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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57908038 No.57908038 [Reply] [Original]

>29 years old
>$200k net worth

>> No.57908084
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>> No.57908099
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>36 year old tranny
>1000 LINKS
it's over for me

>> No.57908117

that's a man
that's a woman

>> No.57908172

Holy fuck, that's rough. How do you cope?

>> No.57908872

That's all?

>> No.57909616

at 29 my net worth ranged from less than negative 100k to >600k now. amazing year

>> No.57909658

no fucking way. unless you are quite literally born in an african hunter gatherer society this is inexcusable

>> No.57909677

I want to kms every day.

>> No.57909678

Holy fuck I had that much at 20. How are you still alive

>> No.57909722

You might as wall just kill yourself, if you can afford a rope to hang yourself, unironically.

>> No.57909740

>lying on the internet
nobody is this poor, fuck off. at least make it believable

>> No.57911043
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>1.3m in crypto
>300k in real assets
>no social or love life

>> No.57911167

Jesus man. I have 2 million in crypto at 24 get better

>> No.57911695

>36 soon 37
>9k in doge
I just want train and take sun if i make 50k i will be happy

>> No.57911729

>only 50K net worth
>living the best period of my life
>nice cheap apartment
>am attracting women more than I've ever done before

You don't need a lot of money to be happy

>> No.57911753

I would rope if I were you

>> No.57911800

If you were me, you'd be me and hence happy with your lot.
I think it helps being handsome, though.

>> No.57911833

No man having less than 1 million at 25 is pathetic. I couldn’t even imagine having less than 1 million at mid 30s

>> No.57911843

That is literally someones post-college aged son.

3mm in crypto with house paid off 35 years old no girlfriend, no wife, no kids. And it feels amazing after hanging out with my married friends

>> No.57911902

I didn't start earning money until my late 20s as I was busy doing a ph.d and not in a rush.

>> No.57911921

>>29 years old
>>$200k net worth
LOL. My networth at 29 was 300k, loser.

Now I am at 500k in 32. I'll be 1MILLION by the end of this year BECAUSE I've gotten smarter.

>> No.57911943

Now that’s making it congrats anon you didn’t fall for the FUD you have more money than any of those normie cunts ever will and you can get a young wife if you need to breed

>> No.57911986

kill yourself demoralizing kike

>> No.57911996

Sorry you couldn’t leverage the internet and become human

>> No.57912022

When I was 32 I dated a 24 year old chick for about a year. She moved in with me. Everything was great, but then she started nagging me, acting like an entitled cunt, ordering me around, trying to put a leash on me, all the while she wanted to be a free spirit hoe on her social media....she was just insufferable. I ended up breaking it off with her and telling her to move out kek. I kicked her ass out after I decided not to put up with the bullshit. She told me I would regret it but then I ended up making 7 figures in crypto. Sometimes I reminisce and laugh at the little whore who almost fooled me into a long term relationship, because it Definitely would have ended in divorce..

>> No.57912031

>30k net worth

>> No.57913118


>> No.57913130

this biche needs a BBC asap

>> No.57913208

>15k in crypto
>300$ a month from youtube channel

I just don't wanna talk to anybody. I even looked for jobs at the local cemetery but they are not hiring. Seriously, I just don't wanna talk in person with any human being. I just wanna leave society.

>> No.57914513

>just inherited $12mm
I’m ngmi am I? ;____;

>> No.57914532

>but then she started nagging me, acting like an entitled cunt, ordering me around, trying to put a leash on me, all the while she wanted to be a free spirit hoe on her social media

Bro got his first girlfriend at age 32 lmaooooooo

>> No.57914546

but can you afford family, manwhore?

>> No.57914553

I'll bite nigger, whats the story

>> No.57914596

>having less than 1 million at 25 is pathetic
Yea maybe 20 years ago. 1 million dollars is nothing now.

>> No.57914695
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>150k in crypto
>job history is just 6 months as a part time line cook, starting a wfh tech job in 2 months

>> No.57914753

>-23k net worth
>useless degree
It's over

>> No.57914829

90k nw


>> No.57914842

bankrupt twice on failed endeavours
currently worth 200k

>> No.57914919
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>~$500k USD net worth
It’s over for me isn’t it?

>> No.57914972
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>nw 55k not counting mortgage
>all my friends are losers who think $200 is a lot of money

>> No.57914973
File: 98 KB, 804x933, the one she told you not to worry about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>college student
>have a lot of free time cuz teachers dont give af since covid
>started to get into crypto
>make dextools account
>use allowance money
>make 100k in 4 months

I feel like a god, anons
this world and it's people are mine
you're all my puppets connected by invisible strings slaves to my command

>> No.57916507

>150k in index funds
>20k in savings account
idk, you guys keep saying I'm poor but I feel pretty good

>> No.57916540

buy a single bitcoin w/ those index funds you'll regret it if you dont

>> No.57916592

nah that's retarded, no need to take on that kind of risk

>> No.57916631 [DELETED] 

Can any anon slide me 2k$?
I want to fix my life :'(

>> No.57916733

I had 27 million in crypto when I was 2, get your house in order you absolute faggot

>> No.57916751

Honestly you should probably rope anyway. You’re never gonna make it.

>> No.57916772

Double replying? Bet you don’t even have 1 million at 25

>> No.57916897 [DELETED] 

Its my birthday today, but I am broke :' (

Any crypto for me? :' (

>> No.57916933 [DELETED] 

How much you are holding anon?