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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57901018 No.57901018 [Reply] [Original]

>Jeff Bezos Made Over $7.9 Million An Hour Every Hour In 2023 — In Under 13 Minutes, He Brought In The Equivalent Of What The Typical Person Earns In A Lifetime

>> No.57901056

And how much has the American people funded his bizness?

>> No.57901092

how much has the American government at state and federal and local level been complicit in enforcing shutdowns and shuttering small businesses during covid and through onerous requirements of obamacare

(a lot)

>> No.57901107

Not to mention Trumps trade war caused family farms without huge amounts of capital to sell to corporations, both foreign and domestic.

>> No.57901111

I love how normies assume billionaires have a giant safe with billions of dollars in cash like some Scrooge Mcduck cartoon.

>> No.57901164

I like how you think, billionaires can take our cash that we loan to them, and not settle their debts before investing into other ventures.

>> No.57901210


>> No.57901216
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this is how they manipulate normies. They are so fucking evil because jeff bezos also "lost" money for 2 years straight because amazon stock also went down. The journalists who put this out should be publicly executed by firing squad do you guys notice they only make slander like this against a certain ethnicity of billionaires like bezos and musk but never the google guys or zuckerberg

>> No.57901233

you can do the same thing

>> No.57901263

Not if I have honor, and know that the universe is all powerful, and balance is mathematically assured.

>> No.57901393

Yeah. Normies also think when they deposit money at a bank, the bank stores it for when they want it back.

>> No.57901478

Can you imagine what a nightmarish existence this bald zard hybrid cunt man lives???

>> No.57901480

To be fair he did provide multiple services that are used by the majority of society, government and business, revolutionized the online marketplace, servers and service based architecture (no he didn't invent it, but AWS pushed it).

He didn't just pluck it out of thin air, he provided something so valuable everyone wanted it, used it, and assumes it will always be there.

You can do the same and earn money like him too.

Still hate the Amazon iteration of LOTR though.

>> No.57901493
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He has good taste in yachts though.
>additional bar
>sculpture of his nude girlfriend

>> No.57901656

Small businesses and shopping malls are much more beneficial for societies health. This conversation were having, would be much better for the both of us, in person. But I get it, you like feeling nothing.

>> No.57901685

>Amerimutts glorify this stealing of ealth from others

>> No.57901701

Sure he did that ands deserves to be rich, but the proportions are off
1/10 of wehat he has would be ok

>> No.57901731

If Trump wins again he will give this faggot another tax cut.

>> No.57901760

Yet he is still an ugly bald cuck who no woman gives a shit about

>> No.57901911

mf can literally change the word for the better and still have 80% of his fortune and chooses not to, fuck all of these assholes
i struggle to make a living and yet i invest on stocks make plans for shit, make short term money and long term ones. like right now i finished buying all political coins i could find, yes including shitcoins like bigmike, to benefit from the elections and the pump
but it's still a fucking gamble, fuck
i just want to live a good life, don't struggle too much and be happy, man

>> No.57901933

yes, its called banks and its worse, they just print the money

>> No.57901944

Nobles at least funded the arts.
With every hour he could have funded a life's worth of statues out of some artist.

>> No.57901950
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>This conversation were having, would be much better for the both of us, in person. But I get it, you like feeling nothing.
Ouch that hurts man

>> No.57902004

>equating net worth to salary again

>> No.57902024


>> No.57902028

>give me mones plox
lmao. make something of your self, stop gambling and reinvest the money into a business and you too can be like bezos.

>> No.57902037

Bezos could literally get billions of dollars in cash if he wanted though. But there's no point in doing that.

>> No.57902042

This nigga made more in one minute than I made in the whole year, damn.

