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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57910809 No.57910809 [Reply] [Original]

What do you tell girls you do for a living? (Assuming you work from home and don’t want to sound boring)

>> No.57910840

i bought some shitcoins and got retired
i don't really know what to say

>> No.57910843

no one cares about your job. they only care about your genetics. Chad is broke and hasn't had a job the past decade but fucks your wife while you are pulling 60 hours a week at the office.

>> No.57910857

i work from home full time. i tell people im on welfare benefits.

>> No.57910888

>oh yea roastie i work from home, im a wealth management specialist for green initiatives
that means i stake eth btw

>> No.57910908

>wealth management specialist
just say you trade stocks, sounds cooler

>> No.57910915

>sorry honey ive got a long zoom call meeting with the boys- i mean with the clients about serious wealth management initiatives
1min later

>> No.57910919
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Tell her that you rape little nigger children inside your basement for a living, that will make her wet as fuck.

>> No.57910931

nah, depends what woman ur trying to get, women want to be able to repeat ur job title to their parents and friends to brag, saying u trade stocks equates to professsional gambler, and is only cool to onlyfans whores

>> No.57910935

I wfh for a tech company and honestly I've never had a problem just telling people that. I word it as "I work for a tech startup" though just so they don't ask further questions like "omg is it google or something" because I'd rather not have irl retards know the exact company I work for. Sometimes I'll divulge its a crypto company and other times I won't depending who it is and how much I care or trust them. Working from home can sound pretty elegant so idk why you'd be embarrassed about it. Makes people think you're successful and in a high paying job even if you're not doing anything high paying or glamorous.

>> No.57910987

>oh yea roastie i work from home, im a wealth management specialist for green initiatives
>saying u trade stocks equates to professsional gambler, and is only cool to onlyfans whores
what's the difference between a roastie and an onlyfans whore? Seems basically the same

>> No.57911048
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all women are roasties, but not all roasties are onlyfans whore yet

>> No.57911062
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>talk to girls

>> No.57911458

I tell them I WFH and they are always impressed/jealous. WFH is high status because everybody has an understanding that you're collecting a big check to do nothing (that's how valuable you are to whoever you work for)

>> No.57911509
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>"I'm an investor"
>"so basically I predict the future for money"
>"yep pretty cool but boring sometimes"
Thank me later

>> No.57911510

Exactly, even if you're like tech support for amazon you can word it in a way that makes you sound like you're some 400 IQ developer without lying or being overly misleading. Realistically even just having a job that sounds like it's not dead-end is enough to get points in a woman's book.

>> No.57911526

>I kind of move money around.
>Let's just say I take money out of other people's pockets and put it in my own.

>> No.57911533

>aying u trade stocks equates to professsional gambler,
Only you and other traders reallyknow this
To normies it's just "rich people making each other richer by means I don't understand"

>> No.57911571

im a $PINU bag holder, future millionaire

>> No.57912032

not if you're under 30
sounds lame

>> No.57912048

>400 iq developer
Girls only care if you’re fun and hot. They don’t care for IQ at all unless it means you’re rich

>> No.57912049

Blimp pilot

>> No.57912053

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.57912063

post forearm.

>> No.57912071

Angel investing

>> No.57912079

I'm a security guard and tell them I'm a security guard

>> No.57912093
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I typically tell them I’m an international assassin and put on a fake Swedish accent.

>> No.57912102

what would you say instead if under 30?

>> No.57912114

Not posting anything obviously. I am white and not fat if that's what you're asking.

>> No.57912122

Literally saw a heroin addict with his heroin addict gf who was still out of my league

>> No.57912142
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>> No.57912143

Have you ever had to kill someone?

>> No.57912168

IT support for Amazon pays like 80k a year where I live with fat benefits and high ceiling for advancement, you don’t even need to lie

>> No.57912174

I'm married so I don't talk to other girls.

>> No.57912227
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I always tell them I'm a secret agent.

>> No.57912228

I used to work from home I made 17 dollars an hour lol my parents thought I was making it big because I had a company iPhone and laptop, for a moment they thought their 27 year old son was about to move out and buy a house lol nope sorry mom

>> No.57912306

I say I still do the job that I've actually quit after the covid bullrun. Normies can't know that you've made it, they'll hate you for it. Normies are jealous little bitches, you have to always pretend to be overworked to make them feel at ease

>> No.57912407

Is that the most meme-able movie of all time? Does anything come even close?

>> No.57912603

I sleep in a hazmat suit inside nuclear reactors on a pile of insulation while people shoot the shit on comms.

>> No.57912655

That's sandbox mode just make something up

>> No.57912666

Why you talk with women, faggot?

>> No.57912682

i don't talk to girls, cause girls are dumb

>> No.57913478

Sounds like you’re the faggot bro

>> No.57913673

Dogcoins? Say you're an animal expert

>> No.57913700


they are cucks homos, you should use a fake russian accent or german

>> No.57913721
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I say that i invest in stocks or that i'm an accountant
its easier to explain and sounds better than "Oh i put money on crypto and play nft games for moniesss, like right now there's a new game announced called gravity legion and..." see?
I want to GET pussy, not scare it.

>> No.57915898
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>I flip NFTs to make 200-300 usdt gainings from each one if im lucky enough, hope that eesee makes my job easier
>and what about it?
>thats pretty much it
why do i keep fumbling like this bros