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57934683 No.57934683 [Reply] [Original]

Unless you are literally impoverished, additional money will contribute exactly zero units of happiness to your life. In fact, most of you are not prepared to handle a significant amount of money should you get lucky with a cryptocurrency surge. You have no idea how money works or impacts your psychology and others once you have lots of it.

If you are not currently happy, or not taking steps to find contentment with your life as it is, I assure you, friend, that more money will not improve your situation.

Throughout my 20s and early 30s, I did everything I could to earn money from uber to drop-shipping and wage jobs then In 2017, I found out about cryptocurrency, dedicating countless hours to master technical analysis and trading strategies, including options and futures. Despite significant sacrifices, including my health and personal time, I accumulated substantial wealth, far beyond my lifetime needs.

This wealth has not increased my happiness. You might think I lack creativity, haven't found the right philosophy book, or failed to adopt the correct mindset. Nope. Listening to Bitcoin maximalist podcasts and tweets, I've grown older and wiser I finally get it.

What Satoshi Nakamoto offered the world was not free money but liberation from the pursuit of money—the root of all evil. I should have spent these years in a fulfilling local job that positively impacted my community and connected me with my surroundings. I should have been working with my hands, acquiring skills, meeting people, and engaging in conversation. I should have been outside more, eating well, resting, and spending time with family and friends.

Simply living below your means and saving the excess in Bitcoin is sufficient for a good life. In fact, it is likely what you need the most. Bitcoin is not a scheme for getting rich quickly but a strategy to avoid becoming impoverished slowly, exactly as the maximalists have always stated. If you're living your life correctly, it grants you freedom.

>> No.57934697

Freedom = Happiness
Money = Freedom
Money = Happiness

>> No.57934780

Anon I am sorry for your realization but at the same time happy that another anon have realized the truth behind money
Thereby I stand to say I fit in the impoverished category as right now and I REALLY REALLY need money, I won't ask for money to anyone I'm not a beggar but I'd appreciate having a friend like you besides me to help me out on which altcoins and trades to do in order for me to get some money
I will tell you straight off bat my life circumstances
I am:
25y old virgin
living day by day to pay rent and bills
third world shithole
I make $200 monthly salary
I have healthy issues
That's it, it's up to you if you want to be my financial buddy and help me out, I really need this
just add me on tg or telegram or something

>> No.57934800
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Nice try Klaus, but I’m good with being rich and miserable.

>> No.57934805

please listen carefully. it doesn't matter how you make money. What matters is what you become while making that money.

>> No.57934816
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The test remains the same for OP and all retards that spout nonsense like he does, which is:

Give away all your money then.

Spoiler alert: He won't

>> No.57934823

money buys you time and freedom to do what you want. there's no way you think people would be happier working a 9-to-5 wagie job for 40 years

>> No.57934839

But I need to make money fast, I'm running out of time I will be almost 30 years old soon and if I dont hurry up I will be virgin, childless and poor.
Also I really want to experience the luxuries of life, I want adventures, I want to explore and I want to travel around, I want meet new places and people I want to feel free as humanly possible, I'm suffering.

>> No.57934892

>I want adventures, I want to explore and I want to travel around, I want meet new places and people

you know people used to do all that with just a backpack on their backs, in fact I think having little cash makes it more adventurous, struggle is the only thing the human mind can accept since that is how it understands reality, even teachings of god ask you to struggle to learn

>> No.57934893

I am fucking impoverished. I can’t even afford a car. My heating doesn’t work and my house roof is falling apart. I need 25k just to do basic repairs on my house. My idea for a vacation is walking to a nearby park and feeding the pigeons.

>> No.57934914

>If you're living your life correctly, it grants you freedom.
Wow you could have just said that you bald fucking pussy. I'm trying to buy a house for my gf who is trying to leave her wife and newborn child.

Don't @ me

>> No.57934926
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here we go again another faggot who says money can't make you happy, OP do us a favor and suck start a shotgun, and speak for yourself faglord

>> No.57934930

sorry man but youre probably brown so maybe you should die... no offense

>> No.57934936

it'd take me years to go from my country to usa with $0-50 bucks
Money allows me to truly do it
Also it'd be such a wasted time, no girl would want to have sex with me when I'm this broke traveling around like a homeless with a backpack

>> No.57934948

>> my gf who is trying to leave her wife and newborn child

>> No.57934952

Just pay a hung gymbro to destroy your asshole. That's what you are missing in your life from reading your post.

>> No.57934966

I think only chads can get away with that. Otherwise you would just look like a serial killer and you wouldn’t find any friends or help along the way.

>> No.57934976

Money isn't everything - it's the only thing.

