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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 1024x584, GRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57919433 No.57919433 [Reply] [Original]

Another obligatory GRT thread, almost at 40 cents edition
How High/Low will we go?

>> No.57919613

Insider here
Its over, top is in, only down from here
Screenshot this

>> No.57919788

sorry, but retarded takes are not worth screencapping

>> No.57919871

>retarded take
There is provably no money to be made with indexing. There’s no reason to buy this token, and you have indexers that dump billions of tokens on the monthly.
The only retarded take is that you expect this shitcoin to go up at all. The only reason it’s rising is because BTC is pumping, but it’s getting absolutely destroyed on the GRTBTC pair and will continue to do so forevermore. It’s literally in the smart contract that the token is inflationary, meaning that you actively lose money by holding it. And you expect people to buy LMAO the fucking state of this board
Check em

>> No.57919885

It's over
Eternally <1$

>> No.57919906

If that technical analysis faggot that said bitcoin is going down to 32k is reading this, fuck you. I sold off all my grt because of you. Genuinely fucked up this bullrun because of one mistake.

>> No.57919931

the onlky thing i have to agree on with your statement ist the "LMAO at the fucking state of this board" as people are unable to look into decent projects like GRT and instead buy the next shitcoin thats being shilled just to get rugged.
Don't trust TA faggots, TA is absolutely useless and nowhere based on price action, it is like the horoscope of crypto
Aight, see you at 2$ nigga

>> No.57919961

It’s already dumping though

>> No.57919986

How is it dumping? It has been on a constant rise since january or have you been reading your charts like your anime comics?

>> No.57920280

5 buck EOY

>> No.57920401
File: 76 KB, 1240x696, tegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it hits 5 bucks i will be earning over 8000 us goy shekels per month, thanks mommy

>> No.57920671


>> No.57920862

Is it smarter to buy RNDR, FET, AGIX....?

>> No.57921047

It’s smarter to stay away from this shitcoin and all shitcoins associated to it

>> No.57922241

Historically, GRT is a pump and dump. Hate to break it to you folks, but it is. These are the facts. People saying it isn't, you're on the wrong side of the data. The entire market is being run by trade bots. Large GRT tokens have been already allocated to holders, way before GRT even hit the exchange platforms, because of testnet operations (before mainnet).

I estimate each token to be valued at 0.30-0.35 maximum until larger companies want to use it, which currently they don't, because it is too expensive too. ETH is expensive, in general, to use anyway.

With that being said, GRT is a utility token which means the price has to remain low for companies to even want to use it. It is just the way it is right now.

>> No.57922275

It's so over

>> No.57922302

This is the bottom
T.been holding since 2019

>> No.57922333 [DELETED] 

Tomorrow is my marriage anniversary and I am 0. I wish something magical would happened and I could get $1.5k or $2k to spend the best day ever in my life. What you say anon? Any anon help me out?

>> No.57922390

what a waste of digits

>> No.57923264

the pastas are back. Over cancelled

>> No.57923310

It's over

>> No.57923323

historically my DICK is a pump and dump lmao lol got em

>> No.57923387

that retarded take again "muh the price has to be low or else people wont use it" Query price stays fixed, no matter the token price, nigglet

>> No.57923429
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Is holding The Graph the ultimate bagholdery?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than holding GRT. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying, holding, staking, and losing money on a token for at least 5 years solely so it can go and get ravaged by the indexers. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little stack - doing due diligence and research before bedtime, picking the right indexers to delegate with, making sure it's a healthy percentage of your holdings, watching it grow, not selling it. All of it has one simple result: its price will ultimately become more enjoyable for those who will eventually pump it and dump it.

Built the perfect stack? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the project, who buys the dip. He gets to swing it every night for easy gains. He gets the benefits of its perceived stability and notional value that came from how long YOU held it.

>> No.57923462


>> No.57923549
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>I sold off all my grt because of you



>> No.57923851 [DELETED] 
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I'm gonna tell you something: your frog is just grand!

