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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1080x1863, 26513813_10215032667515343_5515261_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5787951 No.5787951 [Reply] [Original]

>not going all in on REQ

>> No.5788072
File: 156 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in the game over the weekend at $250 am I gonna make it?

>> No.5788074

I am a poor neet. I am wondering how you guys get your money. Are you people who have great jobs who throw decent amount of your income in, or are you just average people who put some money in something that is really cheap but has potential and watch it grow? Arre there people who started with like 500 and now have like 100k?

>> No.5788159

I actually started with $100 on BTC when it was around $400 and watched it grew up to 5k

>> No.5788208

you will if you exit the fuck out of LTC

>> No.5788227

Could easily 7x or more by EOY nice folio

>> No.5788270

you need to start with at least 5 figures to have a chance now

>> No.5788274

Whats your prediction for REQ price by end of this month op?

>> No.5788330
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>hidden balances

poorfag detected
great coins tho

>> No.5788371
File: 303 KB, 1080x2363, 20180102_195932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really want some NEO, ENG, and then either more REQ, some ADA, or some LEND. Got in REQ at $0.08, wish I had bought way more, obviously. What do you think?

>> No.5788388
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I need gains fast what do i do

>> No.5788434
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>> No.5788482

Go back in time and buy REQ and XRB

>> No.5788493
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>implying I'm not all in on REQ

I see you are a man of class as well

>> No.5788553

Although a small position, I would drop FUN and get some other coin instead like the ones you mentioned

>> No.5788590
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Put $500 in right when LTC took off. Heard about Binance and bought XRP which then moon'd.

I stupidly bought XRB last night at like $35 so got fucked there but happy about my XML move. Still up over 100% in a few weeks.

Going to put in another $500 tomorrow - what should I buy?

>> No.5788687

If you like money buy some REQ

>> No.5788695

I'd strongly recommend REQ while it's still under $1, and ENG should be massive (and still relatively inexpensive) and I have high hopes for it. Stranger's shillings though.

>> No.5788736

Most intelligent fella on the thread so far

>> No.5788748
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Thinking to swap 1 eth for neo?

>> No.5788788
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>Most intelligent fella on the thread so far

>> No.5788812

Yeah no offense but XVG is a super sketchy hold these days imho

>> No.5788849
File: 158 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180102-211223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with $800 2 weeks ago. Behold.

>> No.5788885
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Get on my level

>> No.5788959

I like your style.

>> No.5789007

you're not going to make it big with that much spread on small capital
consolidate into 2-3 undervalued coins and hope for a BMW

>> No.5789020

I can see ur a nigger, I'm pretty nigger myself.

>> No.5789079

whats your entry bigboi

>> No.5789181

But there's so many good projects and I love the shotgun approach! Already made $740 off $94 of REQ, doubled on TRX.

Why not go for a bunch of $100 investments in these smaller tokens?

(A: To afford more of the big tokens that can still blow up)

Counter: But wouldn't I in theory be able to make more money off $100 into a small coin I can get many of versus the same amount to get a couple larger coins that aren't going to have the same capacity to 10x, at least not nearly as quickly?

Perhaps I'm looking at this wrong. Still very new to this, have put in $2600 CAD since Nov.28.

>> No.5789225

>Started with 800 in June feel like I should be ahead but I made some bad mistakes early on FOMO'ing on BCH

>> No.5789246
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Forgot pic

>> No.5789401

Got in late, 40 cents

>> No.5789497

when you have little capital, you are not maximizing your gains by spreading too much as only some of those will moon while other coins will drag.
I started a month ago too, used to spread out like yours thinking to capture as much gains as possible, gains was minuscule
consolidated to 3 coins and i've 5x my investment last 2 weeks

>> No.5789829

Yeah man, fuck, that's completely valid. I just can't help FOMOing over everything I know is gonna moon, everyone's like "oh this coin is gonna have a great 2018" for fuckin every coin under the sun, but it's not like only 2 of them are right - there are gonna be dozens of major moon missions because (I believe) there are dozens of worthwhile projects.