Too much zenshit is fucking cope. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

>> No.57934977

>money doesn’t buy happiness
This is of course ridiculous and the sort of nonsense only the wealthy can pretend to be true. Give it all away if you really believe that

>> No.57934988
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I want to be A centimillionaire so I can donate tens of millions of dollars to abortion abolitionist organizations so I can help ban abortion in Texas and Oklahoma. Abortion by pill which works up to twelve weeks is still legal and common in all fifty states

>> No.57935002

This. If the actual accumulation of money isn’t the end of your goal and it’s actually freedom then the pursuit of money is perfectly fine. Money should not free you from work, but give you the freedom to work on what you truly love

>> No.57935006

you are an evil motherfucker creating more unwanted black/hispanic kids.

but your impact will be minimal anyway so fuck you

>> No.57935022

What is evil? Just your arbitrary logically inconsistent preferences?

Black lives matter. Yes.

>> No.57935069

>traveling to usa

>> No.57935074

Nice jibber babble thread.
Do you think I care about happiness?
You definitely drank the Kool-aid, bro. Crypto is merely a means to an end. Imagine caring about the particularity of Bitcoin.
Do you realize that within 100 years, your entire legacy will be forgotten for eternity? Your subjectivity literally doesn’t fucking matter bro, you are a carbon copy. I was able to predict your entire worldview in 30 seconds. That’s sad as fuck bro.

>> No.57935115

you are evil forcing responsibility on people that dont want it.

>> No.57935179

People who choose to have sex choose to have children.
I'm not debating this over text in a business thread https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zkH3vrevU9o&pp=ygUcRHIgYXZpIGFib3J0aW9uIHZlZ2FuIGdhaW5zIA%3D%3D

>> No.57935208

I just don't want to wageslave anymore. Whatever it takes to finally stop the rat race (and not doing it when I'm an old fuck)

>> No.57935221
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youre probably brown and ill take solace in the fact that you will probably never be rich, and even if you do get rich there is 100x more money working against you to genocide you and your primitive relatives.

>> No.57935222

why do any of you care? that's the real question... I mean once it's not your kid who gives a shit?

>> No.57935257

Wait, do you think the elites actually care about the white race, lmao

They look at brown and white peasant slaves the same way

>> No.57935272

I'm white and have light skin, eyes and hair.

>> No.57935295

>guys you can be free from the pursuit of money (root of all evil) by pursuing digital money instead!

>> No.57935297


i think civilization is collapsing, and when it does over the next 100 years, i want my kids to be surrounded by whites instead of tribal genetic jungle monkeys with guns. it makes their survival more probable.


yes but blacks especially need their reproduction to be curbed and controlled. elites understand that.

>> No.57935376

You have no idea what the world will be like in the next 100 years, you're worrying about something way beyond your control. It could be things like race are meaningless.

>> No.57935418

Ok, ill take your burden anon. Give me your wealth, and ill give you my rental contract and wage slave job. If what you say is true, theres no way you could refuse

>> No.57935435
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this is a board for speculation. im not here to beg other to not be retarded. I understand they will be, and i'll do my best to remain safe from the consequences. im up for banter in the meantime

>> No.57935436

Roof it yourself anon, you can do it. I work in the trades. Literal mouth breathing retards do it. Surely you can

>> No.57935506
File: 88 KB, 976x850, pepem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tons of money but I'm a schizoid who doesn't feel pleasure. I have killed desire. Nothing moves me anymore. I don't want to engage into conversation with other people. i'm starving right now so I don't have to take a shower and dress moderately well to go outside to buy something to eat. I don't even want to interact with the delivery guy if I order food. Here are some lessons I've learned as a 40 yo NEET who's never hold a job since his early 20's
-Life doesn't get any better.
-you have zero interest in doing anything
-you neglect your social life more and more
-Self improvement becomes really hard to sustain
-your hobbies become your chores
-everyday is a stupid meaningless routine of feeding yourself at different intervals
-even fapping becomes a chore
-nothing makes you laugh anymore
-Having a lot of money disconnects you from everyday reality
-the travelling around the world meme becomes too old too fast.
-you realize you have no skills or talent

Sometimes I wish I could be some retard fag addicted to drugs and sex like Charlie Sheen so i could spend a lot of money in frivolous things and women. I don't know how the hell spend my money, and it's not even that much money barely 6 figures hell. I think I'd kill myself if I hit 7 digits purgatory.

>> No.57935534

Anon are you willingly to help me out? I take pics and pics and prove I will do the things you asked, I just need some money, please.
You can tell me to do anything I would do for you man, surely that would be entertaining for you, no?
I can be a spiritual guide too, I can help you with some things in your life.

>> No.57935579
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forgot to mention I'm a third worlder, so low six figures is money for life essentially here. My rent is like 80 USD a month, imagine that. Also /thread
sorry but no, but have a sharpie ready and well lubricated just in case some other anon might want to "help" you

>> No.57935587

Lmao the amount of low-self confidence Zoomers hellbent on winning the magical comparison game they're playing in their head of having more $$$ is fucking hysterical. He's not saying money is pointless, just beyond paying your bills: it won't generate any true, lasting happiness. Stupid fucks lmao

>> No.57935639

Why wouldn't you want to help me? I can prove I am in extremely poverty, just anything can help me, anything bro please
You have so much money just 0.01 of that fraction wouldn't hurt, would it?

>> No.57937392
