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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 215 KB, 1912x1076, solar-flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57910879 No.57910879 [Reply] [Original]

>resets your net worth

>> No.57910949

Crypto would actually survive a solar flare very well considering it’s decentralized nature. You don’t think one would just turn off all of earths electricity do you?

>> No.57910962

And if it did, at that point it wouldn't matter what assets you held. Civilization would end and we'd have a huge reset.

>> No.57910980

can't wait

>> No.57910983

if it did it still wouldn't matter cause hundreds of thousands of copies of the blockchain history exist. you can just reboot with all the history intact when the electricity is back.

>> No.57911015

kek every picture of space is fake cgi bullshit

>> No.57911026

>resets the thing keeping you from touching grass

>> No.57911053

If anything a solar flare would caused mass adoption for crypto

>> No.57911101

bullish on sol

>> No.57911120

>55000 nodes
literally the hardest network to destroy. all the normies dont understand.

>> No.57911159

Is there anyone making paper copies of the blockchain? Seems like the type of thing there would be. Like that museum in switzerland that has every technology plus a physical manual.

>> No.57911165

the entire blockchain is like 500GB

>> No.57911241

Just convert some of the crypto profits into real state, farm land, an underground bunker, gold and weapons. Solar flares fear the prepper

>> No.57911268


>> No.57911290

probably not, but you could. and more data saving techniques are being developed. who knows you'll have literal genetic abomonations where the dna stores the bitcoin blockchain history. literal neuralink chip in that thing that tells the dna which new data to store..

>> No.57911375

preppers are obese, religious zealots

>> No.57911384

>he doesn't know that EMPs wipe drives

>> No.57911390
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>> No.57911415
File: 89 KB, 500x375, Ein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal genetic abomonations where the dna stores [data]
Like some sort of... Data Dog.

>> No.57911459
File: 2.12 MB, 256x192, 1646963333828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know about the space spiders stealing our energy

>> No.57911793
File: 74 KB, 713x1258, plebbit socialfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vaguely remember a schizo poster last year saying that solar flares in 2040 would reset humanity. Does anyone have that copy pasta?

>> No.57911826

>also resets Jewish world hegemony and globohomo

very acceptable tradeoff.

>> No.57912536

>literally needs one autist with a faradayed blockchain backup to counter
space is like bronze elo

>> No.57912545

I hold gold - thanks for playing.

>> No.57912556

When are we going to build mass drivers capable of shooting phobos sized masses at these fucking space niggers?

>> No.57912559

...and an AARP card

>> No.57912593

I am pretty sure someday I saw one btc node using a fed ip range, so theres at least one backup on a underground server room.

>> No.57913636

Soon White man. Soon.

>> No.57913647

solar flares don't do anything
your doomsday scenario won't happen

>> No.57913735
File: 548 KB, 1200x881, based creek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57914250

I thought that the sun isn't actually yellow or orange like everyone thinks and it is usually portrayed, it's actually white; as in "white hot" white. I guess these cameras have to apply some sort of filter to make out the detail.

>> No.57914856
File: 104 KB, 885x960, peposcared_pppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, its a dextools account with data on large servers that are already safe enough to not be hacked that easily unless you're an idiot and give your data to sketchy websites or whatever, not a mario64 speedrun
Being fucked that hard by the fucking sun isn't even remotely possible... right?

>> No.57914889

All your capital is on dextools?

>> No.57914903

i still live with my parents and im currently studying while making odd jobs every now and then, so i put most of my stuff on dextools, so... yeah, pretty much

>> No.57914969
File: 97 KB, 568x707, universalStockTickerBig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have pic related printing all the transactions as they happen

>> No.57915078

What if we just breed super autists and make them verify hashes by hand and run an offline blockchain

>> No.57915098

when??? Don’t tell me two more weeks!! Haha

>> No.57915106

Even if the super autists could compute at the same speed of a modern computer, physical delivery of messages would be too slow for all workers to achieve consensus on what the blockchain looks like.