>> No.57923960


>> No.57924055


>> No.57924076
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>he believed the FUD

>> No.57924191

I first bought GRT back in late January 2021 and was up about 10x but failed to sell.

After years of deleaging I now have 28k GRT.

Do we have any chance to get to $1?

>> No.57924249

Who bought his bag?

>> No.57924348

good chances brother. well get one final bullrun before the bubble bursts, but it will be glorious

>> No.57924487

>buying a coin literally called Goy Retard Token

>> No.57924550

Dead coin and I say this as a 100k baggie. We will never hit ath again.

>> No.57924553

40c motherfuckers

>> No.57924643

>dead coin
>8x from the bottom

I hope you accumulated heavily below 10 cents, faggot. Even if this only hits a $1.50 I'll be a millionaire

>> No.57925511

it's over

>> No.57926223

Your lives are about to change

>> No.57926302

I’m about to be broke again?

How high do you think cryptic anon

>> No.57926317

anyone else miss when it was over? I dont like it when the number goes up, i wanted it to be over forever

>> No.57926338

Don’t worry it’s still over

>> No.57926358

GRT is over a quarter of my total portfolio bros. Is it worth buying more? I wanted this to be my dark horse asset and I still want to believe.

>> No.57926387
File: 1009 KB, 600x1067, 1514477930644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see an indexer offering 30%+ staking apy, not bad. thinking about buying my first bag of this shit, should i wait for a dip or fomo in now? redpill me on it if you can

>> No.57926409

It’s the top AI meme coin by market cap and the Jews in Silicon Valley are about to meme AI into a 10 trillion dollar market

What do you think

>> No.57926549

The great thing about GRT is it gives me something to sell at a loss during bitcoin's bullrun

>> No.57927060

Imagine being a GRT holder. Avax, Solana, Fantom and even pajeet shitcoin Matic moon and reach ATHs while GRT crabs, dumps and crabs to oblivion. Parsiq, covalent and even aleph fags will make it while GRT dumps to $0. The absolute state of GRT holders.

>> No.57927152
File: 535 KB, 748x481, 1638719971665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.57927187

>top AI meme coin
no, RNDR is, then FET, then GRT

>> No.57927256


The return of classic GRT fud posts

>> No.57927263


>> No.57927278

Oh it's SO OVER

>> No.57927322
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>> No.57927332

62 - 65 cents


>> No.57927387

A bullshit “3D rendering” service doing the classic crypto “buy big name advisors and the cash will roll in” strategy

>doesn’t even do anything real just keeps repeating “AI agents” until you believe it’s an actual service

I know you’re trying to diversify anon. But if you think any of these so called projects are remotely as important as The Graph you’re an idiot.

Big money is going to flow in through the BTC ETF and AI company meme valuations. GRT is the only coin that is even remotely helpful to AI and it will be respected like that in the market soon.

>> No.57927400


>> No.57927427

fuddie are you ok are you ok fuddie

>> No.57927517
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>> No.57927527
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>> No.57927550


>> No.57927578
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>> No.57927656

.47c $10 eoy isn't a meme afterall

>> No.57927672

Thread theme:

>> No.57927676

$10 EOY
$25 end of bullrun

>> No.57927707
File: 57 KB, 720x576, 1680264365478025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's lol'ing now?

>> No.57927722

Fuggit, gonna yeet some money in next little dip. What's the worst that could happen? .08? Yeah right.

>> No.57927747

Too late. Dip just ended, it was years long.

>> No.57927763

Whatchu think we're gonna get up to? I have a 3k stack.

>> No.57927768
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>> No.57927775
File: 454 KB, 700x526, fe2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my expert but humble opinion, my friend.
It's gonna get higher.

>> No.57927839

No no no it's ALWAYS over!

>> No.57927861

Exactly. It's no longer over.
Thar's over.

>> No.57927895

I dispute your claim and suggest this as the thread theme


>> No.57927959

you had 4 years

>> No.57928018
File: 56 KB, 640x377, 1702071246379081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My average purchase price is around $2
grt help me

>> No.57928033

You should probably sell about now.