I'm in this for the long haul and I don't care much when a coin drags for a couple days so much as everything I have is doing alright and doesn't dip below what I originally bought for. I know it's less effective gains than putting all of my money in a few things, especially positions in things I know will keep moving up, but it also *greatly* spreads the risk I think.

Maybe I'd be better off just increasing my current positions until I have a lot more capital at stake otherwise I'd be much too overextended and very much not realizing potential gains, but I feel like I'm in a spot right now where it's not so bad that I'd have to get rid of anything. The LTC and BTC at the bottom isn't even enough for a trading pair lol

>> No.5789836
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Will I make it?
Please tell me I'll make it anons

>> No.5790058
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We will make it raibros.

>> No.5790129
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Old image but holdings still the same

>> No.5790475

there'll be plenty of moon mission short and long term this year, just do your due diligence when investing in these coins and value their potential.
risk wise, your spread out well. hell i almost lost half my portfolio if i didn't exit XVG ath. just know your timing.
don't fomo and look for dips to buy in, nothing goes up forever.

>> No.5790526
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Will I make it?

>> No.5790545

profit is profit, and doubling your money is fantastic no matter what your investment. Even if you start with $50, you can easily have hundreds within a couple weeks, thousands within a few months (and this is assuming you're just taking small gains here and there).

>> No.5790581
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>> No.5790603

>750 REQ
>1,600 XLM
>730 XRP
>2 BTC
Am I gonna make it bruhs?

>> No.5790668

How do you do this? All inning on coins and selling when ATH?

>> No.5790701
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Let’s go boys

>> No.5790783

Thanks very much for your advice. I'm not gonna be able to afford to drop more money in soon anyways so overextending won't be a huge issue for a while yet. I guess I also have to look at it like not being able to hop on every train I want, so I should just focus on what I already have and optimize those holdings. If that includes getting rid of the little guys like FUN and TRX, so be it.

I mean what I really want/believe in most long term is XRB but it's so damn expensive that selling my small positions wouldn't increase my XRB holdings significantly and it'd feel wasteful, especially if the coins (that I was holding) keep going up.

Same sort of logic with cashing out my initial investment, which I'm waiting to do until around the end of the month or when I hit ~$10K USD, I just want to part with as small a % of the coins I'll be selling as possible.

>> No.5790805
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I’m three days in - started at $900.

I have another $500 to throw in - maybe more xlm or ad req and link.

>> No.5790825

No no no. I turned $1k into $3,340 as of today. I put that $1k in last Friday.

My job pays $15/hr and some over time. I just save up money and invest it. You can either waste it on redbulls, pizza, burgers, games etc. OR you can try to invest it and let your money grow. One has the potential to make you comfy (even if it's just some extra income or millions) the other is a guaranteed waste of money.

>> No.5790827


>> No.5790878

That's some balls you got there my friend

>> No.5790881
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The epitome of /earlyretirementclub/

Check my green ass ID

>> No.5790942


That seems like a judgy disapproval thing.

>> No.5790948
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>> No.5790985

If it loses more than 15% (which is absurd but that's what this volitility is bringing us). SELL IT. If it keep dropping, buy in later if it's a coin that will last. Other than that, take out profits. Buy back in on dips (corrections when the price skyrockets suddenly and everyone sells). And just go long on a few coins with good tech/ideas. You won't always win, but you have to mitigate your loss by walking away. THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO PANIC SELL VALUABLE COINS. If you had sold BTC at 12k after the crash, you'd be a moron.

>> No.5790987

those long term holds or what? mind shilling me on a few

>> No.5791071

...The question is what's your profit, not how much do you hold.

>> No.5791084

~40k spread:
XLM - 30%
ICX - 25%
XRB - 20%
VEN - 15%
REQ - 10%

>> No.5791133

Why are people hyped about REQ?

>> No.5791136

If I applied the sell at 15% logic to XRB, I'd be a very sad little boy. Thanks for the advice though senpai

>> No.5791156

XRP is boom or bust 100%. We'll know by end of the year.