>> No.57915125

Smart to be obese because then they can water fast for weeks as their body uses their fat for energy. Saves on food at least initially

>> No.57915127

>last solar flare blew up high voltage transformers all across the world
>my bits the size of molecules would survive this same event
/biz/fags shouldn't be allowed to vote nor reproduce

>> No.57915160

Your crypto still exists at a wallet address even if we lose all electrical devices. The only difference is humans will have to hand calculate transaction on paper ledgers.

>> No.57915178

No man you just make them sit in the same room

>> No.57915206

the difficulty adjustment makes this possible

>> No.57916790

Seriously though, this is predictive programming from the west to lay the groundwork for governments to shut down the internet and blame it on something else. They bitch and fuckin moan about 'authoritarian' governments around the world shutting down the internet as a civil rights violation and keep this little plan in their back pocket, ready to go at a moments notice.



>> No.57916798

>heh, nothing personal, kid.

>> No.57916828


yeah, whenever the lights get turned back on after collapse... I'm sure your crypto will still be worth...whatever in US dollars that don't even exist anymore. Actually no... you people are retarded. Gold would be the real winner.

>> No.57916870

You’re not getting it. Civilization only survives in a soft collapse. If they power grid fully goes down like>>57910962
it wouldn’t matter if you held gold dollars or crypto. Your best asset would be people

>> No.57916887

sure but I will still hold gold seeing as it's been around for 5,000 years and has seen pretty much everything.

>> No.57916903

My raiding party will take everything you have. So keep buying gold for me

>> No.57916918

sure thing, don't get shot.

>> No.57916922

K, then I'll be jumping on the bitcoin network which will still be going with hand cranked radios

>> No.57916936

thank you based cme

>> No.57916950 [DELETED] 

Its my birthday tomorrow, but I am broke :' (

Any crypto for me? :'' (

>> No.57917009
File: 384 KB, 1200x900, s-l1200 (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have hard copies

>> No.57917012

It would likely fry power transformers and take down the grid for at least 18 months while that infrastructure could be replaced. Small devices would likely survive unharmed, but would not have grid power.
During this time a huge number of people would die of starvation due to the absense of power needed for food processing. What little food is processed cannot be transported due to the absense of power needed for fuel processing. Medicine manufacture shuts down. anyone needing it dies. It would be catastrophic.
I'm not sure whether this would only affect one side of the planet. I think it's possible that it gets the whole thing.
To answer your question it would definitely shut down crypto. I don't know if crypto can simply be restarted. It's been continuously mined since the beginning. What happens if there's an 18 month gap?

>> No.57917962

So based

>> No.57917981

Dog? A type of data dog? Isn't that LINU!? BUY LINU GUYS!

>> No.57917989
File: 34 KB, 550x413, 1690546930949007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cyber attack on your precious DNS system is more likely.
Either way you're fucked.

>> No.57917998

>What happens if there's an 18 month gap?
they all go to $0

>> No.57918047

Your best asset would be books, bullets and seeds (also a compass, sundial and thermometer would give you a technological edge in the new stone age which is why I unironically burried those items in a jar in my backyard). A micronova Carrington event that fries all electronics would set telephone wires on fire. (Most houses on the planet are hooked to the grid, so we'd see world wide fires that have never been seen) 99% of the population wouldn't survive that. And then surviving afterwards when we have to start from stone and bronze age technology again.

Actually, buying an antique steam powered tractor might be a good investment. That is unless it melts from the electric currents durring the micronova. Anything metal could become a hazard.

>> No.57918059

bear case for crypto is literal apocalypse tier events

>> No.57918060

Your raiding party will raid your ass.

>> No.57918107

Christ, you guys are fucking retards. No, a CME will not send us to a dark age. It will only affect the power grid and large computers because they act like giant antennas for a current to blow them out. It would take at most a year for the entire grid to get back up and running at full capacity again.
A faraday cage would be more than enough protection for your crypto wallet until your local grid is up and running again.

>> No.57918162
File: 890 KB, 2094x884, 30495870937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just convert some of the crypto profits

>> No.57918187

>It would take at most a year for the entire grid to get back up and running at full capacity again.

>> No.57918358

dare I say, top signal?

>> No.57918438

Fuckin kek your dumb.