>> No.57928059

is it over (to accumulate more)?

>> No.57928060

>How is it dumping?
>up 536% since September
>down 4.88% on the hourly chart
Its over

>> No.57928069

It's over.

>> No.57928099

why is pump

>> No.57928117
File: 58 KB, 1283x412, 1701448976739491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. Fuck GRT by the way, Im happy its pumping and bringing me closer to breaking even, I seriously cannot wait to sell this stuff off and never think about it again. Of all my losses, GRT has been my largest and most costly mistake

>> No.57928118

Dip's over.

>> No.57928139

>How High/Low will we go?
ATH will be between 1-2 bucks in the best case (we break into the top-50 and crypto market cap doubles.) That's how much supply has been diluted by the tribesmen running the printer.

>> No.57928167

Fools, remember GRT gains aren't measured in dollars. But in metric tons of Tegan's milk.

>> No.57928200

Feeling GRTIE

>> No.57928216

NEAR, RNDR, and GRT have roughly equivalent volume rn ($800 million / 24 hours). It really seems like AI and dogs are the play rn

>> No.57928217


>> No.57928218

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.57928343

GRT is only about a 2x away from $1 and you think that's the best case? We haven't even had the halving yet. Bitch BTC and ETH will do a at least a 2x from here. $2 is the worst case. I've seen you post this bullshit FUD in GRT threads before faggot

>> No.57928367

my GRTies stay girthy

>> No.57928559

thank you for your sacrifice when it goes to $2 after you sell

>> No.57928788

Yeah, I'm thinking we're back. Pitying the fools who didn't average down.


>> No.57928844

Oh I averaged down but it kept dropping and dropping until I realized I was losing a lot of money revenge trading. Invested in better stuff and am now fine but jesus grt sucks

>> No.57928952


>> No.57929262

Classic fud. We are so back. ATH end of month.

>> No.57929267

>listened to /biz/ and sold half of my grt at 0.2$ to buy shitcoins

>> No.57929307

.50 incoming

>> No.57929315

I bought a whole bunch at 14c and can’t really tell you what this shit actually does but I’m glad it’s going up

>> No.57929317

How soon til we break $1?

>> No.57929331
File: 2.77 MB, 1288x1600, 1644289867056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the nintendo of blockchain
>the duckduckgo of kentucky fried chicken
>the opposable thumbs of fingers
>the blockchain of google
>the double-decker of party favors
>the plug of butts
>the barloid of the garloid
>the askjeeves of bike locks
>the yahoo of door handles
>the backbone of defi
>the google for web3
>the bitcoin of cryptocurrency
>the catholicism of finance
>the sausage of hotdog
>the garlic bread of money
>the API for APY
>the sanrio of blockchain
>the mahatma ghandi of these cocaine calisthenics.
>the zippo of crypto
>the lamborghini of ferrari
>the doordash of runscape
>the uniswap and coingecko
>the yoo-hoo of chocolate drinks
>the sasha grey of anal porn
>the thai ladyboy of trannies
>the starbucks of coffee
>the katrina of hurricanes
>the never of womanhood
>the strawberry milk of roofing tiles
>the blacked of pornhub
>the anal fissure of ass problems.
>the bag of hodling of bags
>the tranny of blockchain
>the bing of chainlink
>the chai latte of iraq.
>the chicken of barnyard animals.
>the kerrygold of butter.
>the big up to your chest
>the pnd of /biz/
>the xenophobe of xenogeny.
>the squat plug of web search engines.
>the sneed's of seed and feed
>the dyson of vacuums
>the fly of stink
>the pappy van winkle of bourbon.
>the grey goose of vodka.
>the rinnegan of visual prowess.
>the torn condom of my love.
>the Malena Morgan of lesbians.
>the toyota of cyberspace
>the yahoo of sickening losses

>> No.57929351

>revenge trading
That was your mistake.

