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57914384 No.57914384 [Reply] [Original]

Name 3 things that makes Bitshit/Bitfuck better than gold

>> No.57914420

1) when I trade BTC there is no jew merchant to steal 5%
2) I can send value across the globe or travel with massive value in stealth
3) Mobility in SHTF scenario

>> No.57914480

It has both "shit" and "fuck" interoperability within it's naming tech. I can say either bitshit or bitfuck and everyone will know I mean bitcoin. With gold what do I have? Boomer rocks (not everyone gets it), ummm yellow... Lumps.... There's no the flow. Why am I pooping 3x a day?

>> No.57914614
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1-you can't buy fake bitshit
2-you can't buy fake bitshit
3- read 1, 2 and 3

>> No.57914794

Gold is basically a 0 tps shitcoin which has effectively be premined by insiders for hundreds of years. Also because it can't scale you have to trust centralized L2s that can't even maintain their peg.

>> No.57914946

1) finite supply
2) self sovereign bank/money. the first asset class in history that cannot be taken from you. this alone makes it exceedingly valuable. someone can kill you and take your gold. someone can kill you and not get your bitcoin. the bank cannot stop you from accessing it, the government cannot seize it from you (unless you're dumb enough to hand over your keys).
3) it costs a lot more to transfer 500,000 worth of gold than it does 500,000 worth of btc.

could go on, but point #2 alone makes the case for btc. no other asset like it, ever, in the history of ever.

>> No.57915532

> someone can kill you and not get your bitcoin. the bank cannot stop you from accessing it, the government cannot seize it from you
someone can torture you and get your bitcoin.
the bank can stop you from interacting with exchanges, cutting off your ability to access your stored value.
the government is actually super good at seizing bitcoin somehow. the FBI is now one of the largest hodler because of how weirdly good they are at this.

but yes, on paper, you're 100% correct.

>> No.57915558

god bless america

>> No.57915970

Not gold
Not a metal
Not yellow

>> No.57915976

Lmao this unironically