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57927077 No.57927077 [Reply] [Original]

distancing himself from the “project”. This was expected…can’t have a respectable guy associated with a rugpull

>> No.57927098

Did you guys ever find it ironic that the official 4chan coin is one of the most woke / leftist degenerates in the space? And your whole life depends on people that despise you

I guess thats why they call you….

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57927109

Btw - q1 donations are due asap boys…those refrigerator body HR broads cant fund their third homes themselves


>> No.57927121

all publicity is good publicity fudding retards kek

>> No.57927181

That is probably a mistake to be tagging the founder of google. You think you can psych him out? Like that is the kind of thing that will make him triple down on Chainlink

>> No.57927184

yeah, some multi-billionaire agreed to be the face of a scam he didn't believe in to get a few hundred thousand dollars.

>> No.57927188

Is eric schmidt still an official advisor? If he has left this is not good. I'm just waiting for a pump to $30 so I can unload these bags.

>> No.57927200

We all have the same plan which is why it won't happen. The smart money are sticking to animal coins. Easy in and out.

>> No.57927215

kek fuddies

>> No.57927224

Bahhahaahahahahha look at this delusional cuck thinking a billionaire watches who “tags” him in twitter. This is the type of delusion it takes to be a cultie

The few
The proud
THE Cuckolds

>> No.57927243

>the face

Similar to how Kevin Oleary “endorsed” ftx? He’s doing fine and so is Eric

These guys are sharks…if you’re going to give them millions of your cuck investor donations, theyre gonna take it

>> No.57927254

>laughing on the outside
>reality: cries himself to sleep every night

A cuckold and his money are soon parted

>> No.57927285


>> No.57927414


THE Cuckold of biz

>> No.57927444

>silently distancing himself
tell me when he loudly distances himself

>> No.57927502

>tell me when he actively works to ruin his own reputation
You sound like a good investor

>> No.57927503

Bought at 6 and 7, and I'm not selling.
Why does that make you upset?

>> No.57927545

alright so where's the source for this news? if you don't give me a solid source then you're just a fudder spreading fake news. a fudder on biz reposting what some dipshit on twitter is not a good source

>> No.57927677

>some dipshit on twitter
anon, OP is literally him. why do you think he spams his pathetic 600 follower profile here every single day for years now lol

>> No.57927753

Imma be real with you senpai, seek help

>> No.57927830
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Kek baggies

>> No.57927878

How many LINK do you hold? You sound like an angry bagholder.

>> No.57928726

>adem kayser throwing a tantrum on biz again
whats wrong lil brownoid, did another irl friend of yours find out what a suicidal porn addicted retard you are in your spare time? LMAO

>> No.57929005
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>> No.57929378

>duuuuuuuuuuuuude everybody is le same consThhhhhpirarthyyyyyyyy

How does that help the chart tho

Heres the thing tho: he keeps adding followers while you keep losing sats. In before duuuuuude i i itsthhh you. Nah but I love Thomas twitter and I plan on posting his tweets here every day

Fuck you gonna do about it nerd? Again as always, open invite for a cage match at the next faggot Link convention…

>> No.57929404

>lay count: zero

I laughed my ass off at you getting called Varys in other threads. That had to sting and hit home so hard. You probably arent even handicapped but even a make believe unich in a fictionary hbo sho had better chances of getting laid. Ouch

>> No.57929409

they tried already on reddit, they relapsed with their porn addiction kek

>> No.57929449
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>the brownoid starts seething and begins double replying when called out

>> No.57929772

Sergey owns 50% of the supply and dumps aggressively, the token will reach top 5 but still be $20 because he's just dumping billions.

Other projects like AVAX have inflation from unlocks/staking. They don't have literal market dumps from the CEO with 50% of the supply unlocked in his wallet.

>> No.57929828
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>angrily swaps ids and then resorts to a pasta with debunked talking points
jesus christ, what a dumpster fire of a thread (i mean it was made by a tunisian leeching off of NL welfare when he isn't working for MLM companies)
i'm bored so i'll leave you with your L
do me a favor and go check the pool to see how effective you were, and if i feel like reminding you of it again i'm sure you'll be here fulltime every week for the forseeable future

>> No.57929857

>y y youuuuuu have le problem
>puhhhhhhhhleaaaaaaaze let me gaslight you

Sorry bud I dont take advice from virgins

THE Cuckolds ot crypto

>> No.57929892


But heres the problem: the chart

You fags want so hard to be respected but…literally everything in the market makes money except you cuck coin

This is why you get so triggered when I give you the truth

You have zero balls. Sage: do guys jerkinf off remind you of the jocks in high school that fucked the girls you fantasized about? Is that whats still bothering you buddy

>> No.57929911

I think I figured it out…owning Link to a lot of you was your escape fantasy. FINALLY the whole world that regarded you as losers (especially women, eh sagie) would finally underatand your le heckin hidden genious

Heres the problem tho: the chart

>> No.57930078

I think I figured it out…owning Link to a lot of you was your escape fantasy. FINALLY the whole world that regarded you as losers (especially women, eh sagie) would finally underatand your le heckin hidden genious

Heres the problem tho: the chart

>> No.57930112
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follow the money baggies

>> No.57930153
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most woke / leftist degenerates?
The what? Get MAGA TRUMP?

>> No.57930157
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>> No.57930184


MAGA TRUMP is the Best Comedy Series

>> No.57930196
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your mother's favorite, bitch

>> No.57930207
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>> No.57930220


Fking democrats