I DCAed GRT into oblivion. Bag is worth almost twice what I invested in it at this point, and 1.3x my entire portfolio's ATH in 2021.

>> No.57929363

We're gonna hit a dollar before the end of the month. I feel it.

>> No.57929369
File: 108 KB, 332x2480, 1695862941778007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct sir, grt was a mistake

>> No.57929462
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it's not about to crash back to sub 10c after a blowoff top right? it's going to stay inflated like doge and the other pumped up shitcoins right? RIGHT?

>> No.57929495
File: 76 KB, 900x900, 1710040805111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys said it was over

>> No.57929517

it was, but now it's unover

>> No.57929621
File: 1.32 MB, 1159x1210, 1625974679612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's never been as over as it is now.

>> No.57929634

It's so over it's overed over and now it's returned to a pre-over state.

>> No.57929657

Having GRT is basically a war crime, sell now if you value your freedom, anyone who doesn't sell will be punished
>1-10 GRT: Community Service
>11-25 GRT: Public Apology
>26-50 GRT: Do something nice for a local transgendered
>51-100 GRT: One year of jail, TEN years other punishments TBD
>101-150 GRT: TEN years of jail, ONE HUNDRED years of other punishments TBD
>151-200 GRT: ONE HUNDRED years of jail, TEN YEARS of in-jail punishments TBD
>251-300 GRT: On the spot execution by nearest federal judge, relatively painless depending on judge
>301-350 GRT: Death by lethal injections (multiple at same time to make sure)
>351-400 GRT: Death by electric chair + firing squad
>401-450 GRT: Death by anti-aircraft missile fired right at center of chest + a bomb explodes on you
>451-500 GRT: Death by limited nuclear strike on your location
>501+ GRT: Doubt anyone has this much but if you do rest assured you will receive state-mandated death by humiliation so sell now

>> No.57929662
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, hey guys i&#039;m just gonna buy the graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57929682

>state-mandated death by humiliation
Who else here a
>martyr chad

>> No.57929690

the cycle continues. it will one day be over again

>> No.57930842

Piece of shit, only up 176% in the past month.

>> No.57931018

That’s it, top is in. Thanks for playing everyone

>> No.57931081



>> No.57932129

For a moment we were back.

But once again it's over.

>> No.57932168

next stop before $1 is $0.7. it's over is starting to be so over.

>> No.57933110

will probably reach 0.8 by the end of this bullrun, then crash down to 0.02c

>> No.57933742

I have 100k grt, time to undelegate now?

>> No.57933947

I have 1M GRT and I would never delegate. It totally removes your ability to make a timely decision about selling. 28 days is 27 days too long.

>> No.57934095
File: 51 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FUD convinces me we are going back to ATH and beyond. Comfy.

>> No.57934545

Inflation has been 3% per year since genesis. That's fuck all. Either this is bait, or you're thinking of vested unlocks, which were already part of the total supply.

>> No.57935747
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holy fuck we hit .50 cents too fast. its joever

>> No.57935907

Yup its over. Pack it up GRTrannies

>> No.57935911

uhhhh Graphbros? my graph stays a laugh

>> No.57936036

It's changing over from over to unover over and over again! It's unstable! It's over!

>> No.57936130

it is so over
it has only begun
It has never been more over
Were just starting bro
So fucking over bros
It's already over trannies
We are still in the beginning bro
We just arrived at the bottom

>> No.57936254

It's over

>> No.57936295

Sure seems like it peaked and will bleed back down to 0.2

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I sure am glad my stack was delegated so that I couldn’t sell at the peak haha

>> No.57936428

wtf guys i just bought and its over already????? omg

>> No.57936510

Welcome to the bag holders club young man

>> No.57936519

yikes its actually over for real this time

>> No.57936535

do not make fun of us bagholders, scumbag! we hold our bags high, proud and loud without fear or shame!
GRT 1 cent EOD and whatever the haters say, you can just GTFO

>> No.57936564
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>> No.57937016

>he bought