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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 776 KB, 1170x2103, IMG_4628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57871801 No.57871801 [Reply] [Original]

6k in Jan to this today

Probably will have 50k once lucky and hokk list.

>> No.57872082

>holding the two shitty dogs out of le hecking cerberus
Jesus christ

>> No.57872163

Up 2.5x on lucky and 20% on hokk ok fuddie.

Reminds me of the linkies fudding me at 6k telling me to switch to link back then. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.57872186

Reminder that this shit is fake and OP is a jeet

>> No.57872208
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>No BRC20 tokens
What are you even doing? Go to satoshirouter before it's too late for you

>> No.57872276
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Oh yeah nigger?
Whiter than you Jose.

>> No.57872279

Teach me

>> No.57872295
File: 502 KB, 1170x1834, IMG_4630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have another wallet with about 3k on it, but fuck off with your fud.

>> No.57872312

Yes anon I know. Im up 10x on my hokk and 30x on my LINU. Still its clear that LINU actually has people working on shit and the tg is alive af unlike the other two. But yes, I am aware that HOKK is supposed to be listed on citex tomorrow

>> No.57872383

I have a LINU bag but it’s tiny
In waiting for a dip to enter more though. That’s what my eth is for.

Hokk and Lucky both have LINU admins helping (I’m involved in all 3) and this whole cerebus thing actually will work. End game is the question. I’ll focus on the easy double and triple digit millions lucky and Hokk will get to, LINU definitely could go the distance but entry now would only get me a 10x in the next months, lucky and hokk will get that in this next month.

My advice is
>if you have high capital put it in eth/btc/top coins
>if you have low capital (under 100k) put it in risky plays

I’m full degen and it’s working. Avi is my best bag and will hit millions one day, thank god I took a chance on those furries.

>> No.57872412

i love folios like this because you are exactly who loses 90% of their gains

>> No.57872426

That’s what I was being told in my first thread at 6k

Keep coping

>> No.57872483

nice anon, im still at around 25k since u were at 30k

>> No.57872551

Should’ve held onto the Linu bags homie, the mega dips last month were scary but I held strong and accoomulated, this is less than half my stack. I only have 4m avi tho and I’m wondering if I should swap my trumpies for it since I think it can pump way more than donald. I also took a safer approach in I didn’t swap a whole lot, just bought and held

>> No.57872564
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Shit, it didn’t post

>> No.57872621

Holy fuck what is with all these cartoon shitcoins? Is this next gen investing? Im getting too old for this shit

>> No.57872625

Oh yeah bro I totally agree, I fucked up there but used the profits to split into other stuff and I’m banking on lucky and hokk for exploding this month. Lesson learned though don’t get shaken from some stupid nft fiasco.

>> No.57872643

Welcome to the new age boomer. Clown world in full swing. Top 100 coins are now stocks and shitcoining is getting you those 1000x gains.

>> No.57872736
File: 250 KB, 2264x970, Captura de tela 2024-03-06 123156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest with me guys, what I'm in for? aigmi? What should I dump or hold?

>> No.57873709

Dump Pepe, beam and icp. All in Linu

>> No.57874401

Dump icp I don’t know anything about beam, Pepe could still do a 10x from here, but risky.

Linu looks good you can add more though.


>> No.57874559

What app is that ?

>> No.57874802
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Am i gonna make it bros?
should i throw $3k between more hokk and lucky betting on a cex listing pump?

>> No.57874811
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all my shit is BTC bro, plus a bit of vinu here and here among some other small coins for the lols

>> No.57875583
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>> No.57875641

lol wtf already 3x just now on Goat trading
that's like $30k worth in a single token in minutes

>> No.57875664
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Based aviator

>> No.57875705

Yeah bro you’re obviously just fine with that goat god damn now I’m interested

>> No.57875750

Just fomod and bought a 1.5 milly stack tiny but I have a good feel about this goat

>> No.57875762
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eastern yuro poorfag student update

>> No.57876336
File: 363 KB, 1080x4286, Screenshot_20240306_134036_Coinbase~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cashed out some ICP when my limit order hit $15 earlier in the year and bought a car.
Now I'm trying to dca slowly back in.

