're not early
you just go tricked by sbf into thinking the second 2021 top was the top

>> No.57945049

It fucked up the "cycle" you're talking about. If everybody expected a certain timing for it to go up, everyone would buy at that time and we'd go up to the highest potential value. Also, if we just waited a bit longer our peak would be even higher because we're trading in ranges that span years, as everyone in this thread knows.
But now because you fuckers pushed a "we're front-running the cycle" meme, nobody knows when the top is supposed to be, if "cycles" are even applicable anymore, and when to buy at all. It's chaos. So the peak will be far lower.

>> No.57945066

No faggot. SBF didn't really affect the market. Neither did the ETF. Or the China bans, or the South Korea FUD, or the futures ETFs. It's literally just whales buying and selling in the same exact range, which were determined by "cycles", as it's always been. That's the Bitcoin market. The news gets pinned as the cause for movements as an afterthought.

>> No.57945112


I heard all this dogshit in 2021, you're completely overthinking it. I knew what stage were were in and would start going up this year so I got did all my buying early 2023, either way I'll make a good profit. When did you get your bags?

>> No.57945143

I bought slowly over the course of 2023, starting at the 16k level, and gradually adding more and more over the year. I'm about 90% in now. The last 10% is killing me, but irrespective of that, I'm upset that the predictability is gone. Now nobody knows what the hell is going to happen.

>> No.57945156


"Muhhh cycles are over. Its a thuperthycle"

- every brainlet in 2021

>> No.57945157



>> No.57945167

Fucking retard

bitcoin became institutional in 2016

since then the only cycle it follows is s&p500

muh halving...kek

>> No.57945171

so we have about 6-8 months of bull left

>> No.57945182

>Now nobody knows what the hell is going to happen.
Did they ever?

>> No.57945209
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>> No.57945220

isn’t it rational to buy earlier if you know about the halving impact on price? and why then should everyone wait for after halving if it became a common knowledge? you’re a brainlet that doesn’t now how markets work, go consult an astronomy chart

>> No.57945244

I don't think normies know about the halving though. That's pretty arcane cypherphreak hacker knowledge.

>> No.57945251

Massive top signal

>> No.57945267

The people here are low IQ and don't understand what a "left translated" cycle is and that we're getting one thanks to ATH breaking pre-halving, and that we're going to top far earlier now than expected. 2021 repeat with an even more disappointing ending.

>> No.57945278

Yes. It was very, very obvious when the peaks and bottoms would be up until this point.

>> No.57945281
File: 400 KB, 1920x960, cyan-los-maho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that 2017 & 2021 had rising interest rates, and regulatory fud.

We are now pumping with peak rates, no regulatory fud and before us electoral year this will be more like 2013 bullrun than 2017 or 2021.

>> No.57945284

Well after the halving the price will at least double (that's what the halving means) so there's at least that too look forward to.

>> No.57945285

You are talking to an Uzbek fossilised sheep droppings collectors forum. I'm not sure how much anons here have on the multi trillion dollar global crypto markets

>> No.57945289


>> No.57945290
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Swingie, here you were looking for this

>> No.57945291

>le cycle
>le algorithmic price action
midwits really believe it

>> No.57945292

Whereas before we would have had 1.5 years. We would have gone so much higher...

>> No.57945298

Top signal

>> No.57945300

Top signal

>> No.57945310

I would've made millions going all in with leverage if it was "very very obvious" for you. But the only thing you did was swing around like a retard

>> No.57945315

>Well after the halving price we'll at least double (that's what the halving means)
Ok there's a lot of idiots in this thread but you are on a different level. You're the only one who I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded..

>> No.57945320

Top signal

>> No.57945334

No, I did make millions actually. I'm doing fine. I'm mad because I could have $6 million from this cycle instead of $3 if you people hadn't fucked it up like this.

>> No.57945364

the 4 year cycle would be significantly off this time if we peak high in 2024. If we go parabolic now (say for example 140k btc), there is no support level to rely on, market would be unsure of what to expect in 2025 and big selloffs could occur early.
You can see this sentiment because lots of big investors and influencers have said the market could peak in 2024 and they'll start selling late 2024/early 2025.
There's also lots of retail bagholders who are traumatized from roundtripping the last two cycles

>> No.57945371

The cycles are act over. Im never selling

>> No.57945395

What were you going to even do with the other 3mil?

