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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 474x348, doom digits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57907864 No.57907864 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57907965
File: 943 KB, 1125x1500, IMG_6450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey one of those is mine. Yeah the link scam is finally drying up. I think picrel did it for a lot of people. At this point I'm not even sure CCIP release would be enough for damage control.

>> No.57907999

Trips and quads of truth. Bulls are done.

>> No.57908165

So... this is it... this is how it ends.

Waging for the rest of my life

>> No.57908199


>> No.57908218

you TA dumbfucks are gonna get rekt
look past the chart at reality

>> No.57908234

Bobo is becoming increasingly desperate and nervous.

>> No.57908250
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>triple top

>> No.57908276

Reality is BTC is reaching institutional adoption and soon hyperbitcoinization will ensue. We may have several more retests of ATH but ultimately the sky is the limit.
For LINK, where they pay obese roasties to post tiktok videos all day by dumping the token on retail while simultaneously failing to live up to any of their promises, it is quite a different story...

>> No.57908350

checked and based

>> No.57908398
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>> No.57908441
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Embarrassing that you faggots are still using this term in the 2024 of our lord

>> No.57908509
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>> No.57908527
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>triggered into a frothing rage about TA when there wasn't even a chart posted
>says "institutional"
>says "hyperbitcoinization"
>(((christinsanity))) victim seething against an obscure almost forgotten non-jewish aka pagan god, as if his jewgod yahweh feels threatened by it
the top signals just keep coming holy shit

>> No.57908542


>> No.57908610

Not today Satan.

>> No.57908619


>> No.57908634

>posts text walls
>expects even one person to read it

>> No.57908914
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>> No.57909287

Kek is a masculine god of chaos and darkness. A gigadump from here leading to a market full of confusion and uncertainty and extreme volatility, would please him. It would be kekkian market action.

>> No.57909317


>> No.57909692
File: 608 KB, 653x598, dumpingit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


247 trading dumping through your folio
How I shorted the top never stopped you lost control
Dumping in a blaze of fire, candle through my bones

Out of the green, ending the pump
Bobo coming through like fuck did I hear a swan
Man I don't know but it made you so depleted
Shorts creeping up without showing you jack
Sudden pumps from below, you think you got the moon
You're riding that green until I sell too soon
You're coming back slurping that dip
Save your money wagie, I'm downsizing your shift

Hell yeah fuck yeah I feel like bogging him
Alright that's tight, what it's like to profit this

Bear market shot down your chart like a hellish flame
Choke on the wreckage exhale your acceptance
Permabulls are so fucking weird
Trying to lighten the mood over here
But they can't cause the wall's way too sheer
My red candle melting zeros so hard you call me a seer

Lower highs and lower lows
Fuck what you thought thought summer meant
This bubble popping I slammed my dick in it
Sell while you can or bleed like the damned
Ain't a chart zoomed out enough to catch this
Knife straight to zero, no more heroes
Satoshi is dead and you swim in red


>> No.57909707
File: 607 KB, 653x598, dumpingit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah fuck yeah I feel like bogging him
Alright that's tight, what it's like to profit this

Lunar eclipse analysis? Bull.
Shit. Bitch it's 10AM and I'm phasing it
Out. Time to buy, you want to die?
See your life flash in this crash
I'm loading up all in cash I mash
Sell I bash that market cap
Watch this leverage thrash
You should have stayed away from this scene
Not your day too late to pray for green
Screens redraw the lines new all time high was just a dream

Wake and bake now it hits
Years of pay poured into shit
Coins those heavy bags
Damn you thought that was a bull flag
Wave it white dumping past your strike
Priced in you allege you're out of cash
Flow only scraps left to dredge
Up that bump? You made your call
Out of your mind, out of time too
Go back to school you motley fool



>> No.57909732
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1679586793215617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. 10k has been the primary /biz/ bottom target since early-mid 2021. If you're new to /biz/ then it might interest you to learn that we didn't settle on 10k randomly or without reason. The target has a history and an origin. Our prediction BTC will bottom out at 10k or slightly below 10k goes back to the CME gap at 9600–9700 which manifested in 2020, and to the 9k-10k range being a huge support and resistance area from 2019 to 2020. Those two factors are the prime causes why we said the bottom will be 10k and why we've stuck with that target all this time.

