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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1200x659, Ft7KtLBXwAE1o22-1800847372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57927730 No.57927730 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is making money and I'm only up x3

>> No.57927745

I know that feel, only a little over 2x overall...
I should've bought AI coins last month, but I stupidly thought they were too high.

>> No.57927902

I’m only up 2x so don’t feel bad anon

>> No.57927932

Ah, some fellow HBAR holders. Godspeed anon(ette)s

>> No.57928061
File: 521 KB, 1432x1317, 1120394857163524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for people to join our shilling army. Coin goes live in about an hour
tg Bizraelite

>> No.57928314

fucking slit your throat, i'm barely break even.

>> No.57928382

I am up 2.5x, but Chainlink is dragging my whole portfolio down lol. Doesn't fucking do anything

>> No.57928415

>I should've bought AI coins last month, but I stupidly thought they were too high.
And you stupidly still think they are too high.

>> No.57928444

I know man. That's the core problem here. I just can't being myself to buy something that's gone up 10x in a month, even though it could easily do another 10x.

>> No.57928486


>> No.57928521
File: 143 KB, 1087x1409, 1708711192935294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bull run just started
if youre not in junk youll have your time
im up 20x btw

>> No.57928973

You guys all have this problem. Fucking unbelievable. If it was for retards like you nothing would ever pump kek. The problem is that you have no balls. Grow a pair and buy something that moves instead of hugging your ancient LINK/XRP /biz/ portfolio

>> No.57929012

When sane people see something doing +40% at the start of a bull market they either:
>assume theres a reason and ape in
>investigate to discover the reason, then ape in
>don't care, ape in
These people understand that "The pump" from $1 to $2 isn't the final move.
They understand that things that perform well now will perform even better later. It's called respecting the pump.

It's fucking unbelievable how many of you losers are so scared that you will fade guaranteed x10s for a possible temporary -30%

>> No.57929042

As long as we have the Nvidia event later this month, AI coins will just keep on going up.

>> No.57929053
File: 13 KB, 94x490, keklosers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought almost everything "HIGH" (for /biz/) and am up massively

I remember according to /biz/ I was buying the pico top of RNDR in nov 23. And again at $4.5 KEK

Stay poor crabs

>> No.57929085
File: 79 KB, 1437x657, buyhigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic

At this point /biz/ mocked me for buying the top and I caught a ban for making a thread about a scam
Thats why I only come here to laugh and make everyone's life worse

>> No.57929234

Tell me about Render, what is it and what does it do? I remember seeing it pop up on my exchange several months ago but I never bothered to look it up

>> No.57929275

Put $20 in drem last night and woke up this morning to it being 3k..

Lol this is out of control..

>> No.57929297
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 1554123226082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 100x
>initial investment: $5

>> No.57929321

I listened to /biz and sold all my btc at 15k because 10k was programmed. When will we see 10k?

>> No.57929375
File: 21 KB, 592x145, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decentralized compute for ai+rendering. ceo of rndr (white european who spent his whole career in this field) will unironically talk on mainstage at nvidia's upcoming AI conference (the biggest kahuna)

anyone else who also doesnt know this (most people) is about to be shocked

>> No.57929393

>will unironically talk on mainstage at nvidia's upcoming AI conference (the biggest kahuna)
Do you guys understand?
how big this is?
eric schmidt was ceo of google fyi

>> No.57929394

How much your holdings worth now anon?

>> No.57929405
File: 82 KB, 993x1000, IMG_20240310_122929_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nows your chance. Teyloor Swift on Sol.

It's a Dolan story, baby just say yes.

>> No.57929470
File: 218 KB, 1080x500, Screenshot_20240219-184918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just buy Aviator? We've been spoon-feeding you for months, there is still a 100x+ in it, but people continue making these threads.

Pic related is from February 19 when "it was too late to buy"

>> No.57929588

this is where my aforementioned gains came from kek
hes right, theres lots of pumping left in avi and im staying in

>> No.57929604

I'm literally down lifetime.

>> No.57929644
File: 126 KB, 720x1210, plebbit explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm going to effortpost on how to research.

1st step: You need to understand the narrative (eg NFTs, DeFi)
2nd step: Does that specific crypto narrative have demand?
3rd step: Does the specific crypto satisfies the narrative and does the token attached have demand?
4th step: Is the project consistent with crypto ethos of decentralization, opensource, sovereignty over your keys?
5th step: Are there demos?
6th step: Low market cap? Are VCs waiting to dump? Upgradeable contract (might not matter if theres viable whitepaper, github activity, working demo/mvp eg arbitrum, aave, optimism, plebbit)?

EXAMPLE: Plebbit (uniswap)
Narrative: SocialFi
Demand: As tech censorship of the masses increases (on issues of medical health/politics/economics/social issues) there is more demand for decentralized social medias that are actually decentralized wth no centralizing DNS or https endpoints, while maintaining scalability, ease of use, accessibility, speed etc.
Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no need for SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized and P2P unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
ENS is used for board names.
NFTs could be used for avatars.
The token will be used for tipping, to curate the default feed through a DAO (driving token adoption), DAO votes on dev issues.
8m mcap, no VCs, 100% airdropped to community (even devs had to buy on market like everyone else).
1-5b 2026

>> No.57929684

>portfolio 600k
>Need BTC to 100k to break 1m
There's no way they're letting me get away with this, right?

>> No.57929707


Then just fucking buy and hold AVI. I have been trying to save you guys for MONTHS and it's in one ear and out the other. A-V-I-A-T-O-R

>> No.57929960

Congratulations anon! Hope that you will make it ; )

>> No.57930253
File: 10 KB, 320x180, ilovemonsterenergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over the course of how many months? i made x3 with vinu in one month and that's pretty good for me, since i'm not desperate for money and id rather not take too many risks