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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57927920 No.57927920 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57927987

Imagine being this new. That money is intended to be used as leverage for shorts.

>> No.57928026

we’ve had $3 billion tether printed this week
last time tether printed $3 billion Bitcoin pumped 44%
You do the math

>> No.57928078

Yeah? What if that 3 billion tether is just people longing USD since every other currency is dogshit. BTC is going to dump, bozo.

>> No.57928098

can you do the math for me please sir

>> No.57928131
File: 8 KB, 275x183, youreallwinners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57928140

How can they keep getting away with this?

>> No.57928156

USD is also dogshit

>> No.57928170


>> No.57928187

shut your fucking mouth you imbecile

>> No.57928250

it is very simple anon
tether simply solves a liquidity problem
as bitcoin inflates so must tether, as there is now an increase in demand for tether, and tether (bitfinex) will need to print new tethers to accomodate the need for this new liquidity
otherwise, there simply won't be enough tethers to keep up with demand, so btc is sold on USD markets and BTC is bought up on the USDT markets, achieving parity and profit for tether on the inefficiency, (also known as arbitrage)
on the other hand, if tether acquires a negative premium tether can simply buy up btc on the usdt pair to achieve parity, cancel out debt at a 1:1 ratio, and again pocket the difference.
Tether is probably one of the most profitable companies in the entire world (on a per employee basis), and their business model literally cannot fail.

>> No.57928274

The US prints far more money out of thin air lmao, 3 billion is nothing and if that's all it takes to pump BTC up, it really shows how undervalued BTC is.

>> No.57928297

I want crypto to fucking die already.

>> No.57928306

you have never shorted in your life lmao

>> No.57928315

they're the largest private holder of US treasuries

>> No.57928326

I have really bad news for you

>> No.57928519 [DELETED] 
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That's in anticipation of people panic selling their coins to get USDT. It's extremely bearish.

>> No.57928591

>Tether is probably one of the most profitable companies in the entire world
Tether is easily the most profitable company in history on a per employee basis and its nit even close by a gigantic margin.

>> No.57928760 [DELETED] 
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It makes me madder than mosquitoes in a mannequin factory, but I must admit that your frog is simply glorious!

>> No.57928845

Look at this mega bobo COPE kek. Your shorts are getting liquidated soon.

>> No.57928853

>999 million dollars
where the fuck is tether getting this "money"? Shit is like pokemon bike shop prices lmfao.

>> No.57928918

Hey man what is your deal? I see you posting the same thing in different threads and shitting up the place. You looking for a job or something?

>> No.57929638

2+2 = I fucked your Dad