Another reason we went with 10k is that the previous bottom was ~84% from the top, and previously Bitcoin fell 85% and twice 94% and once 76% and once 72% so we used an estimate of 85% and 85% from 64.8k (the top back in April 2021) puts BTC at 9.7k – right at that CME gap, and from 69k the bottom becomes 10k. But some anons even predicted a 10k bottom before the 64.8k top was even in, in the middle of that bullrun: some said things like "BTC will hit 80k and then drop to 10k" or "The top will be 50k and then it'll dump to 10k", which they did due to the aforementioned CME gap and that huge support/resistance area.

>> No.57909743

triple confirmation... exit all markets

>> No.57909813

you are botting the digits. bobos desperate

>> No.57910076
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>> No.57910228

Give it a rest, guy
That ship sailed as soon as we went back above 40 for the 3rd time
Shitcoin season is officially in swing, btc is hovering near ath, large caps are showing signal pumps for runup. 10k is only possible if the fed decides to deflate the dollar HARD, which is as likely as Powell showing the blackmail videos his handlers have on him on live TV

>> No.57910435

Unfortunately for you, the CME gap remains unfilled. And not only that one, but another one at 20k as well. Both are on the 1D. The one at 20k is one of the largest gaps BTC has ever had. So it's not a question of if we'll see Bitcoin dump to 20k and 10k, but rather when.

>inb4 what about the 3.5k one
It's a tiny gap on the 4H so it's irrelevant and will most likely never get filled.

>> No.57911164

It's funny how the cycle always repeats so closely. I remember when BTC was flirting with 20k in the previous bull market and bobos were saying the exact same thing about le CME gap at 3k or whatever. Deja vu, now it's the same story with 10k.

>> No.57912570

Based and CME pilled.

>> No.57912864

We see all the screenshots from last bear markets when people were calling for the actual low, compared to mumumania posts, but never the bear euphoria retardation. Into the memory hole
The CME gap posters also have no response to the RIDICULOUS demand pressure exerted right now

>> No.57912891
File: 401 KB, 978x975, A665D455-5B91-4A0F-9C7E-EDE4CD4E3A2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fug

>> No.57913741

surely it's not real

>> No.57914555

Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that bobos follow the "market cycle psychology" meme chart too, just in inverse. The CME fud is one of the most retarded of their narratives, but I've also seen the classic Tether and China doom-posting make a return during this rally.

>> No.57914687
File: 228 KB, 850x1596, The fabled 3k bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says CME gaps are "fud" and "retarded"
Yet you also wrote: >>57911164 quote:
> "I remember when BTC was flirting with 20k in the previous bull market and bobos were saying the exact same thing about le CME gap at 3k"
And then it went to 3k. So they were right. And if you've been here since then, you also remember the 18k gap. The was a CME gap at 18k which bulls were saying would never get filled. Then roughly 500 days later it got filled. And that happened in spite the "BTC can't possibly go below a previous ATH again!" idea people had in their heads, and the related idea that 20k was an unbreakable support. Despite of all that, the 18k gap still got filled.

>> No.57914844

>And then it went to 3k. So they were right.
I'm talking about late 2020, post Covid crash. They were wrong and that was the point most became sidelined. Trying to imply that the Covid black swan (which was unpredictable) had anything to do with CME gaps is retarded.
>Despite of all that, the 18k gap still got filled.
Could it possibly be that BTC is an extremely volatile asset, so volatile that if you arbitrarily pick prices from the near past there is a high chance the price will revisit the level?

>> No.57914925

This cancels the first bear trip?

>> No.57914977

btc did not go go 3k. The lowest it got was 3.5k after 2017 bull run. I remember it.

>> No.57915050

Bear trap you mean? Hard to say, the volume of BTC being bought right now is an unprecedented event at this point in the cycle, but that sounds too much like "this time is different". I wouldn't be surprised at all if we see a 20% flash crash at any moment, but I took my positions during the bear market and I'm not even thinking of selling until mid 2025 so that's irrelevant to me. If i had no exposure, I'd be cautiously stacking in small increments right now with reserve cash set aside for a potential bear trap.

>> No.57915092

another "screencap" for the memoryhole

>> No.57915101
File: 279 KB, 420x410, 1701817996556002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CME gap

>> No.57915171

>screenshots from 2018
you might not know this, newfaggot, but in 2018 we had a fork on bcash where bsv and bch camps fractured
they started selling all their bitcoin to prop up their fight for the BCH ticker, with Calvin's side losing and having to fork into BSV

to you, the dump to 3k is something mythical, "le gap was filled"
to people that were here, we knew what was going on

also, "cme gap" posting was being spammed AFTER we had gone to 3k, when we went back to 5k

>> No.57915492

Didnt that crash also coincided with the s&p shitting the bed because of the ffr and powell going brrrr shortly after thus setting the bottom in both crypto and tradfi
Well until the next fed oopsie

>> No.57915669
File: 1.04 MB, 799x1186, The Dumpening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was here for all of 2018, plebbitspacer.

