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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57926245 No.57926245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If only you knew how things were….. I’d highly recommend you jump in now. You silly kids, I’m so happy for you.

>> No.57926250


>> No.57926261

Linu has been my worst investment to date
I literally bought the very top, down like 75%

>> No.57926262

You silly child….. if only you knew….

>> No.57926265

>33 seconds after op

>> No.57926271

>using chainlink buildup meme to shill shitcoin
Ready for round 2 paypiggies?

>> No.57926274

Stop shilling this garbage

>> No.57926278

same Im down 50%, literally everything else is up
my own fault for listening to bizjeets I guess

>> No.57926282


Get in now before its too late. Bitmart listing March 15th OR sooner.

>> No.57926283

I even fell for the lucky rugpull, down there aswell but not quite as much

>> No.57926289

Ahhh, you silly sperm cell, you will regret not buying. I’m only trying to help

>> No.57926293
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Unironically this is your last chance biz
get in now or forever rope

FameEx tomorrow
Bitmart monday

>> No.57926308

Already bought in like 2 months ago. Just waiting and holding for the gains.

Might sell if my bags reach 100K then ill quit my job and convert it all into ETH so I can live off the staking rewards.

>> No.57926311

They already had a CEX announcement and the price just kept dumping. Why should this change anything?

>> No.57926325

Zoom out, see that tiny little peak all the way to the left when the runup first started? Thats what the last one is going to look like once this gets more listings in the next week. Do you REALLY think too 10 exchanges would be reaching out to Linu admins to negotiate listings if this wasnt the next shib? What you call the top is literally the bottom, have more patience than a couple of days kek

>> No.57926337

There’s so much more! These crazy children don’t even know. Oh well. Hopefully they don’t live with regret

>> No.57926344

bro you really dont have to shill me I already fell for the rug

>> No.57926345

A90e pump and dumper tried to crash the price and shill Lucky as he did so. His attempt failed, he sold his lucky at a loss, and went on today to go shill Tosa - go ahead and see how that worked out for him now that everyone is putting him on blast.

>> No.57926348

Bro didn't Bitmart say on the 15th at the latest. I thought Bitmart didn't want insider trading that's why they only gave a range. So if they do put it up on the 15th, then FameEX would be on the 14th, or tomorrow and Monday, or Tuesday and Wednesday. If Ryan is assuming it's on the 15th, then FameEx would be up by the 14th.

>> No.57926352

It wont. You're just pumping more money into a scam so you can be exit liquidity for Ryan
Do your duty and report them to the sec like multiple other people have. "Ryans" dox was leaked if you know where to find it.

>> No.57926357

I'm already bagholding your rugpull, you have my exit liquidity

>> No.57926360
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nevermind sunday is cancelled

>> No.57926380

they keep pushing the dates back
classic scam tactic
whats next a big partnership with mcdonalds?

>> No.57926386

So he did assume it's the 15th lol. So he just fucked up and now people know FameEX is being listed on the 14th. Amateur hour and I'm not even fudding, just saying he's an amateur is the truth.

>> No.57926400

>its a scam bro
>they fooled everyone including these three exchanges so far
>they are even fooling top 10 exchanges too!
A90e blistering skin peeling assmad that his autism is no match for the autism of Linu holders going into every one of his pump and dump threads and posting his wallet. Two PNDs in a row, FAILED. Lazy nigger faggot who didnt wash his funds btfo

>> No.57926401

But Bitmart literally has the tweet of them listing you fucking retard. Ryan is just an amateur that just kinda leaked the launch date cause he misunderstood what Bitmart said lmao.

>> No.57926426

Lol all they have to do is send eth to a mixer amd new account. But yeah keep shilling your fictional super villian a90e so eyes are off the linu admin team. That random wallet isnt even connected to the swinger either. Remember eth is a public ledger retard and we can check every transaction made by wallets and who they're connected to with mapping software

>> No.57926431

Ngl ive just secured a bag.
I remember when bonk and shiba was shilled here and you pumped your telegrams and all that shit.
Same scenario. Hopefully ill make it this time

>> No.57926432

>they keep pushing the dates back
>even though no other dates were ever posted
>they even hacked Bitmart’s twitter!

