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File: 40 KB, 640x394, pinataEconomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57906407 No.57906407 [Reply] [Original]

How do I donate to charity in a way that is effective and not a scam? Do you know good non-profits? Maybe experience helping on a local level? Or even funding research?
Budget from 10-100k/year (depending on how useful it is) and would like to focus on education, health, children and wildlife.

I am specifically looking for good leverage /arbitrage opportunities, meaning many small investments with relatively large impact.

>> No.57907744

Donate to right wing causes at least

>> No.57907828

Based picrel.
Your question is exactly what Effective Altruism is intended to help answer, although that particular brand got trashed in the media after SBF championed EA before he got arrested for high fuckery.
It's important to sort out if you want your money to be effective or if you want to feel good about your donations, because those are two vastly different goals, and their shared area is probably not that big.
I struggle with the same question as you. I loaded a DAF with appreciated crypto (yay tax benefits), and now I have a hard time figuring out how to distribute the stuff.
There are a number of charity rating sites that let you stare at the financial numbers they're forced to publish by law. That lets you weed out the most obvious parasites, but won't be enough to judge how effective they actually are at whatever their stated aim is.

>> No.57907845

have sex

>> No.57907865

All charity is a scam, if you want to improve the world start a business or increase positive sum actors control by buying BTC

>> No.57907871
File: 84 KB, 570x604, 1375536016926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the 3rd panel:

>Faggot Economics: Pretend like you're "beating the rich" down with taxes and regulations while it's actually most heavily applied to progressively disenfranchised working class people and you enable the effective merger of megacorp/state interests

>> No.57907954

I wish I could beat Redditors and Spics and niggers like a piñata to get all my tax money back

>> No.57907983 [DELETED] 
File: 882 KB, 2024x1024, 1709891403633136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.57908011

Piñata Economics: aim for the rich hit the poor kek

>> No.57908012

This anon, all charity business is like the art market, basically money laundering.

>> No.57908027

>the have-nots: my status is a result of someone else's greed!
>proceed to "eat the rich" and squander whatever wasn't destroyed in the process
>the have-nots: there, now everyone is poor. this is better.
tale as old as time.

>> No.57908071

retarded pic. people's mind have been infected with socialism for too long. money or gold or whatever is not wealth, that's why when there is a communist revolution it fails every single time.
to me its incredible that there is people who fall for this.

>> No.57908074

I don't "eat the rich", I'm taking from banks, hedgies and retarded investors

>> No.57908131

nothing wrong with that. but your OP pic implies some sort of revolution, which historically involved low-IQ poors shooting themselves in the foot for the short term dopamine release of murdering people who were better than them.

>> No.57908139

Yeah EA turned me off at first sight. Ty I will look into the rating sites...effect is probably more important than looks. Maybe investing in private equity or giving out good loans to small businesses will have a better outcome.

>> No.57908161


>> No.57908214

I know people who built wells and shit like that in 3rd world countries which helped these people a lot, but it is not gonna change the world ofcourse. Don't have the time for a business.

>> No.57908227


>> No.57908306

I can't make up my mind about them. They seem to have guerilla tactics but when you look at what a scam most charities are, maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. It's hard to evaluate as an outsider and they seem very careful about what they discuss with the public.

>> No.57908429

Local food banks.