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57890959 No.57890959 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is round, right. So if it wanted to, it could roll. It hasn't so far. But it could. But this also means... that if the ground that Bitcoin is on was to get angled upwards a bit (so the ground in front of - or to the right of - Bitcoin is raised and the ground behind Bitcoin - or to the left of it - is lowered), then Bitcoin would start rolling backwards. That would be bad. Then the candles on the chart would start going to the left. It would turn into a leftist coin. And the price would probably become negative. I guess that'd mean everyone would starting "owing" money to Bitcoin. Just like how everyone "owed" everything in taxes to the jewish communist Soviet government. So how do we make sure the ground doesn't get angled upward, huh. It's a problem we should solve. But if it gets angled downwards then Bitcoin might start rolling really fast downwards which would reduce the price so eventually it'd be worth less than fiat. That'd be bad too. Optimally the ground should be totally flat and someone should blow on Bitcoin from behind to give it a push. But there's also the question of whether Bitcoin spinning around would cause everyone's portfolio to spin around as well. Maybe the "you spin me right round" song would start playing. That'd be kinda gay dessu. But if we all spin together as Bitcoin spins then maybe we wouldn't notice the spinnage.

>> No.57891124

i think that snailposter has the answer to this, anon. we put the coin on the back of a snail, that way whichever direction the snail is moving it will be slow and easy to manage

>> No.57891149

Woah. That actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.57891337
File: 138 KB, 1115x1115, Untitled134_20240307163849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post I’ve read in months on here

>> No.57891420


>> No.57891426

Best post on biz

>> No.57891442
File: 166 KB, 1080x944, Me On The Right7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57891470

Ethereum solves this.

>> No.57891486

roundmeal I buy it with bitcoin (round also)

>> No.57891510


>> No.57893152