Seething scammer nigger faggot btfo at every turn LOL keep licking my ass idiot im not done shitting all over you

>> No.57926443

You gonna eat your words boy
Screenshot this.

>> No.57926470

Alright it's very clear VV9us3w6 is either Ryan or a linu baggie praying you buy their bags. Just remember you're exit liquidity for some early 30s loser.
>My a90e!
Fuck off faggot no one cares about some random swingie when you can clearly look back on the previous biggest sales in LINU from the previous 2 weeks and see TWO of your fucking admins cashing out. Like the only people you're brainwashing here is the new fags and it's pathetic.
Oh and any fud / dumps will be labeled as an a90e subwallet lol because once again the public ledger shows that's bullshit.
Kill your self and stop pumping your fucking scams here queers.

>> No.57926495

You a fucking idiot its actually unbeilavable. You are going to be sorry.
Buy now or be priced out forever.
Do you not remember all the shibu drama? And look what happenned...
Fucking hell. Foolish of you.

>> No.57926507

>”random” swingy
>not the nigger faggot running pump and dumps on every single dog related coin in the last month, and tried to crash Linu/pump Lucky with over $5000 in transactions yesterday
>two admins cashing out, proof: trust me bro

>> No.57926521

You must be the “I’m calling the SEC” anon. How are you doing?

>> No.57926529

Heard a rumor that the cex isn’t happening now. When this drops back down to 2m mc, it’s done. Never coming back after that. How did they manage to fuck it up AGAIN?

>> No.57926531

How did they try to crash linu retard that is a completely separate wallet. Find one transaction to that wallet from a90e but you wont because its fiction you made up fag. You'll keep spewing it though because that wallet is right now and it takes eyes off your fucking scamming admins.
Also I sold the literal top of your scam. Thanks for the 8.51eth in profits gorillas

>> No.57926540

explain more about the cex not happening

>> No.57926547

Stop pulling shit out your ass. Join the telegram

>> No.57926555

The Jews use shitcoin scams like LINU to pump and dump you gullible bastards. Buy real utility tokens, such as iExec RLC.

>> No.57926558

they promised famex last week by EOD and it never happened
bitshart is just the newest meme to lure in more people to rug
if this project was so solid you fags would fud it and not shill it relentlessly.

>> No.57926563

Ans they are just that, roumers.
It will go ahead. Look you may be fucking idiot but for your mental health when it fucking rockets just buy $100 worth now.
This is playing out just like shibu did and all the accustations that jason had

>> No.57926568

What do you get out of continuing to post cringe if you made so much money? God you niggers are so transparent, brown people should be banned from earth

>> No.57926570

I wish but I have spread it lots and legitmently sent in a report. Maybe the "one" person you think is "fudding" your bags is actually individual people. The thought of that just scares you too much though ,Ryan. The thought of 60 or 100 people all reporting you? Keep your a90e boogeyman alive because it seems that's the only thing saving your sanity at the moment. See ya on a blog article when you're in chains though you Canadian faggot. Your dox IS leaked by the way.

>> No.57926600

You absolute fucking retard
Its NOT ryan

Buy a $100 bag so you dont fucking rope
I am been actually genuine here....
I care about you. Buy a tiny bag.

>> No.57926605

Check the BitMart Twitter.
Oh no calling the SEC? GUYS LOOK HE CALLED THE SEC lmao

>> No.57926609

>they promised famex last week by EOD
That was some random guy lmao not the TG admins. Remember they were setting up a system where every fee FameEx get, FameEx will send some to the community pool for community use and it was having issues, so yeah maybe they did say End of Day but unforeseen issues do happen. Don't be a woman and bitch about delays.