>> No.5791186
File: 107 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-231308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first 1k today, i paid a total of 425 for all of these coins. Will I make it?

>> No.5791230

nigga what the fuck are you doing
sell it all for BAT

>> No.5791270

Same 1k first also anon congrats bro

>> No.5791280

>21% on verge
nigga just needs to cut his losses and make back his money on DRGN

>> No.5791298

congrats bro
>in XRP

please please please be a joke

>> No.5791310
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>> No.5791341
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>> No.5791369
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what to do with eth?

>> No.5791381
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Started last month so pls no bully this poorfag wagecuck.

>> No.5791401

a smarter man would have sold already and moved everything to XLM

>> No.5791415
File: 261 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-221836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to win? Been daytrading a bit doubled my portfolio since Christmas day

>> No.5791428


How much did you start with?

>> No.5791439

Sold my eth yesterday for DRGN
feeling pretty comfy, looks like its going to be a good Q1 2018

>> No.5791458


>> No.5791471


I’ve done the same thing with completely different coins. (Other than xlm)

This isn’t that hard.

>> No.5791508

Went in with $2k at first. Just bought additional $3k in ETH because I realized I wouldn't increase my investment fast enough otherwise. Can't wait for that to be credited to coinbase so I can pump DBC some more and then FUN later this month.
If I can't lambo then I'll probably suicide anyway.

>> No.5791510

I only have €200 invested in 3 diff coins. Should I put it all on a coin I truly believe in? (Dent)

>> No.5791553
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Shit forgot pic

>> No.5791600

Whats wrong with xrp? Im not expecting a 17000 dollar coin, but it will increase so im fine.

>> No.5791616
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started with $850 ~august. link gonna make me a few 100ks

>> No.5791617

I know thta was my point, we should be able to get to 7 figures end of year right?

>> No.5791680
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Who here /neverselling/

>> No.5791720

Rate, guys.

>> No.5791767

everyone knows link req qsp are the holy trinity. youll be fine

>> No.5791882

How much GAS did you get from 320 NEO? Good stuff aon.

>> No.5791894


I’d say six - 7 would be awesome though.

>> No.5791907

What kind of GAS are you earning with that much NEO? And how often do you get it?
ayy lmao

>> No.5791924


>> No.5792007
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Started w $1000

>> No.5792044
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this bad boy will be worth no less than 50k in the next few weeks thanks to the KING

>> No.5792054
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Rate pls, I'm kinda new to this shit

>> No.5792055

>cut my losses
I bought in at $.008 so I can't really lose anything

>> No.5792063
File: 111 KB, 750x1334, X8gNKvS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a great week, and it's going to be an even greater year.

The only reason I still have ETH is because Bitgrail is cucking me with withdrawal limits after selling my XRB.

>> No.5792093
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started with 40k around thanksgiving. I didn't buy XRB because of bitgrail being sketchy at $1, or I would've had 200k. oh well, I will still make it probably

>> No.5792114
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>Inb4 newfag

Send me some TRX then...


>> No.5792129



>> No.5792185
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KuCoing invitation code - 1rgcr

same here, we're gonna make it bro

>> No.5792194
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Started with 400 bucks. Will I make it?

>> No.5792196

>86 dollars.

Holy shit dude what the fuck are you doing. Did you just enter the market or something?

>> No.5792252

Actually Yes

>> No.5792317

Why the fuck are you diversifying so much with $86? You'd think that was $86 million.

>> No.5792368
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Need halp, will accept pajeet shill comments

>> No.5792422

The only ones that I can recommend right now are matchpool and ark. Though Aragon is taking on a bunch of new hires, finally, and it's being furiously developed. The mainnet is scheduled to be released Q1 of next year. A conservative prediction would 15$ by the end of Q2 next year.

>> No.5792446
File: 81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-044659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with 2k in december 2016. I'm still a NEET hopefully will be for the rest of my life. I fucking love you anon from /g/ who told me to buy ethereum. Changed my life forever.

