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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57932826 No.57932826 [Reply] [Original]

shill me solana shitcoins. the lower the marketcap the better

>> No.57932830

also tell me how i can buy them

>> No.57932872

I'm sitting at 2x profit on FROGE, I like to use Photon

>> No.57932894

Set up prodigy bot on tg, open dexscreener and start looking for low mc shitcoins.

>> No.57932920

how to setup those tg bots please help i have lost 20 brain cells in the past 5 years. ive been in crypto since 2016 and lost 300k

>> No.57932952

Go to their telegram page and start asking them to spoon-feed you. However it's very easy since I'm a retard and still managed to set it up. Use phantom and link it with prodigy.
>6 years in crypto and still ma aged to lose 300k
You had less than 20 braincells to begin with

>> No.57933138

download phantom wallet on your phone. use jupiter dex on said wallet and trade sol for what ever you want.

>> No.57933225

Home. RWA memecoin on Sol. Tiny cap

>> No.57933236

solana bin laden

>> No.57933251 [DELETED] 


>> No.57933272

not a shitcoin but buy comfy

>> No.57933282
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BozoHybrid, it’s got a sub 30M market cap.

>> No.57933439



>> No.57933452

Solana Bin Laden, Adulph Hidler. Its degenarate gambling, but who cares.

>> No.57933491
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Pic rel

>> No.57933520
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HOME is the next SHIB, it’s the leading crypto project in the RWA space, first mover in Solana.

>> No.57933551
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Dev is actually going through with a decently sized exchange listing (Lbank, p2b, Orange, Bitmart etc.). Oooooo fuddies

>> No.57933553

Golden ticket lottery coming in hard next week......at Comfy

>> No.57933557
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You need to get COMFY my dude

>> No.57933567
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And just so you know, Linu pumped to 30m MC on a shitty asian exchange that had scammers as representatives kek

>> No.57933652

I'm buying up a bunch of different sol garbage. the microcaps I have slight faith in (simply because they didn't fully rug after 8 minutes) is blobo, Pope and unironically pbutt.

>> No.57933777

solana is for goys and faggots

>> No.57934475

Good thing I'm both then.

>> No.57934496


CA: 0xCADAFE549eDC8c1BeB6247E74Af17F3A0D9A574b

Perfect entry time, as jeets sell for shit infested dinner for village

>> No.57934774
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$Tucker and $Trumpinu just launch their sol wormholes this morning

>> No.57934829

PBUTT this shit pumped on BSC last bull run and its been moved over to the Solana Casino. The memetic energy appeals to biz autists and normies alike. This can be our /biz coin and its ony at 30k martket cap. Go read the site

>> No.57934840

I mean look shit like this is already at 800 mc lmao

>> No.57935917

Can someone please tell me how to burn LP tokens on SOL? I want to make a shitcoin that people can trust. I got scammed yesterday when I went to a site, connected my phantom wallet and then entered LP tokens to burn, which actually went to somebody's wallet instead and then they dumped it. How the hell do you burn tokens on this casino? Using raydium to create market and lp btw

>> No.57935990

Swifties and comfy right now for me. I think comfy will continue to slow moon. I think swifties will start giga pumping again quite soon.

>> No.57936318
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aibraham dot io
Four score and seven years ago I decided to take us all to THE MOON!

>> No.57936543

SOLC is my biggest position. 2nd is NICK

>> No.57936574
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