>> No.57926653

>we have so many flavors of fudders that it isnt even possible to keep track of which one is which because everything they say is retarded
Extremely bullish

>> No.57926660

They’re running out of FUD

>> No.57926661
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>> No.57926666

Not buying your bags. You are an admin or a brainwashed baggie. The time yo exit was when a couple of your admins jeeted out 200 and 180k usd of linu. No one in your tg talks about aht though!! I wonder why...
Will the 8 to 12 years be worth it Ryan? At least you're the prime t arget and your other admin friends might make it out or maybe we start to dox them too. :] death to scammers

>> No.57926673

WATCH OUT GUYS! He called the SEC *and* so did his personal internet army! The SEC is going to personally knock on our doors and, uh.. tell us to.. sell our Linu bags? So we better sell our bags before they knock! Or else!


>> No.57926676

You made a ton of cash apparently.. why are you so angry?

This post smells funny desu

>> No.57926678

Oh no guys look it’s the scary SEC man ahhhh runnn

>> No.57926682

Kek I bought at like 3m Mcap you absolute troglodyte. I can exit right now and still be on profit.

>> No.57926691

Keep thinking it's a joke Ryan. We arent after anyone you've brainwashed we are after YOU specifically bud

>> No.57926698

Nigger they dumped their entire bags. Why the FUCK would they continue helping a coin pump if they have no more bags anymore? Kek yeah theyre just doing it for free now, lmao

>> No.57926707

Oh shit we better go hide Ryan. Oh no.

>> No.57926714

A rug means you lose 100% anon, not 50%. Even Bitcoin has dumps over 50%
Another anon who either has bad intentions or is dumb.

Even Shib took time to take off. Keep trading coins back and forth like mad men, that is a sure fire way to lose everything. Been there, done that. Here’s a strategy for shitcoins, get a 10x cash out your initial plus the double, that leaves you riding an 8x and you can enjoy some gains at the same time.

>> No.57926721
File: 810 KB, 1170x1640, IMG_0470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU homies … WTFWT we’re getting a CRYPTO.COM listing?

>> No.57926735

motherbitch autistic spectrum level 4 kys

>> No.57926738

Are you playing retarded or actually this stupid? A couple of your admins checked out 400 grand. Fact. More of your admins want those big bags too instead of a shitty 60k bag. What do they do? Pump it back up to dump again. Kill your self I hope other anons read my posts before you trannies mass report this thread and get itarchived. Now brainwashed baggie, go back to your tg and theorize about a90e

>> No.57926742

Wrong pic nigger
We all better hide because all of us are ryan, samefagging. Infact every Linu wallet is ryan, very treacherous.

>> No.57926756

>guy who wrote a sternly worked email to the SEC
YES. A very reliable source we have here. I trust him! Kek

>> No.57926757

Are yo a90e nigga, why you so mad. How’s being on hold with the SEC treating you?

>> No.57926769

Jesus Christ how autistic are these Indians. Death to all browns, NOW. Especially this nonce

>> No.57926779

The browns should be allowed to live peacefully in their own countries.

The Jews are the real problem.

>> No.57926785

Kek keep thinkg the sec thing is a meme Ryan I know it's the only thing keeping you sane bud
It's real and processes take time. Fuck you specifically and fuck the other admins too. I hope they get doxxed as well. You underestimate the autism some of us have here queer boy.

>> No.57926786

Dam the whole telegram is Ryan, how did this angry anon figure it out

>> No.57926804

Is Ryan rly fat

>> No.57926815

Nigger spotted. Are there any white people left in this coin? I’m market selling all if I don’t see proof that this is an aryan coin. God I can’t stand brown people and their cringe, at least Jews can kind of impersonate whiteness to some degree

>> No.57926823

Ryan is fat
Sergey is fat
Ryan likes Big Macs
Sergey likes big macs
Is Ryan actually Sergey????
Or is Sergey Ryan?
Meanwhile that anon is still on hold with the SEC

>> No.57926832

Big if true. Is it fake?