>> No.57945471

I used to think this.
If we go up too quickly, it will make the actual post-halving peak later have less momentum and be lower, like how the previous pandemic 60k ATH became a lame double top and didn't hit the forecasted 100k.
Everyone blew their load early and killed the actual scheduled popoff's momentum.

But then I saw the ETF inflows since it was approved, and it's just not stopping. They're completely matching the mined rewards everyday with no signs of slowing down. I feel like that changed the game, this will become a supercycle because of that, the golden bull run if you will, and any traders who were used to selling to rebuy at dips will be completely left behind.

>> No.57945478


So you're now emotional because you only just found this out? It was already apparent to me when I topped up my bags that people would try and jump the gun. Get a grip and sell earlier. Stop bitching.


Look at you having done your research champ. "Left translated". You mean people buying early like I said? I swear you faggots actually think you're smart because you throw finance terms around that you read on a Medium post. Buy in the bear and sell within the next year, whats so hard to understand

>> No.57945569

>Get a grip and sell earlier
As I said before, it's not just about selling earlier. It's about the fact that the peak will be far, far lower.

>> No.57945570
File: 50 KB, 389x397, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF the future is supposed to be a replication of the past how could satoshi let this happen it is so over?!

>> No.57945602

I'll remember you when we top out early, I sell, and you're still holding on because "it's just not stopping".

>> No.57945728
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>Whales please act in completely predictable patterns every 4 years so I can always sell the tippy top

>> No.57945820

>Im never selling
I thought the point was to buy things with your assets, but I guess holding until you die is also an option

>> No.57945851

Anyway it's clearly retail, it definitely wasn't /biz/ that pumped a trillion dollars into the market

>> No.57946618

We're at 71, Fag, the next is 80k. I'm f*cking diversifying with RWA tokens and holding them on Brillion, a goto smart wallet for tokenized RWAs.

>> No.57946674

I think the etfs change all that

Think of it as going kaioken before ssj

>> No.57946718

It's not going to $4k, or even $20k, or even $30k ever again, and definitely not lower; you'd know this if you weren't a nufaggot
So you just waited too long to accumulate or what's the problem? Having enough buy pressure to break ath before the halving is a great sign. We're just starting in the cycle and already blowing past ath.
Stop acting so poopy. What if instead now you get huge fucking highs you thought were impossible? Literally getting depressed because you made money. Lashing out at a change in routine is a symptom of autism

>> No.57946761

SBF taught me a lesson the hard way. His incident made me a self custody Marxist, and I'm riding this wave with the Alliance Block official smart wallet for peace of mind.

>> No.57946776
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Based and Dastardlypilled.

>> No.57946903

He sounds like a retardedfag. If he's a smartfag, he would have thrown it into DUA for an easy 10x given its utility and mcap.

>> No.57946912

Darn it....

>> No.57946954

Hyperinflation means that BTC is at around $50K in 2020 money.

>> No.57946981
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>If we go up too quickly, it will make the actual post-halving peak later have less momentum and be lower, like how the previous pandemic 60k ATH became a lame double top and didn't hit the forecasted 100k.

2021 had rising interest rates and FTX literally created 1 year and 3 months of paper btc supply, on top of that they offered free 50 usd fee witthdrawals for ERC20 tokens or eth itself if you staked their ftt shitcoin meaning they not only larped a year and 3 months of btc supply but were using their clients money to spam the eth network before eth had the fee burn thing implemented i may add.

>> No.57947117

So (you) did everything right, but the market did it wrong?

>> No.57947236

You shouldn't play the war against me in the first place for the last few years, but you desperately wanted your Pyrrhic victory.

>> No.57947345

>dbz analogy
toppest of top signals

>> No.57947441

Aug 4

>> No.57947455

>midwit is crying furiously because muh cycles

>> No.57947459

Correct. it is currently 2012.

>> No.57947463

Go blame your ta guy. not my problem.

>> No.57947478

>the predictability is gone
:DD the only prediction you need is number go up. None of that TA shit matters.

>> No.57947504

Don't worry it will go down 50% at some point that only prob 5 people know. You will be fine if you remember it will always go down a shit ton at some point.

>> No.57947521

what's the top? 100k. 1m, 10m, 100m 1b?

>> No.57947528

Maybe you should play lottery instead? There the predictability doesn't change, it's always the same and you can calculate it very accurately!

>> No.57947536

One hundred billion dollars! Divided up and hidden all over the world!