>> No.5792469

What was your start?

>> No.5792557
File: 97 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5k on the 15th of december.

Although I cashed out $210k in late november to pay off my mortgage, so I'm not a newfag. This time I'm staying in till I can retire.

>> No.5792613
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>> No.5792740

Wow, great bro. Hope you'll make it asap.

>> No.5792758
File: 78 KB, 750x1334, 1mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a scale of 1%-100%, how likely can I hit 1 mil by end of 2018? started 2 weeks ago with 25k. bought all biz coins ;)

>> No.5792761
File: 137 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-205652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here, rest of the holdings are 50 USD in Payfair, HTML, and Dogecoin each.

>> No.5792798

Once coinbase finished my bank verification probably gonna dump another $100 into VEN or ELIX

>> No.5792799

>floor is collapsing beneath REQs pajeet feet
>/biz/ continues to shill

REQ is Link 2.0.

>> No.5792863

Again, don't panic sell valuable coins. 15% drops are to sell. Let them go lower (mitigate loss). Then buy back in at a lower price. Not sell forever. Also, I don't sell valuable technology coins unless I see steady loss over days. Gotta separate meme coins from people doing god work out there.

>> No.5792871
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>> No.5792877

Thanks. Here's a little freebie for you.

Get some Ardor on Poloniex/HitBTC. Trading is still frozen on Bittrex after Ardor launched its mainnet on the 1st of Jan. You won't be able to move your ARDR out of Poloniex/HitBTC for a few days while testing occurs, but when Bittrex opens trading in 1-3 days, expect an easy 2x.

Ardor is the only crypto 3.0 that has actually launched its mainnet, rather than be theoretical. It's always funny how nobody here ever talks about it, despite it having a $2B marketcap.

>> No.5792987
File: 594 KB, 1125x2436, 7C6556E5-278C-435F-A3F1-9F480B4A384B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope i make it

>> No.5793032

managed to get my 21 a couple days ago thanks to verge and stupid reddcoin, pretty comfy

>> No.5793158

hype pump. When it hits $1 I'm out.

>> No.5793342

Go away.

>> No.5793437
File: 132 KB, 800x778, 1428188226984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your newfag is showing.

I'll just copypasta my REQ facts since I can't be assed rephrasing it. But please, do sell your 750 REQ at $1.

REQ is currently working on adding ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin support. Fiat is after that.

The point of Request Network is that you can demand payment in whatever you want (for example USD). And the payer can pay in whatever they want (crypto,erc20,other fiat) and through 0x and kyber they will get exchanged in real time with the lowest fees possible (an order of magnitude lower than the exchange rates of credit cards).

Put simply, REQ tokens are what fuels the network. The REQ tokens are not currency.

>I'm selling my anal virginity on ebay
>It's priced in USD, but Ebay has embedded the REQ payment system
>You get to pay with cryptos, ERC20 or fiat, and no matter what you pay with, I still receive USD

Aside from its intended usage, which is what everyone is basing their valuation estimates on, it will tap directly into a $500 billion crypto-market in which it's currently hard to cash out of, and expensive to buy into.

So it might, or might not steal marketshares from Paypal. But it sure as shit will become a force to be reckoned with in the cryptomarkets.

And as an aside, YCombinator, which has a high stake in Coinbase, also have a high stake in REQ. Since REQ's very functionality will pose a threat to Coinbase's entire business model, it is only logical to assume that REQ will eventually be implemented in Coinbase to ensure that both platforms survive and thrive. Owners never let one one business kill the other when it is perfectly logical to merge the two.

>> No.5793480

Holy fuck balls you are spread WAY too thin. You need big money to spread. Buy ONE coin and ride the waves. Make profit on big swings. Sell. Wait for drop. Buy again. Do this about 100 times with various CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP coins. Thank me again when you're sitting at $4k in two months.