>> No.57902046

mf could create a multibillion-dollar passion project side business focused on solving climate change or some shit but instead chose to fuck around and fly rockets into space which provides literally 0 benefit to humanity

>> No.57902068

his bitch is goulish

>> No.57902240


>> No.57902298

There's a reason for them not doing this, people are naturally leeches. Even these fucking billionaires are leeches. If you give the peasants even an inch, they will take the whole yard and ask for more. They can feed a billion people in Africa easily but if you feed them, they're not gonna hunt or farm anymore but ask for food every time. It's literally the saying teach a man to fish and shit. I'm extremely broke and even I know that reality. Fuck, if you give me even $100 a day for free you fucking well know I'd just sit at home and masturbate and do nothing.

>> No.57902327

I think mr beast pretty much showed us how EASy is to solve most of these problems if you have the resources and money, the thing is: they're not profitable, so obviously the rich, being the snakes and old pieces of shit that literally only want MORE money won't dare to do ANYTHING that doesn't increase their wealth.
Literally most socio-economic-political problems of the world would be solved if we killed/ate the rich.

>> No.57902496

Amazon is owned by the US Gov.

You are living in something that nazi germany was, except it's 1000 times more

The state wants to control everything.

>> No.57902702

What's the point of labeling the main mast and the ship's radar? REEEEE

>> No.57902908

Imaginary numbervalue is nothing. He has anything that money can buy, but still that money is not real.

>> No.57902928

Why do normies think fake shit like "net worth" is money?

>> No.57902979

Why is ''The King'' dating a 50 years old plastic bimbo? A 15 years old Chad can fuck a 13 years old virgin pussy, why is ''The King" fucking a 50 years old alien looking bitch?

>> No.57903017

>He has anything that money can buy
Money can't buy you shit legally. All the good things are illegal nowadays. He's a plant for the Elite, he is forced to date an alien looking ugly bimbo to promote feminist garbage, at least someone like DiCaprio was able to talk his way into dating 19 years olds, but he had to get fucked by people like Weinstein when he was young so that's equally bad.

>> No.57903028
File: 43 KB, 736x619, 7b9b0fab373621f2c3d28c4a0c30533d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>figurehead of Lauren Sanchez
This has to be a humiliation ritual ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit ahahahahahahahahahahahaha
He must have pissed off a Rothchild lmaoooooooo

>> No.57903136

Your tune would immediately change if you suddenly 10000x'd on some shitcoin and became wealthy yourself.

>> No.57903246

>want to do thing
>get loan
>pay denbts
Then he is a slave like the rest of us. Paper fucking "billionare"

>> No.57903461

Ironically he is probably enslaved worse than any average dude. The average /biz/ nigger just wants $2-3M and live off 4% withdrawals to NEET and play vidya all day. He's stuck constantly running his business, balancing his cashflows, answering to govt. and embroiled in legal drama everyday.

>> No.57903481

also i bet my penis is bigger than his

>> No.57903928

kill the 0.001%

>> No.57903980

>unrealized no liquidity gains

>> No.57904065

>because I said so!

>> No.57904101

I would invest 500mil in breeding genetically superior superhumans, artificial wombs to repopulate my declining country.
Not some stupid boat that I use for one week a year, and the Internet latency is shit. Same goes for huge mansions, why would I want 20 people (staff) to be in my house all the time?
I would build a mansion but I would use it as a laboratory, office, stuff like that

>> No.57905644

i see the bog-pill is starting to take effect

>> No.57905927

I love how you think billionairs are somehow poor
You retarded nigger

>> No.57905979

Its their cope let them

>> No.57906018

they're both Jews or Jew-adjacent btw

>> No.57906391

I think just the opposite - if we got rid of the slovenly poor there would be no need for the vast majority of government services and taxation, which would make everyone else's life better.

>> No.57906460

>solving climate change
Kill the globalist elites. Boom, solved
Pro tip: co2 is a massive red herring its significance is a meme.
>t. PhD scientist

>> No.57906616
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just start your own amazon

>> No.57906623

The point the anon made was the money stays in circulation via the financial sector or is put straight into some business

>> No.57906677

>provides literally 0 benefit to humanity
asteroid mining is the only way you will ever achieve net zero carbon. Read first par of Limits to Growth. You would have to wreck the planet to mine the minerals for solar panels and the like