>> No.57915808
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>> No.57915995
File: 16 KB, 288x666, The ''''''corona'''''' dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming the march 2020 dump on muh meme virus
Cringe. If you were in crypto back then you know prior to that dump the market was overbought and the dump had already begun - even prior to March, and then the supports around 7k failed which was a crucial zone and with that failure people sold off. It was pure trading based on how the chart looked at the time, not any external happenings or muh news.
>had anything to do with CME gaps is retarded
Nobody is saying that CME gaps "do" or "cause" anything to happen or that they somehow "pull the price down" or anything like that, which seems to be what you're imagining that people who post about CME gaps think. That's a very common misconceived idea newfags have in their heads; it's similar to how they wrongly imagine that people who post charts containing for instance a support or resistance line think that drawing that line means BTC "must obey the line" or that "the line will cause btc to move" or some asinine garbage like that. Nobody thinks stuff like that, but newfags who don't understand charting imagine that's how people think.

>> No.57916054
File: 760 KB, 1803x756, hashwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the original MP3 from vocaroo of the FIRST version of the Vishnu aka Poolip reading? The one WITHOUT the curry music? No? Well, I don't either, but I remember it.

>> No.57916104

are you aware of how many cme gaps bitcoin makes?
theres one at ~$150. from over 10 years ago.
cme gappers will rope

>> No.57916148

This one: >>/biz/thread/12153593#p12154191
Then the music was added: >>/biz/thread/12153593#p12154616
The original one without the music has been lost since then. Asked a few times in 2021 like here >>/biz/thread/S26344151#p26344785 about this, if anyone had the original, but seemed nobody saved it.

>> No.57916454

Oh yeah, as you >>57915171 were here you of course know what >>57915808 refers to, and in addition you also know the origin of that "logo" and why it's funny (the origin makes it funny, especially in combination with what it /biz/-wise refers to). Btw that particular pic of that logo has only been posted ONCE prior to now, in July of that year: https://archive.is/28SfN (archived hash search)

>> No.57916709

There is always a supreme moron like this in all these threads and i have grown tired of correcting them

>> No.57917623

If you think the dump from 6k to 3k was due to the hash war, you either:
> 1 – Weren't into Bitcoin at the time and you've simply read about the war after the fact (or saw some people saying the dump was due to the war and decided to parrot what you heard them say).
> 2 – You were one of those types of anons who never does any technical analysis, and only looks at news and events and so on and thinks news and events are what drive price movements – in which case you either at that time was reading news articles pushing the narrative the war is causing the dump, or you thought negative news about the war is causing the dump. So you were oblivious to what had been happening on the chart, oblivious to all the trading, and oblivious to the structures and supports which had been set up through said trading.

>> No.57917630

Continued: Already back in early February BTC had established ~6k as a support area which was loooong before the hash war started, and then for months and months BTC crabbed over 6k and did some rallies and kept coming back to test the support. The more times a support is tested, in that fashion, the weaker it gets. Eventually it fails. To be super specific the bottom was 5.8k in Feb, and so that was the crucial level that had to hold, but the crabbing occurred just over 6k mostly. 5.8k was tested several times, but the low 6k range was tested lots and lots of times. Then finally there was yet another dump to 5.8k but that time the support finally broke. It went under 5.7k (it had already been to 5.7k in June but promptly bounced) and that time it was simply too low – that dump thoroughly broke that critical support. So mass fear and panic ensued, hence there was lots of panic selling. It was a true "Capitulation" and "Despair" moment (quoting the meme chart). ~6k was supposed to hold, and when that support was gone many feared BTC was dying. And that wasn't something people suddenly thought, but rather they'd already made up their minds in advance that if the ~6k support failed then things would get extremely bad. So it was all about maintaining that ~6k support area – we all knew if the bulls failed to maintain BTC above that price area then a dump cascade to 4k-3k would occur quickly, which is precisely what happened. So no, the hash war wasn't some magical black swan event that came out of nowhere and suddenly crashed BTC. The "bottom" of ~6k had already been established in early February and was tested over and over again since then. It was all about that.

>> No.57917645

it has never been more over for stinkies

>> No.57918770

Drink the blood, 11th of march the tides turn

>> No.57919096
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See you at 150-200k.