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57920935 No.57920935 [Reply] [Original]

...will be spent by individuals, enterprises, and nation states acquiring their desired allocation of Bitcoin

You can’t price that in just by looking at the charts.

The guys drawing lines on charts don't realize the market has changed.

Some clown started lecturing me last week about how holding long term is foolish. He bragged about how he's DCAing out of Bitcoin now. He said this is his 3rd cycle and he does it every time.

DCAing OUT?!?


He'd probably have 3X the amount of Bitcoin if he'd just held. Maybe more.

But hey, dude's got an extra grand in his bank account right now and he feels like a king... today. A year from now he'll be kicking himself for selling when he should have been buying. Four years from now, hell be telling stories about how much Bitcoin he used to own, back in the day.

And, honestly, he's still better off than the people shorting right now.

Hoe. Lee. Crap.


The market has changed, but lots of people don't see it yet. The old models are being invalidated because they're based on an entirely different market, where they buyers were guys like you and me spending what we have left from our paychecks each month.

I'm not saying the old models were bad. I'm saying, the underlying asset has changed, which means the old models aren't going to work anymore.

>> No.57920943

We're witnessing the shift in Bitcoin's price being driven by crypto retail to institutional investment. It's a shift from small money to biiiiiiig money. People have been saying "it's coming" for years. Well,... it's here.

Ooh, I have a perfect analogy for this.

Years ago, a friend of mine had a crush on one of our coworkers. She was just a part timer, and my friend was in management, so he felt like he could take his time and wait for the right opportunity. I told him to ask her out soon, because she took time off to be on one of those singing shows - an American Idol type show - but the episodes hadn't aired yet.

He waited. Once her episodes aired, she was out of his league. She didn't win, but it didn't matter. She was out of his league.

You have to know when the game is changing, regardless of what the game is. If you're lucky enough to get a heads up, use that info wisely.

The approval of ETFs was our heads up moment. We're not even ten weeks later, but anyone who doesn't see it... ouch. And the ETFs aren't the whole story. They're the canary in the coal mine gold mine.

401Ks are coming.

Hedge funds are coming.
The wealthy are coming.
Corporations are coming.
Nation states are coming.

I could go on and on.

And while a lot of that pisses me off, because the rich will put the price of Bitcoin out of reach for the common man, it will validate everything I've been saying for years about how taking profits should mean moving them to a long term hodl, not cashing out for cash.

>> No.57922022

so this time is different?

>> No.57923864


Two more weeks? Or is this time really for real?

>> No.57924269

Just hodl. You’ll know when it’s real.