>> No.57877617

You got other investments?

>> No.57877687

Based Avi bro. Truly the make it coin this cycle with a white team behind it

>> No.57877705
File: 114 KB, 1284x964, IMG_7166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have $5,000 in BTC on coinbase. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.57878128
File: 685 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_2270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight, how fucking retarded am I?

>> No.57878176

was thinking about rotating some of this into Vechain

>> No.57878203

>1T Toad
>400M Blobs
>10M AVI
>500 AVAX
>5 efferiums
That's all i got

Based fellow Toad baggie
Moon or dust

I regret selling 1 week ago chasing another shitcoin that rugged.
you and that anon are ok fren.
The dev is white and is doxxed.. hope you guys make it

>> No.57878212

Is probation related to Antarctica?

>> No.57878227

But maybe you get a 3x by EOY, what do you see as XRPs potential this year?

Also I don’t think going into stables is dumb everything depends on your goal. My goal is 100k by EOY, I’ll probably get there before that but that was my goal going into the new year was.

So, set a goal think about it and pivot your choices towards that.

>> No.57878322

Call me retarded but I think we could see anywhere from $7 to $13. Reason being last cycle it was held back by the SEC lawsuit which should be settled any day now. Everything on the charts is showing its primed to pop off. Who knows though, im a bag holder who got most of the xrp at sub 0.20 cents. So ive been chilling. Conspiracy shit got me into crypto in the first place. Good luck bro!

>> No.57879244

10k XRP is enough or keep 15k as the standard schizo bag. XRP will have it's day but I don't see it doing shit this cycle. Buy a few mil Avi

>> No.57879407
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Today was a good day anons

>> No.57879548

>put in 1500 into FET at $1.01
>it is now $2.41
we're gonna make it out of the brokie life bros...

>> No.57879573

The best thing is that it's not a memecoin. FET is my fav asset this year until 2025.

>> No.57879574


Renders getting a large mc though. Realistically how much higher could it go?

>> No.57879586
File: 391 KB, 1080x1519, Screenshot_20240306_165408_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call those shitcoins? I only hold absolute coal destined for 0.

>> No.57879817

YOU , i need to talk to you.
Did you swap rvp to Rsquared if so what the fuck does it do and when does it release?

>> No.57879855

Gonna feel good when you have 10% of a bitcoin.
I'm at 1% right now. I'm a LINK (and peach and gannondorf) main myself.

>> No.57879906
File: 51 KB, 1520x513, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a cheeky 400 in everything below cardano outside of LTC is a month ago, happy with it so far.
Have more BTC/ETH in another acc

>> No.57880252
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>> No.57880527

Newfag to /biz/ long time /pol/ lurker. Holding a 530b bag of linu. Any other coins on Coinbase wallet I should have in my poorfoolio
>inb4 muh coinbase fag
Verification not required

>> No.57880564

After making 100x lol

>> No.57881063
File: 347 KB, 1290x2796, Portfolio Snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been accumulating Link since 2019 as soon as Google announced some testing or sponsorship.

I'm going to sell my GRT at the top of this Cycle for a new Car.

Will I least make 7 figures this cycle.

>> No.57881074

Bruh lol

>> No.57881445
File: 44 KB, 382x417, Screenshot 2024-03-06 195529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond handing LUSH

>> No.57881489
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>about $350,000 in mine
Have I been priced out of these threads?

>> No.57881543

This, coingecko folios can be easily faked.

>> No.57881584

Use cpinbase wallet, not their exchange. You can buy ETH, SOL and BTC to swap with on their wallet you don't even need to use their exchange.

>> No.57881651

You belong in the 6 figure threads congrats bro you’re level 2

>> No.57881665

I proved with my wallets dipshit