>> No.57947582


It’s big-money institutional kikes buying up all the bitcoin right now, not the kind of retail investors who browse /biz/. You’re ranting at the wrong people.

>> No.57947824

retarded bigger tier thread, crying over muh cycles

you couldn't wait for my delusional astrology lines!!!!

markets are unpredictable we just think we identify patterns until they don't

touch reality and get outside biz for a while, god tier investment is just waiting decades, unless you're dumb or poor

>> No.57947975

This retarded cycle has completely fucked up all my plans. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.57948044
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>muh meme lines and meme TA
you are too uneducated to do that. Especially for crypto

>> No.57948067

I love you goofballs

>> No.57948091

>It was already obvious
Show your long posititons before the cycle

>> No.57948168

got out at 68k with 25% roi
i regret nothing. wish you all the best,

>> No.57948603 [DELETED] 

>sitting through a 2 year market just to get out before ATH break

>> No.57948722

OP will never have a real menstrual cycle.

>> No.57948814

>sitting through a 2 year bear market just to get out before ATH break

>> No.57948929

>nuh uh i made 3 mil trust me bro

>> No.57948997
File: 23 KB, 141x173, 1680631321467192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crashing to 4k or even lower
don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.57949203

This. Stop whining like bitches.

>> No.57949235

this time is different

>> No.57949242

There's no way it'll be this big in 2029. Almost all the btc will have been mined this cycle, and all will be mined by next cycle. Without the pressure of halvings there will be no reason for the miners to work harder and the price will freeze.

It was supposed to be a currency by now, but people are just too stupid for that and the banks will always take advantage of that.

Wait until 100~200k and then sell

>> No.57949391

You never sell your most valuable assets, you use them as collateral for other assets with good cash flows.

>> No.57949432
File: 266 KB, 683x692, tfw holding LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO BRAKEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.57949461

>implying a bunch of nobodies on anonymous chinese lesbian dance therapy image board have ANY influence on the worldwide market

>> No.57949697
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>crashing to 4k or even lower. I

I wish.

>> No.57949728

Shit. Shit, shit shit shit.

>> No.57949730

two more weeks actually

>> No.57949755

its actually September 24, daylight

>> No.57949800

>ranting about price action on /biz/
Yeah, I've got Fink on my rolodex, hold on while I inform him of your complaints.

>> No.57949940

Would it kill you to roll with the punches just a little bit instead of bitching like a mangina?

>oh no i'm making money but less than i could have waah waaah
Fucking pussy, just deal with it and make the most of the situation you're in

>> No.57950358
File: 195 KB, 1080x1149, Screenshot_20240312_001118_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I already told you I waited and bought my bags in early 2023. Dafuq are screenshots gonna make a difference? Believe me or not doesnt matter.

If you really want screenshots... one of the main twitter 'gurus' spouting this left translated nonsense was Bob Loukas. Said the same thing in 2019 before the last bull. That the top would be mid to late 2020. So how did that go? Brainlets with an internet connection are a dangerous thing. Case closed

>> No.57950746

There is no cycle. It's all speculation, gambling, and fomo. Any patterns you think you are observing are imagined, nothing more than coincidences.

>> No.57950855
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>he thinks retail BTC buyers did this and not Blackrock and Fidelity with their endless money supply

>> No.57950984
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Crashing to 20k then pumping to $2M.

>> No.57951810

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

>> No.57951865

It will happen

>> No.57952103

i will remember you when you announce your sell on here, then i keep buying the "top" forever, and casually read the news to note when the top actually happens, then buy on the way down. Then get antsy when it bottoms out trying to load up more. Then after that buy it as it goes up again.

>> No.57952144

You seem to have this strange belief that capitalism is about coorperation, and not taking advantage of one another. If everyone was waiting to buy at a certain time, some are going to buy early and fuck over everyone else. That's life buddy! Thanks for playing!

>> No.57952148

This is just what we are owed. We were robbed of a proper bullrun last time by the kike and NFTs, kys OP.

>> No.57952395

It's just the miners and their investors scrambling before their millions of dollars in hardware turn to paperweights overnight

>> No.57952431

Man, I was a baggie since 2021. I held, I'm green, I'm not selling. I'll slurp. But I'm not selling.

>> No.57952480

>the one time I take profits and it’s never going back down again
Oh well at least it’s a nice change from
>he bought? Dump it