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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 218 KB, 1075x1280, valuable things assets with value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57890486 No.57890486 [Reply] [Original]

how do you convince retarded liberal boomers to invest in things that will have value in 20 years when they are dead, so they can pass down an inheritance

>> No.57890508

>retarded liberal boomers
Don't convince, they need culling. Maybe convince them to be goguns preppers so you have a loot stash to raid.

>> No.57890513

Why not invest in valuable things now, and then buy XMR in 19 years?

>> No.57890521

because xmr will overtake bitshit in fiat value within 10 years

>> No.57890534

why are collapse peddlers like this?

>> No.57890545

So….it’ll be valuable sooner than 20 years.

>> No.57890553

why are retarded liberals unable to understand cause and effect

>> No.57890566

I just said that didn't I

>> No.57890588

Hey I made this, though you had to seethe about it, cropping out Bitcoin and leaving Monero

>> No.57890602

Though if I were to make it again, I'd probably do only Bitcoin.

>> No.57890614

I'm not seething about anything, I simply made your image correct

>> No.57890654

At least do it right and don't stretch out the logo into some crayola looking shit

>> No.57890669


they resist all logical ideas

>> No.57890722

You can't convince people the same age who are smarter than you, because your ideology about the matter isn't very impressive. Stop creating these impotent tantrum threads and have a little dignity.

>> No.57890734

dunning kruger

>> No.57890743

They should call Monero Dunning Krugerrands.

>> No.57890757

why, because you can't understand the long term implications of a supply curve and not being tracked by feds

>> No.57890780

No, because you can't understand that money is a social phenomenon as well as technical, or why no one will ever care

>> No.57890796

your technical situation is unwinnable, no matter how many retards you convince otherwise

>> No.57891274

sorry I rather buy gold than tech that does not even work sorry you got filtered midwit

>> No.57891310

OK so buy it in 5 years. Got it

>> No.57891336

buy high sell low, whatever man

>> No.57891354

You doomer "investors" are even worse.

>> No.57891386

your city will look like gaza in 10 years

>> No.57891568

>society will collapse
>you should invest in monero and gold
any credible scenario where having tons of ammo and guns and cattle will make gold and monero worthless, unless you believe the same society that collapsed will also rebuild itself in a short timespan and also readopt monero, which makes you seem even more retarded, faggot
>tldr: kys

>> No.57891642

tldr you didn't think it all the way through, because the federal government and local government collapses, or doesn't exist

gold is still used in these situations, silver as well, because they are immutable, they are not based on a government's wishes

presumably, some internet companies would still exist, because businesses are too heavily invested in the internet to allow it to fall

corporations and businesses can still function without governments, they basically become the new governing bodies of their local area

dutch east india company, etc