>> No.57926845

Why do you oppose nationalism? Would you prefer to intermix with the browns?

>> No.57926937

I oppose all niggers’ existence regardless of all other factors, don’t put words in my mouth like a kike. All things would be better without their presence and that’s a verifiable fact of nature

>> No.57926938

Stop fudding this so much or you’re going to force me to buy. I never buy shitcoins but the amount of seethe this is generating is making me bullish.

>> No.57927024

Hi there, I have just under a trillion of this shit coin. Dumb ass asses listen. When you shit you sit long enough to sniff. The waft hasn't yet reached our nostril holes. We need some time to figure out what we had for dinner.

>> No.57927025
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>> No.57927046

so did I but one peak earlier
it's harmonics

>> No.57927056


>> No.57927067

I mean we have a week before listings. wouldn't be a bad idea to sell now and buy as volume dries up

>> No.57927074

Even Hitler didn't want to genocide the browns. He just wanted them to stay in their own countries.

>> No.57927080

Holy shit a SEC just flew over my house, hide ryan guys!

>> No.57927085

Children these days, tsk. Summers early this year. Anyone else notice a lot newfags?

>> No.57927086

*up to a week. Bitmart stated “on the 15th or sooner”.

>> No.57927101

They can’t even bot correctly. Anyone else think this is a MM trying to get us sidelined before they make their whales stacks as large as possible for when retail enters the picture?

>> No.57927110

Well it is March break. I didn't even know that till people told me that it was since when I was out in the mall the other day, there were barely any people during the peak hours on a Friday.

>> No.57927111
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yeah who knows what they are going to do. secret knowledge gives them the initiative to make as much money possible. As soon as they have bought enough at a low enough price they will try to shave off a zero and we propel to the next exchange level and lose another zero.
The trick is not to let any entity get too much concentrated so plenty of profit taking every major step up is good to me

>> No.57927130

literally everyone else apart from these lowlife subhumans who keep shillin and begging other anons to buy it

>> No.57927140
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>> No.57927142

I don’t care what Hitler wanted. You continue to bring up completely unrelated points as if it makes the average brown IQ go up or make niggers more courteous and civic-minded. What does hitler or nationalism have to do with curryniggers being painfully cringe in everything they do. Nothing. Now keep quiet, shitskin

>> No.57927159

Based and checked, digits confirm truth. Since we are talking about MMs, for those who dont know..

CLS ;^)

You niggers really have no idea what is coming.

>> No.57927161

Best place to stake ETH?

>> No.57927164
File: 72 KB, 1280x411, STOPREDEEMING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's 1a3c and why did that thread spoke you so much? A90e had nothing to do that so why do you keep purposely mixing the two?

>> No.57927172
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New lows soon

>> No.57927182

>stop redeeming pls plsplsplspsl

cry harder you fucking loser

let biz be washed away in linu shillin dalt tears

>> No.57927204

That's the point anon. No one knows who any of these wallets are but things we can fact check is a public ledger ie: etherscan and confirm they qremt related. It's obviously some fairytale shit they try coming up with praying this scam goes up more. My only hope is when lucky makes it the admins do not do the same shit as the linu admins. Treat people and other communities nice dont be elitist and most of all dont dump at any peaks because that's dishonest as a admin since these are community tokens amd the admin team chooses to lead those. My two cents but regardless faggot linu baggies and ryans many phone posted ids will strawman you when bringing up any of this.
>public ledger

>> No.57927205

this lobotomized piss drinker is doing TA on a shitcoin

I wish btc crashes to ground and the board is freed from retards like these

>> No.57927231

>dont dump at any peaks
Nigger thats what a peak is you fucking retard. Did the SEC not tell you that while you were on the phone with them?