>> No.5793537


>> No.5793586

Yeah, I've just been faking my Blockfolio logs since christmas to impress autists like you on this yak fetish forum.

>> No.5793612
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RATE please brehs

>> No.5793663
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Newbb ready to get JUSTed

Blast me daddy

hopefully 2018 goes well

>> No.5793695
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I love my xemmies

>> No.5793741

If I were you I'd probably use some of the BTC to buy more alts

>> No.5793763

Don't bother. He's a brainlet. Let him play with his bitcorn.

>> No.5793828

Congrats. I reach 700$ today, start from 350$ in 21.12

>> No.5793932

LOl you mad because I called out your ABSOLUTE bullshit of 1500% growth in 20 days?

>> No.5793971

So trade all in for dbc or something like that?

>> No.5794005
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There's my tokens. Ardor stuck on various exchanges because of the mainnet launch. I spend 14-16 hours a day doing this shit.

Stick to your Bitcorn, you absolute brainlet. It's people like you who make this so god damn easy.

>> No.5794109
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R8 pls

>> No.5794265

OP here
nice folio, see you at the moon.

>> No.5794392


>hurrrrr keeping a $100 bitcoin woth $16k is bad investment as more normies drive the price up
Literally a retard. The fact you keep trying to insult people with a stale brainlet meme is proof enough you aren't worth shit and neither is your portfolio.

>> No.5794401
File: 35 KB, 1215x373, folio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumped my ripple for a bit of profit and went all in on REQ

/biz/ hype dont fail me now

>> No.5794440
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>my super diversified portfolio

>> No.5794455

Good folio. Needs ICX and a little TRX cause it's cheap.

>> No.5794507
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>Settling for a measly 10% gains
>When you could easily 10x it in a month if you had half a brain

Nah, hold on to those Bitcorns. I mean that.

>> No.5794555

>everyone is a larping day trader.
I have a job nigger. Unlike your chart which says you magically made 1500%+ in less than 3 weeks. Feel free to take that chart to wall street and literally get a multi million dollar job. Ohhh you won't because it's bullshit.

>> No.5794572
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See you there, captain.

>> No.5794598
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Not magically. The market is saturated with retards like you. That's why it's so easy.

>> No.5794647

>I trade all day and make better investments then literally the entire financial world
>and spend 10 hours a day on basket weaving emporiums somehow

Sure pal. Feel free to take a pic of your actual holdings with a time stamp.

>> No.5794711
File: 101 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-215534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's definitely possible, here is my 6 months graph.

>> No.5794755


rate mines

>> No.5794821

If you're starting out with less than $100, it only really makes sense to buy super low cap coins.

>> No.5794854

Shit nigga merry christmas

>> No.5795025
File: 220 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-02-23-02-16-090_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bagholder supreme here
Trying to accumulate passive income to retire on

The eth is actually in sphtx, Tau, and gat

>> No.5795029
File: 729 KB, 2448x3264, KNtxrgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you.

Now I'll go back to being productive. Your stupidity is giving me a fucking headache.

>> No.5795099

I believe you, but next time you really want to prove a point, just sign a message to ask him to kys using your private key. modifying an html page is easy

>> No.5795138

I second this. I started off with one litecoin at $80. Been building off of low cap coins ever sense.

>> No.5795141
File: 152 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to put more in req today. still a poorfag

>> No.5795148

thanks anon, hope you make it too

>> No.5795166

What was your 100-600k jump from?

>> No.5795173
File: 326 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-03-01-08-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king....

>> No.5795202
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-001101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a book keeper, usually make 1.2k a month. Put 3k into saving three weeks ago. Got lucky with pumps , small loses big wins. Its just luck and logic imo

>> No.5795485
File: 200 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-02-23-21-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5795509

XVG (made +9 btc out of it), got in july 90-190 sats
RDD bought at 80-50 sats
REQ, ZRX, WGR, EOS, ENG for the rest I would say

>> No.5795550
File: 156 KB, 750x1334, 48B9B0B2-0882-4358-A9F8-F14D962548B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s go