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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 625 KB, 1284x1135, knsvitja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57934363 No.57934363 [Reply] [Original]


Thats it .
Yes all you need.

Jannies the lowest creature on this bussinessholeforum everyone knows

>> No.57934484
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-Cex and mainnet before btc halvening.

>> No.57934525
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Pouya: in the near future people will be able to host APIs, functions and serverless systems on the unchained network. Eg: decentralised version of photoshop where each filter/effect is hosted on unchained, so users pay per use rather than paying for a license.

>> No.57934528
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My kenis will coom and have CEX soon

>> No.57934538
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Pouya: have never spent funds "personal funds", new company would be hiring himself as a full time developer, but the existing revenue is enough to pay for it all so no having to sell tokens to pay for operational expenses.

>> No.57934563
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Pouya: closely working with a partner that will go live end of this month for unchained as a validator

>> No.57934575
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Pouya also said AI models can be trained on Unchained. Every time unchained is used, the KNS token is used. It doesn't get more bullish than that

>> No.57934610
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Also talking about decentralised/distributed competitor to AWS

trying to close on an agricultural project

>> No.57934619

This is a huge one too. My god this project will rip this year. Jannies are hiding gems from everyone for no apparent reason

>> No.57934688
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Company registration is primarily being paid for from existing 3rd party contracts, so haven't sold any tokens to fund anything to hit the 100k CHF registered capital. Currently the running costs of company are relatively low, but are in process of onboarding and interviewing. Have spent last week and will spend next week to onboarding developers.

Company registration was held up with international trademark/registration (as we already know). New name has been approved and is going forward with new name, all documents are ready and in process of signing. Waiting on the lawyer to sign off and then will go ahead with notary. Have had to work with accounting and tax people for converting the simple partnership to a full entity. Very close to finishing the work; can't say if 1-3 more weeks but want to finalise it before end of March.

>> No.57934715
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Pouya talking about gamefi project: 6 different games with socialfi elements (earn points/exchange/rewards) across ethereum and other chains with bridging

-same reasons as KNS; prioritising development of project and building value rather than just hype with paid exchange listings. Worried about attracting moonbois with exchange marketing. Have identified T1 exchanges without listing fees and will approach them post-company registration. If the T1 isn't happy with the value provided then KNS will consult with us for suggestions

>> No.57934728
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Pouya mentioning that games developers (hint hint) can offload on-chain computations to KNS

>> No.57934885

Did you understand that?

>> No.57935158

Anyone that fades this is in for a rude awakening. This is literally a top 100 bluechip unicorn. Just look at the posts above this one. All of them can be verified too.

>> No.57935268

how do i buy this shit? I have 100 eth in opera wallet and uniswap and pancake swap say "insufficient liquidity"... it isn't listed on major exchanges yet..

>> No.57935343

You have to transfer ETH to ARB chain. Use rabby wallet instead of metamask, but if you're using MM then add the ARB chain. Then go to something like simpleswap + (dot)io and send some ETH over to your same wallet addy but on the Arbitrum chain. Then go back to Uniswap, and on the top right click on "Arbiturm Chain". Then type in KNS and swap.

>> No.57935599
File: 315 KB, 1176x546, kat3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the kenis forum you will find instructions on how to buy kenis.

But listing on cex is almost here if you want to wait for a higher price

>> No.57935616
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>> No.57935884
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Hold your kenis

>> No.57936082

Based and blessed posts.

>> No.57936530
File: 445 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240108_085916_837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to these anons>>57935343, >>57935599, this is the way. Once you're a KwnChad, then hop into the official telegram, run a node, and feel comfy knowing that this is going to rip this year.

>> No.57936539


>> No.57936558

Uhhh anyone got a webm?

>> No.57936577

Check the latest AMA recording on their official twitter. He says it on there. The one with AVI

>> No.57936767
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AVI X KNS alliance

>> No.57937212

thank, i meant to say 100usd worth of eth though, it makes sense the newbies isn't testing with large amoutns of money..

>> No.57937756
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I'm financially bored

>> No.57938119
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>> No.57938779
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bump ;^)

>> No.57939557

Lots of news coming. Unchained should be live at the end of this month. Company should be just about finished the registration process which means out kenises will be having CEX soon. Giga bullish outlook short term and more so long term honestly.

>> No.57940180
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wtf I can't wait to have cex for the first time! I wonder what it feels like. Does anyone know?

>> No.57940256

This is so bullish, solid above 0.03$ will pump soon

>> No.57940335
File: 1.46 MB, 1244x770, Screenshot 2024-02-18 093422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 EOY I can feel it in my urine.

>> No.57940592

This has hands down been the best thing /biz/ has ever suggested to me. By July I might actually pay off my house thanks to this.

>> No.57940666
File: 3.26 MB, 1530x1080, PnZOu1z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy bros, I can't believe I found this early. I was always late. Late with KDA, late with FTM, late with Kaspa, but this time I'm early. In this moment, I'm euphoric and dancing to katy perry nightcore.


>> No.57941312
File: 1.11 MB, 500x281, 849925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that meme magick is real? Did you know that the law of attraction is an fact? The more you feel wealthy, the wealthier you get. Simple as.

ALSO! Did you know that if you dance to cotton eye joe for 10 minutes a day, your chances of making it drastically increase by about 1000%? It's scientifically proven.


>> No.57941916
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This is unironically very likely to happen. I'm not even joking either

>> No.57941944

Opinion disregarded. A "team" with one developer will NEVER be successful. Your Chainst!nk V2 will NEVER be worth more than a dollar let alone anything higher. ZERO adoption, ZERO usecases, ZERO hype. It's OVER for Keentards.

>> No.57942000
File: 22 KB, 600x563, 1664173759674199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opinion disregarded. A "team" with one developer will NEVER be successful. Your Chainst!nk V2 will NEVER be worth more than a dollar let alone anything higher. ZERO adoption, ZERO usecases, ZERO hype. It's OVER for Keentards.
kek it's not a one man team. Pouya has an assistant dev other than his wife and is hiring at least 4 more devs right now. There are use cases for Unchained and they already have one customer confirmed fag. At the end of this month it will go on mainnet and this partner will be revealed. They are also working on a gamefi project which is also confirmed. It's not chainlink 2.0 either. Based retarded fudder

>> No.57942027
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ONE (1) custooomer CONFIRMED! Send it bizraels!

>> No.57942054

Yes and? It's not out yet retard. That's a good fucking start. Also there is an active testnet community already. Go shit on a street or something ranpreet

>> No.57942708

Kek gnomes are back and trying something new this time. Trying to get creative are we?

>> No.57942789
File: 48 KB, 900x900, gnomechad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the gnomepill bro


>> No.57943913
File: 403 KB, 1188x543, kat5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unchained v0.11.18 is now available!

WARNING: You need to update your config file for this release.

New Features:

Added PoS contract and consensus. Voting power is now calculated from your stake. Nodes with no tokens staked get a voting power of 1. See the previous pinned message to learn how to link your evm wallet for testnet airdrop.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed an issue with concurrency where payloads were processed slower than the rate they arrived.

Config File Changes:

Add arbitrum_sepolia to your config file under rpc:

>> No.57944629

Kenis penis

>> No.57945393
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>> No.57945415
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